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Donny B

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Posts posted by Donny B

  1. My local TRU just got these in - I almost skipped over the vampire set because it's super easy to confuse these two for the same set that came in the LCS wave. But they are in fact different characters - as there are 4 vampires in the movie, the whole group is completed between LCS and TRU wave 5

    (Thin & Large at LCS, Tall & Short at TRU)


  2. I had to think about this for a while, because honestly there isn't one specific reason I can point to for why I continue to collect Minimates. It's really a combination of several factors. I'll just list a couple for the sake of brevity.

    For one thing, I just get plain excited by these figures. There's something rewarding about opening a new set, inspecting/appreciating each new figure, and then finding that figure's place among the collection. It's relaxing and exciting at the same time; I think partially because my inner comic geek will never grow up, and partially because I love symmetry and organization (a uniform scale/style can add a sense of satisfaction when looking over a large, well organized collection).
    And the initial excitement doesn't fade too much over time. I can still look through my collection and just stop and admire a figure and find myself thinking that it's just so cool to have that character in the palm of my hand.

    Then there's the way that Minimates spark my creativity and lend themselves so well to my ability to create artwork. Whether it's a traditional drawing, a photograph, or a Photoshop project. Something about Minimates just inspires my imagination.
    And yeah, you could say that any toy line has the potential to do that. But for me, nothing clicks quite the same way that Minimates do. I've dabbled with various other toy lines for specific properties (TMNT, Batman, Power Rangers, etc) but Minimates are the only brand that I feel partial to, regardless of what license is represented. And there have even been times when I gained an appreciation for a license I previously didn't care about, simply because I had the Minimate.




    My Norman Osborne in a lab coat is how I can have a large collection of Spiderman figures (or Wolverine or Iron Man, etc) that span decades of comic history, in a neatly organized case that takes up the space of a text book.


  3. Apparently not. Every TRU I’ve been in over the last year has had a slightly different layout...

    Even my local TRU has them scattered. pirates and what’s left of their PvZ sets are each in their own section. And the TMNT mates are half in the TMNT section and half in the Minimate section.

    then there’s pricing. Someone reported a little while ago that they found the JJ boxset for something like $2.99 each. Mine still has them at $9.99


    and my local TRU is swimming in old sets - Doctor Strange/Muppets/Dark Tower/Predator that aren’t selling and I’m worried that they’re holding off on new waves (Marvel 24 for example) because of the stagnant peg warmers...

  4. I stopped by my local TRU last night as they were in the middle of moving/reorganizing the Minimate section. There was nothing new on the shelves, but I did happen to notice that they had added a peg specifically for the Beetlejuice 2pack.
    There was no employee around for me to talk with, and I didn't see the minimates themsevles, so this isn't a confirmation or sighting. But they must be on their way soon.


  5. 16 hours ago, The Scarlet Spider said:

    Anyone notice super loose foot pegs and bad paint on their packs? Especially on White Tiger? Her mask is shoddy and her feet won't stay on. 

    I had the exact same issues with my White Tiger. I was especially surprised at the rough quality of the mask.

  6. From what I've been hearing in different circles, Vinimates aren't as strong in the market as they might appear to be (especially if you're looking at bigger chain stores).

    I remember a time back around Marvel wave 15 or so, where it was starting to look dim for the future of Minimates. But they came back strong, thanks to some changes in the market and an improvement in quality and distribution and other factors.

    It might look a little bleak right at this moment, but it may just be one of the dips that affects all toy lines.

  7. 9 hours ago, Mysterious Stranger said:

    Just seems to me that folks were clamoring for the classic 80's Turtles, then when they get announced folks are all "I wish we got this other thing instead" and now that they are cancelled folks are upset. I just don't get it.

    That's actually pretty simple. Any fan base is going to consist of a wide variety of preferences, and generally speaking, people are more prone to express a negative view rather than a positive one. It may not necessarily be the same people contradicting themselves.

    Yeah, it's annoying. But it happens everywhere with everything. I've lost count of how many times I've seen it happen just here on the multiverse 

  8. Interesting wave.

    They're all designed well, though not all of them appeal to me (possibly due to my lack of familiarity with those characters).

    some things that stand out to me;

    Sutur's fire diaper is a fun accessory.

    Red King has a surprisingly slender 'bulked up' look. It seems like mobility/posing will be optimized by the lack of a large chest piece. I like.

    Old Man Logan's alt look seems like a nice update to wave 5's Civilian Logan. Great touch.

  9. I just happened to be traveling from Portland to Vancouver today and checked several Walgreens along the way. Almost every single one I stopped at had Series 5 freshly in stock. That didn't help me, of course, because I'm still looking for Series 4. But for those of you in the Portland/Jantzen/Vancouver area, there seems to be one set of Series 5 being delivered to each store.

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