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Donny B

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Posts posted by Donny B

  1. Ladies and gents, my very first hand made pop-up card!

    The Front/Cover:46374289542_b055e130e0_k.jpg

    The Interior:



    For anyone who is curious about how it functions, I made a simple video giving a look at it opening:


  2. 2 hours ago, DSTZach said:

    Knuckles is in Set 2, along with Super Sonic, Cream, Cheese and I think Silver. So Shadow would be Set 3. 

    That is fantastic news, Zach!  I know we've seen photos of Super Sonic, Cream & Cheese, and Silver. But I haven't been able to track down any images of Knuckles. Has he been shown anywhere?

  3. Yeah, the phrasing all but screams that Disney pulled them from Netflix for their own streaming purposes.

    the only thing about this development is that all prior seasons are remaining on Netflix. It reminds me of a quote from Loeb about the idea that ‘The Defenders’ don’t necessarily need to be the 4 characters we’ve seen up to this point. The team can adapt and evolve their roster just like in the comics...

    I wouldn’t be surprised to see these shows migrate to Disney+ with a soft reboot of sorts

  4. 3 hours ago, MisterPL said:

    Good thing you're an opener!

    Has anyone else been specially selected to take their survey about their experience with I did and gave them high marks. On top of that I recommended they offer free shipping to stores. Check your email for the survey. The more feedback, the better.

    I got the survey too. I was eager to give positive input on what they did with this wave, and to encourage improvement on Minimate availability.

    and I absolutely second the suggestion for everyone to fill out the survey if they get it

  5. The impression I get is that the general activity of the Minimate fandom is being dispersed between multiple outlets. Even on Facebook, there are a few different groups. It isn’t all concentrated in this one forum like it had been in the past, so it’s going to seem like things are dying down even if there is still a strong fan base out there.

    For me, it feels like the strongest representation of this community is over on Instagram. That may be partially because of my own interests and the number of Minimate fans I follow over there. But I see constant/growing Minimate-related activity daily on that app

  6. 17 hours ago, TENIME_art said:

    I keep finding stores with multiple cases of these.

    But still no Animated 9 or Cull Obsidian (finally found Drax/Gamora & the rest of the wave at one store out of twelve, though).

    Same here. There was a lengthy drought, then a flood of BC Avengers and nothing else

  7. 2 minutes ago, MisterPL said:

    Netflix canceling these shows only allows Marvel to pick them up. Disney can do “Heroes for Hire” on Hulu. 

    I’m sure Disney will want all the shows it can get for when they launch their own streaming service. Letting the existing Netflix/Hulu shows run their course then porting anything they can over to Disney Play seems like a strategy that company would embrace

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