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Donny B

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Posts posted by Donny B

  1. 8 hours ago, MisterPL said:

    Agreed but that didn't make sense to me. Of course they both wanted to stop Aida but it was Coulson who found a way to get Ghost Rider close. I doubt Phil would try winning that argument though.


    And has Robbie Reyes been hanging out with Doctor Strange? That chain portal he created looked pretty familiar.

    Yeah, it did seem a little off. But I suppose when you're talking about a demon who is 'summoned' by people desperate to make a deal, it's to be expected that a deal needs to be made that benefits the demon, not the person proposing the deal...

    I can't say that it was my favorite part of that story arc.

  2. 4 minutes ago, stack32 said:

    I hope DST isn't checking off highly-requested characters if they make animated versions of them. That would be very disappointing.

    I seem to remember Zach commenting to that effect back when we got the Walgreens Spidey 2099 - the question was raised if we would get an updated comic version and he replied that another Spidey 2099 wasn't being considered because they had just released the animated version...

  3. 34 minutes ago, Mysterious Stranger said:

    That was the "bonus" Secret Santa gift from me. I had Kris send it directly or I would have kept it for myself.

    I can attest to that!  I had a really hard time passing the TMNT lair onto you after I saw it in person ?

    Kris is an artist, for sure.


    NerdyTrev - no rush, but we're all waiting with eager anticipation to see this dio and how you utilize it :)

  4. When I look at the bottom of each page, on the left side there is the "go to topic listing", and on the right side there is occasionally a link to the next unread topic. It's great because it takes me to the first unread post of that thread (as opposed to just the most recent post). However, the problem I keep running into - whether on mobile or desktop - is that there doesn't seem to be consistency with that link. Sometimes it will be there and other times I have to exit back to the main screen to get to the next unread topic. (And yes, I do know that it won't be there if I've read all the current posts. This inquiry is about why the link isn't there when there are still unread threads).

    Is there some setting or technique I can use to easily find the next unread post?

  5. I've been pretty busy for the last several months and missed opportunities to take pics of my hauls. But in the last couple days I got a couple orders from Luke and also stumbled across a few packs in the wild, and couldn't resist the urge to photograph them all together before I finally dig in

  6. 17 minutes ago, CortherX said:

    i'm about to scope out some walgreens here in Portland, Or. wish me luck!

    Good luck, indeed. I've been making the rounds throughout most of the Portland/Beaverton/Tigard area for a couple weeks now and have yet to find any of the latest wave.

    let me know if you come up with anything :)

  7. 48 minutes ago, JPC said:

    Not that it matters, but Time Alice is in the wrong outfit. She should be in the other Alice outfit.

    I like that you guys made that a variant, though. Creative.

    Did anyone buying these actually see this movie? SO BAD. Alice blows up the universe because of her own selfishness. Time is the hero of the whole dang thing.

    Well, I guess I don't need to see it now ?

  8. I'm loving these entries. That Enterprise bridge works so well with Minimates, it's just beautiful to look at.

    The deadline for this snuck up on me too, and even though I was planning on entering this contest, I doubt I'll be able to pull together an entry in time. But still, the entries in here so far are superb!

  9. Here's the photo from the facebook post. I have no idea what area these popped up in, but I'll be checking my local stores after work today to see if they're in my section of the West Coast...


    Edit: These were found in Virginia

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