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Posts posted by neolego

  1. Alright, I guess I'm going to have to add Cap to my list! I'm with you too Don, I'm not one of the commoners who whine about games for whatever reason. The only thing I really tend to care about is whether of not I have fun with it.

    For instance, right now I'm playing between Cars 2 and Marvel Superhero Squad Infinity Gauntlet. Both are simple and I'm sure would be cassified as garbage by the average gamer, but I'm having a lot of fun with both of them. Superhero Squad is one of the funniest games that I've played recently. The voice acting is great especially Thor and Hulk. As for Cars 2, it's like Mario Kart in HD on Xbox, so there aren't many complaints there.

    Anyway, I heard that Thor was practically broken in places, but if Cap is a fun, functioning game I may have to take the dive. neo

  2. Wife bought me the Captain America game. Hope it is as much fun as the trailer made it seem. Maybe this will get me off Reach for awhile and I can start playing some of the games I have stock piling in my house :whistling:

    Alright dude, let's have it. I've seen you working on this over the weekend. How is it? I went and saw the movie on Saturday and now I want to play the game, but I'm wondering it is worth it now or wait for a price drop!? neo

  3. Well, I have been out of the loop for quite a while, but I thought I'd stop by back and say Hi!

    I've been quite busy the last two months with a lot going on personally, but I've still managed to get some game time in. Most notably I'm playing through Assassin's Creed II which I never finished. It was over 8 months since I played so I started over completely. I do LOVE that game, one of my favorites of this generation. I'm about half way done and then moving on to AC Brotherhood. I've also been playing quite a bit of Toy Story 3. I beat the game on PS3, but found it cheap for 360 and decided it's worth another play through and this time for achievements.

    Outside of that I'm playing a LOT of Arcade stuff. New Pinball FX 2 tables, Trenched, Stacking DLC, MLB Bobblehead Pros, and Mrs. 'Splosion Man. Not to mention the beautiful Bastion that releases tomorrow. I gotta say, of all the "advancements" of this current generation, it's the Arcade Games that have effected me most. I have 37 games bought and played on XBLA right now and some of those, Shadow Complex/Castle Crashers/Plants vs Zombies are some of the best games of this whole generation. I'm also really looking forward to From Dust and Fruit Ninja Kinect. neo

  4. I believe the true "Next Gen" Console is going to change the way we play games. I believe it Microsoft releases a system now it's only going to be a minor graphical upgrade with not much to show for it. I believe the future is digital distribution. I do not believe Microsoft will ever carry a Blu-Ray player, or Nintendo for that matter. I know that Project Cafe will be really cool and it will be better than both the 360 and PS3. However, at this stage, IF Microsoft releases a new console in 2012, it will basically be on par with whatever Nintendo is working on, it will not be a true "leap" to a "next generation". Do I think they will do it? Yes, and do I think it will sell? Yes. But do I think it will be worth it? No.

    I am calling this a "Mid-Generation", and here is why. For Nintendo, it's showing that they can still play with the big boys. They are going to be able to get full Cross-Platform support and build some decent relationships with their old Third Parties. At the same time, HD Mario and Zelda will make their system a must own. It will also buy them another 2 or 3 years to build steam going into the true "Next Generation". For Microsoft, it's simply a way to generate the hype needed to stay number 1. They don't want to fall behind the PS3 which is more powerful, and the "Cafe" with will be the "New" and let Xbox 360 because the oldest hardware on the market. They will release, basically an Xbox 360.5. It will be more powerful than the PS3, but like the "Cafe", it will only be a marginal improvement. If you launch them both in 2012 you will get the early install base needed to keep Sony a distant 3rd place. Then, the real fight is going to come in the "Next-Gen" with what each company is going to bring to the table. The best thing Sony can do is let MS and Nintendo own this "Mid-Generation" and then wait until 2013 or even better, 2014 and release FIRST the true "Next Generation" Platform.....which at this point is Sony's only hope.

    At the end of the day, Sony is in a very dark place right now. With the security leak, weak first party support, lackluster online service, and the understanding of their "10 year cycle", it's not going well. If this is true, you are going to see 2 more popular systems with more powerful Hardware release next year to rival all of the poor controversy around your current gen system. They are losing install base as I type this message. Personally, I will NEVER put any personal information on the PSN and will stay away from it as much as possible in favor of the more robust and secure Xbox Live. This is the final nail in the coffin of the PS3, and possibly the Playstation Brand. Like I said earlier, they BEST (and I would say ONLY) hope is to let the next Xbox and Nintendo system release pre-maturly and then release something fully revolutionary within the next 3 years. If that happens there is a chance....slight chance....that Sony regains it's reputation, but as it stands this looks like a 2 dog race!

    In the end, I believe the "Mid-Generation" will last about 3 or 4 years and in 2015 or 2016 we are going to see a true evolution of what gaming is today. All digital, 3D Capible, Picture Perfect Visual, Powerhouse systems that will make what we are playing today feel like the "16 Bit" era. But hey, that's just me :). neo

  5. Sorry, I have little interest in the PSN meltdown. I will just add that this is the END of the Playstation Brand. It was nice...while it lasted. :)

    Now, my weekend was busy but I did get some playing in. I've been watching a lot about Portal 2 and it's on my list, but I had to finally beat Still Alive first.....while I finally did yesterday. I played from start to finish in about 2 and half hours yesterday. It was a FANTASTIC game and I only got stuck once and used a walkthrough then. Now that it's behind me, I'm going to try to pick up a few achievements I missed but then it's onto Portal 2.

    On a side note, LEGO Pirates comes out later this month, and then Ocarina in 3D in June, so the next few months are going to be awesome. Not to mention E3 the first week of June and all the Nintendo "Stream" stuff. Excited!! :D neo

  6. Touched on playing ODST as well but didn't have the feel for it, maybe it'll come good????

    I know Neo loved ODST Andy, but I wasn't much of a fan of the story. Felt like I walked into the middle of a story with that whole love backstory.

    I will defend ODST as my favorite Halo game to date....of course I'm still working on Reach :). ODST was slower paced and more story driven and for that I loved it. I beat it 3 times, the only Halo game I've played more than twice, so of course I do reccommend it highly!!

    As for my current playing, I started Mass Effect 1.....again. The first time I only got to the Citidel the first time and gave up. Now, after loving ME2 so much I've decided to give it another go. I started over and trying to push my way through. It's rough right now because it's just not anywhere close to as good as ME2, but for the sake of story I'm trying! I've also played a log of UNO recently....weird I know, but kinda fun! neo

  7. I pursued Miranda (I <3 Sarah Walker :D ).

    As for the first game, I've tried to play it but it's different from ME2, the combat especially. I couldn't really get into it that much. But, for a completionist, it may be worth playing. There are only a few key things that effect ME2 from ME3, and those same things, along with new things in ME2, carry over to ME3.

    The biggest issue for me personally, is now I know MY Mass Effect story. If I was to go back and play ME1, the story of ME2 may be different than the one that I have already experienced. So, in that case, I don't want to bother with it. For better or worse, the story I played in ME2 will be my experience that I take into ME3 so I want to keep it that way. So, since you've already started playing ME2, I don't know that I'd go back personally, but that's up to you! neo

  8. Well, I've been out of pocket for a few days unexpected. But I did have my 3DS with me. I'm playing through Pokemon White (non 3D, I know) but I'm having a ton of fun with the built in stuff on the 3DS. The "Find Mii" is a fun little RPG you play with Miis and the AR Games are super cool! All in all I'm really satisfied with the purchase. It was steep and the battery life is not great, but it's still quality Nintendo and the future looks phenominal!

    On the Xbox side I've actually got sucked into Plants Vs. Zombies again recently. What a great game, I love it. I have also spent time playing LEGO Star Wars III which is by far the best LEGO game so far. I am also trying to find time to finish Reach and get into some of the Multiplayer as well as trying to get back into ME2 and knock out "The Arrival".

    Lastly, I'm thinking of picking up Carnival games today for Kinect. The trailers look pretty fun, and it's family friendly. I'm sure my kids would LOVE it. I'll let you guys know how it goes if I do decide to pick it up! neo

  9. First, there haven't been any announced yet. I would assume they would have at least 1 bundle, possibly 2 by years end. Here is what you could see:

    Gears of War 3 (September): I could easily see a full on Gears pack. It would include the Gears Collection (1&2), Gears 3, and a Gears themed Xbox.

    Halo: Combat Evolved (TBD): As mentioned above, I do think one of the BIG secret announcements is an HD Halo Remake for Winter. If that is the case I would almost promise you there will be a bundle that probably includes a Halo branded Xbox Slim.

    Mass Effect 3 (TBD): I don't think this is likely at all, but because you can still only play ME1 on Xbox, I could see them do something of a bundle where you get ME1, ME2, and ME3 with an Xbox Slim (non-branded).

    Kinect Bundle (TBD): I also think there is a good chance we will see a Kinect bundle this fall. They have hinted at something big coming down the pipes for Kinect. I'm sure that Microsoft's first party has to be working on something for this holiday to move more Kinect units. It only makes since they wil make a bundle that will include said game, a system, and a Kinect....and probably still Kinect Adventures.

    So, from my evaluation, I would assume if you DO see something it won't be until September. However, if I were a betting man I would say you are going to get two bundles by the end of the year, 1: A Kinect Bundle with standard Xbox Slim and new Kinect Game and 2: A Halo: CE branded Xbox Slim with maybe Halo Reach thrown in. Again, this is all speculation with nothing confirmed! neo

  10. Well, against all my better judgements, I picked up a 3DS Yesterday. Early impressions are good. The system itself is a little dissapointing, battery life is not great, design is a little dull, and color choices were lame. However, playing the system feels the same as any Nintendo product, top notch! I didn't pick up any launch games, nothing seemed worth the $40 price tag. I may not pick up anything until June with Ocarina hits. But, built into the game are a couple of fun AR Games and "Face Raiders" which are fantastic for showing what the system can actually do. My wife was even impressed, and my 4 year old daughter played "Face Raiders" and screamed, "It's in FREE-D". I do think that tradional handheld gaming is dead, the DS, IMO, will be the last great tradional handheld system. With the iPhone pouring quality games into the hands of hardcore and casual gamers alike, and most for under $2, there is no need for a expensive handheld device that plays $40 hours. HOWEVER, I decided to pick up the 3DS for several reason. First, the tech is amazing, and glasses-less 3D is as cool as it sounds. Second, I'm really excited about the Virtual Console stuff coming with the ability to download GameBoy games and hopefully GBA games soon enough. And finally, it's Nintendo. We will see a 3D Mario Platformer and a new 3D Zelda at some point. As long as Nintendo is making games I want to play them......and will need a 3DS to do that! I'll try to give you guys some more impressions as I play around with it more. If anyone has any questions about the 3DS I'd be happy to answer any I can.

    Also, just for the sake of conversation, I am LOVING LEGO Star Wars III. The game has a HUGE Real Time Strategy element. That may have been public knowledge, but I wasn't aware of it until I played. It takes the formula from all the past games and gives it a shot of "new" with the RTS stuff making it feel like a leap forward. So far I'm digging almost all of it. My only complaint is the Vehicle Levels. They all seem to be the same without variation, but alas I'm only 1/3 of the way in so I'll hold my final thoughts about that until I've seen all the game has to offer. Either way it's great! neo

  11. Sorry guys for the lack of checking in. I've been out of pocket. Spent a couple weeks in Florida on vacation, but I'm back now. I didn't really play anything outside of iPhone games while I was gone. Spent a lot of time with Angry Birds, Street Fighter IV, and NBA Jam on the iPhone and all were a lot of fun.

    As for the console, I picked up LEGO Star Wars III Tuesday and I LOVE IT!! I'm not far, but it is superior in every way to the previous LEGO games. The HUB is cool and the levels are vast and beautiful. Most notably, I haven't seen any Screen Tearing yet which has always plagued the series. Worth every dime and will keep me busy for a while. I'm still going at Reach, but I started on Legendary and now it's just getting frustrating so I think I'm going to lower it just to finish the campaign because at this rate I will be burned out very soon. Haven't gotten much into the Multiplayer yet, but plan to at some point.

    Finally, the 3DS launches on Sunday. I do feel that the Handheld market is dying and, thanks to the iPhone, will never be the same. However, as long as Nintendo keeps making games their handhelds will be worth owning. The remake of Ocarina of Time in June is a must buy for me and with the announcement a new 3D Mario I'm on board. I'm not excited about much at launch, but will probably pick up Pilot Wings, I'll have impressions for anyone that cares next week. neo

  12. Well, as you can clearly NOT see by my signature ;), I played a lot of Stacking and Plants Vs. Zombies over the weekend. I also, finally, started Halo: Reach.

    First, I did start Fable III, but after 2 hours in, I find almost no desire to play it again. Not sure if that's because Fallout 3 and Mass Effect 2 were just so much better or Fable III is just that average, but I have no desire. So, I was sitting there Saturday with only Fable III and Reach left to play. I've held off on Reach to this point because I've played through all of the other campaign's with my Brother-In-Law previously so we were going to do the same here. However, that bum is in no hurry to buy the game so I'm left waiting. Well, no more, I started my single player campaign Saturday. And.......

    I am once again reminded why Halo has lasted. The game is just stinkin fun. Reach looks amazing and plays just like it should. I've only played about an hour or so into the story, but I'm already loving it and can't believe I've waited so long. I haven't jumped into the multiplayer yet, but I will dabble a little this week and weekend, but I am going to focus on beating the single player soon, then it will be all multiplayer! Anyway, Halo is still great and I'm glad to be playing.

    As a final note, I'm looking forward to several games in March. As you've seen before, I'm more hesitant on Dragon Age II so I probably won't pick that up at launch. But I will buy LEGO Star Wars III, day one. I'm also watching closly MLB2K11 and WWE All Stars. I will probably pick up MLB just because it's the only baseball game on the 360. I'm interested in WWE All Stars just because of all the fun I had with No Mercy back in college. However, I'm hoping for a demo first and if not I will rent it before I drop the money. I have no interest in wrestling, but I can't tell you how many all nighters I pulled in college just to complete a Pay Per View in No Mercy, so it has my interest.....for now. neo

  13. The Skyrim trailer looks amazing!! With that and Mass Effect 3 this Fall/Winter, it's going to be a good year!

    On another, Dragon-esque note, I finally sat down and played the Dragon Age 2 demo......and was sorely disappointed. I didn't realize it wasn't a standard action type game. You only have 6 attacks and once you use them they have to recharge before you can use them again. After all the love I have for ME2 I couldn't wait to pick up DA2.....but now I have no interest in the game whatsoever. neo

  14. I'm a bit OCD about most things, gaming is no different. I have 4 gaming routines. They are as follows:

    1 - Story Driven Game: This would be the number one of my list. Because I like to be fully immursed with a game, I only play 1 story driven experience at a time. For instance, I played Assassin's Creed II, then Mass Effect 2, then Enslaved, then Tron, Now Fable III. I tend to think, while not playing, about the game and what I'd like to do when I play again and what it means on a grander scale and a bunch of other things that go through my mind. I find that I'm much more interested to take them one at a time.

    2 - Casual Arcade Games: While I like to be involved in 1 story driven experience, I am also a busy guy and there aren't always enough hours for me to develop a detailed story. So, I am a HUGE fan of the arcade experience. I have dozens of games that I will play when time is not my friend. Games like Plants vs Zombies and Pac Man DX and 'Splosion Man and Comic Jumper and Stacking. These games are all fun and I can play them for 15-20 minutes and fill satisfied just having enjoyed my game time.

    3 - Online Competitive Game: Then, there are times I just want to forget about story and play for hours online against some real people. Now, I haven't done this in a while because I was waiting to renew my gold, but I try to have 1 consistent game on a rotation to play together online. While is may be the new CoD or Halo or Assassin's Creed Brotherhood or Burnout Paradise, there are some games that I (will have beaten the single player but) keep just for those nights I want to chat away!

    4 - Family Friendly Games (If Applicable): I am a family man with two kids (4 and 2) so I have to limit what they get to see and hear. So, when they are around I'm not going to play something like Red Dead Redemption or Mass Effect 2. Now, #2 is an option because most of my arcade games are family friendly, but I also try to keep a game I can play with or around my kids. For instance, the LEGO games are some of my favorite and they are fun to play while the kids or around or now even WITH my daughter. Right now we are playing a lot of Kinect Adventures and the kids love that.

    On a final note, I spent a long with with a major issue. That issue was not finishing games. I think I developed a fear of finishing. Maybe it was because I spend so much money and was affraid I'd feel ripped off or maybe it was because I loved the experience so much I didn't want it to be over. Or, and probably mostly, I never wanted to be disappointed by a game's finale that I had invested so much time in. I beat The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and then....nothing. I never beat Majora's Mask. I never beat Wind Waker. I never beat Twilight Princess. I never beat either of the Mario Galaxy games. Just nothing....until Halo 3 was about to release. Me and my brother-in-law bought Xbox 360s together. And neither of us had ever played the Halo series. When they started Hyping up Halo 3 we decided that we needed to beat the first two before we could "finish" the fight. So, we bought both games, jumped on the couch and played through not only 1 and 2, but also beat 3 and ODST together. We are also in the process of working on Reach. So, I can honestly say that Halo has changed my gaming life! Since then I've been Red Dead and Mass Effect 2 and Braid and Assassin's Creed and Calls of Dutys and a bunch more and I owe it all to Halo :). neo

  15. Well, a friend of mine let me borrow Tron: Evolution, so that took up my weekend. Without writing a book, it was one of the worst games that I've played in quite some time. It's was a Techno Prince of Persia without the polish and controls. The game was loose and I died at almost every main platform. I'm not that bad a gamer, it was simply poor game design! However, I wanted to finish it for the story (what little there is) but you do find out what happened to Flynn between Tron and Legacy. All in all, I'm glad I played it and beat it, but I would never put it in my Xbox again!!

    Also, I finally renewed my Gold over the weekend, so I'm looking forward to some Halo Reach and Bad Company 2 online stuff this week! neo

  16. I have to disagree with Neo. (You're not shocked are you? It's been FOREVER since we had a good debate)

    I HATE the Playstation Network!!!!

    It is the least user friendly interface ever! The most frustating online store ever!

    So, the gauntlet has been cast!

    I actually won't disagree that the PSN is great, it's perfectly acceptable in my book. However, to clarify my comment, I was actually talking more about the platform of downloadable games more than the actual service. I am a huge arcade game fan and spend the majority of my time playing both XBLA and PSN titles, so in that regard I love PSN.

    I still say that XBLA and Steam do such an amazing job as online game store services that the PSN does look really weak, but my biggest complaint with the PSN store is that it's only updated once a week at some random time late in the afternoon on Tuesday. It's so annoying to really we wanting a games (*cough*backtothefuture*cough*) and basically just sit around after work waiting until Sony decided it's a good time to update. It's a huge pain. Anyway, that's my two cents. neo

  17. So I lucked out and found an open box PS3 160gb at Target last night for $210. Of course it doesn't play the one friggin ps2 game I still have (MvC2) :glare:, so any suggestions for good games from the Playstation Store (obviously besides MvC2)?

    I LOVE the PSN. Here are some suggestions:


    -Joe Danger: Think Trials HD meets Excitibike

    -Pixel Junk Shooter: Twin stick shooter, mission structure, rescue astronauts.

    -Back to the Future The Game: Just released last night, the first episode is free, the full game (5 episodes is $20). It's classic point and click and so far it's really good!

    -Last Man: Probably cheap now, it's a satellite top down game where you are a hero rescuing citizens from the Zombie apocalypse.

    Cross-Platform (Not sure if you have XBLA stuff)

    -Castle Crashers: Classic Beat'm Up.

    -Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light: Top down, twin stick shooter with b**bs.

    -Stacking: Just came out but it's a lot of fun, solve puzzles with Russian dolls.

    -Costume Quest: Not halloween anymore, but still fun. It's a traditional type RPG game.

    -Braid: Again, it's an oldie but a fantastic time warping platformer!

    That's all I can think of from the top of my head. I'll post anymore if they come to mind! neo

  18. I completely agree with Timbo, skip one. The story modes aren't really connected, so you really don't miss much in the single player by skipping, but the multiplayer is where the game is best and you need to play 2 to appreciate it. I'm normally like you Don and will always play the first game, but not this time! :) neo

  19. I've actually had a busy weekend. I've played several games.

    First, going back to Wednesday, downloaded "Stacking" and it's a blast. I have unlocked all the worlds, but there are still quite a few puzzles I'm working on. The game looks brilliant and plays well for what it is and it's quite funny. I highly recommend it!

    Then, Fable III spent a lot of time spinning. I'm really digging the game a lot more than I thought. There are several things that I still prefer from part II, but I like the commerce system and the story so far. I think I'm going to stick with it for a while.

    Lastly on Xbox, I picked up Battlefield Bad Company 2 for my Birthday and I really like it. I was really burned out on CoD but I love the military style shooters and BBC2, IMO, is the best one I've played on the console. I think it's better than CoD and Medal of Honor. I'm probably going to pick up the Vietnam pack soon.

    On a side note, for my birthday, I picked up the Grey "Transforming D-Pad" Xbox controller and I really like it. Not only is the D-Pad much better, but the sticks are tapered different and feel great!!

    For the final game I'm play, I downloaded NBA Jam on my iPhone. And. It's. AWESOME!! I really wanted this on my Xbox, as an XBLA game for $15. There is no way, even in HD, I would pay $50 for it. But $5 on the iPhone. Yes Sir!

    Anyway, that's all for now. neo

  20. Well, I'm still loving Fable III. I'm actually sorry that I've put it off till now. I also have been playing some Kinect Adventures because my daughter loves it......and it's good for some achievements :).

    Also, I downloaded "Stacking" last night and I really love it. I have to say that I'm a HUGE fan of the smaller, cheaper downloadable arcade games (I'm sure you all knew that, lol). Twisted Pixel and Double Fine have both been pioneers of this movement. Twisted Pixel has released Maw and 'Splosion Man and Double Fine released Costume Quest, all some of my favorite. Now, Dobule Fine's new game, Stacking is moving up my list. It's unique and fun. I'm not trying to sell the game, but the story is that you are a Russian Nesting Doll, the smallest kind. You can "Stack" up to 3 times larger making a total of 4 Dolls (Yourself + 3). Each of the dolls have an "ability" such as flirt or belch or listen or roll and you need each ability to get through the levels, so in that way it's more like a puzzle. For instance, you may need a Boxers (Largest) to hit someone, and then unstack to a hot lady to flirt (2nd level), and then roll under a table (3rd level) until finally you are back down to your character and have achieved your goal. I'm still really early, but I really love it and would recommend everyone at least play the demo.

    On a final note, I'm thinking about changing my gamertag finally, but I'm struggling with it. I litterally spend 30 minutes last night trying to come up with a new one and failed. I'll keep you all posted if and when I change it. neo

  21. Well, I beat Enslaved which turned out to be really good. I would have never bought the game, but since a friend lent it too me I played it and I'm glad that I did. The game looks beautiful and while there were some camera issues, I found the experience really enjoyable!

    So, I've moved on to Fable III. I've only played for a couple of days but I can say it is clearly better than the second game (and I enjoyed that game). The story is much more involved, so far, and it does looks better overall. I'm still really early, but my early impressions are I'm really going to enjoy this one.......unless I have to be imprisoned in the Spire again......well, let's not go there! :).

    On top of that, I bought Sacred Odyssey for the iPhone. For those who know nothing about it, think The Legend of Zelda for your iPhone and you are right on pace. The game looks great and plays really good (in spite of touch controls). Gameloft really does a good job with their games, I love Spider-Man and Nova and Odyssey falls into that catagory. It's pretty huge for an iPhone game and worth the $7 price. neo

  22. Well, a friend let me borrow Enslaved over the weekend and I'm really digging it. It's beautiful!!! And it plays really cool. It's mostly melee combat with some turret shooting thrown in for good measure. However, if I was going to classify it, I would say it's more of a platformer. It's like Prince of Persia/Assassin's Creed in the way you run and climb through the majority of all of the levels. But it's done really smooth and fluid so that makes it very fun. On top of that the story is really good so far. I have to say that I had no interest in the game before this weekend, but now it's all I'm playing because the story has me sucked it! neo

  23. It's actually difficult for me. I used to love these things. But I am at the point where I think that Handheld gaming as a stand alone platform is dead. I have, use, and LOVE my iPhone every single day. It is the future. I can play quick 1 and done games to full story driven experiences (See the new Dead Space!!!) all on one device without ever needing to change a disk or a card. Then, to ice the cake, I haven't bought a game more expensive than $10, and that INCLUDES Dead Space.

    There is just no place in the market for the PSP2 or the 3DS anymore, IMO. Sure, the 3DS has 3D going for it, but let's be honest, how long is that going to last? And the PSP2, it's a PS3 in your hand, and will at least run you $300, but most likely more. Then, to top it all off, they both use propriatary game carts. I'm done with the days of carrying around my DS with 5 or 6 game cards. Or a new, sexy PSP2, with several small game cards. Of course, the most fun is getting them from between my car seat when they fall. No thank you!

    I was all for the PSP2 as the first, all Digital Next Gen Portable System. I was hoping for an iPhone with buttons, because that's what I truly want. What I got was a PSP on Steriods with a useless touch pad and a brand new game format that will is sure to fail like the UMD before it. The PSP2 is dead on arrival and while it will probably still sell OK, at the end of the day I truly believe exclusive handheld gaming is extinct! neo

  24. Donnie, why don't we ever play Reach together?

    Bastard, you want my advise? Skip ME1. It's NEARLY as good and you might get "Mass Effected Out" by the time into game 2. Don't ruin #2 for yourself. ;)

    I agree completely on Mass Effect. I played about 3 hours (maybe) into ME1 and it was too chatty and lacked appeal. I also put off ME2 because I didn't beat one so I just forgot about the game. Then all the Game of the Year stuff started around the interwebs and I thought, "Shoot, I'll give it a shot". I received the game for Christmas and it rarely left my console until I beat it 42 hours later. I don't feel I missed much of anything by skipping the rest of the game. And, if it will help, go over to IGN and search "Mass Effect in Five Minutes". They have a feature that basically tells you the full story in 5 minutes so you will be ready for ME2. Bottom line though, Play ME2, ASAP!!

    Now, on to Reach. I haven't turned the disc since getting it for Christmas (see above) and now I have to wait until next month (my birthday) to get my Gold membership renewed. But, as soon as that happens we all need to get together and play a little Reach on the Xbox Live! We'll have to schedule it so we can all get involved. neo

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