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Posts posted by Exinferis

  1. You're just full of good news for me aren't you?! :D Oh well, it's not like I'm short of DW merchandise right now. Amazing isn't it? I've been a fan of DW since I was a nipper, started doing conventions in '97 and in all that time you'd maybe, if you were really lucky, be able to find a 3rd Doctor Sonic Screwdriver pen! Now there's more stuff than you can shake a stick at!

    I'll have a look at that thread. I'm not going to cry am I? I hate crying!

  2. DW Minimates would be fantastic! I've been a fan for many years and have met most of the Doctors and companions from the Original Series over the years at various DW conventions. I reckon the likes of Colin Baker and Sylvester McCoy would love these! They'd also looks pretty good displayed alongside my Rolykin Daleks as they're about the right scale. I just hope they do do all 11 Doctors and don't just concerntrate on the 200x series.

    That's all assuming it ever actually happnes! Maybe some news will come out of NYCC?

  3. I thought that might be the case, but worth asking those more in the know than I!

    Ghostbusters seems to be having somewhat of a revival of late. I'm also collecting the Mattel figures, but at least with those I'm able ot have them shipped to the UK. TRU US won't ship outside the US which means asking someone to take delivery and then post over to the UK, which is a real pain. Plus you then have to pay sales tax which is a bummer. And they don't always have all the stuff you want in stock on the website and I hate asking people if they'd mind mooching around their local TRU on my behalf, it feels like such an impossition! :blush:

    Anyway, moving on (as I don't want to fill this thread with my moaning about not being able to get these outside of America!), I know there's the two "best of" series, but does anyone know if there will be more new 'Mates released? Perhaps an RGB or even EGB series? I'd buy them for sure!

  4. These are the only Minimates I colllect (being the massive GB fan that I am!) but it's really narking me that I can't get them! Does anyone know if these will be available in the UK at any point? Or am I reduced to begging people in the US to get them for me?

    I do love the little blighters but they're costing me a fortune!

  5. ff596533bd05f5783cf7948b97557f1a.image.3

    Is this one better? :)

    Welcome to the boards, nice to see someone who's English and female, it's an unusual combination here!

    Yup, that's definately better! ;)

    I find being female and into action figures is generally an unusual combination. It's a hard life but I muddle through somehow *sigh*.


    Thanks for the warm welcomes, everyone.

  6. Hi all,

    I've been lurking for a while and decided to register. Looks like you have a nice place here. :)

    I collect the Ghostbusters Minimates. I've only just recently started getting them as I wasn't too sure if I liked them or not. Got a box load from a member on the Matty forums and I fell in love with them as soon as they got to me! I'm amazed at the detail on them, especially how good the Proton Packs are. Fantastic little chaps.

    I've also ordered a BTTF one from TRU (Marty with the DeLorian) and am waiting on a friend to post that (and a whole bunch of other stuff I can't get here!) over to me. The things we Brits have to do to get stuff!

    Well, that's me. Off to have a mooch round the boards. :)


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