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Posts posted by havok

  1. i was gonna say the same thing about banshee's hair, it needs to be shaggy. Another example of the same hair piece that sunspot uses -- still don't think that would be perfect but not bad.

    Juggernaut has a hairpiece that's shaggy-ish and red

    almost something like this but obviously with more up to date sculpting

  2. Those look pretty cool, but the yellow on the costume looks a quite a bit different from the promo pictures.

    It reminds me of the ML Sentry figure, the original was a dark yellow then they made a running change to the lemon yellow.

    I don't understand why they changed Azazel 's hair piece to Nightcrawlers, the only thing I can think of is they used it because of the pointy ears. On the other hand Azazel had spiky hair in the comics.

  3. You know what would be a great variant Power Cosmic Johnny Storm, from Mark Waid's FF. That story was amazingly cool, and Ringo's costume design was very Jack Kirbyish look.


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