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Posts posted by PattieCake

  1. Sure, when three new waves show up at TRU at the same time my wallet groans.

    This is why I find it better when you help other people out. What I'm spending on Minimates just gets mixed in with what I'm spending for others, I just don't get paid back for it, but I don't notice it as much. I looked and saw I spent over $800 at TRU in the last month, but think 'it's okay, most of it wasn't for me' and never stop to see how much I really spent. Ignorance is the best way to debt, but at least there's bliss on the way there.

    Support groundhog7, because he will channel that energy and spread it all over the world!

    I can see what Dino's talking aboot. Happened to me with Marvel Legends, but that may or may not have been Hasbro's fault. Minimates however, nah, I'm still enjoying them too much and the upcoming releases have me stoked! A pocket-sized Marvel universe is a great thing to have.

  2. Wha!? Why you... :angry:

    Just kidding. That's sure as "official" as my two. And it saves me the work, soo.... :banana:

    I'm actually excited to get a chance to take one of these.

    EDIT: 137/142; missed one of the old TRU exclusives and 4 of the upcoming exclusive sets. You know, you already have to edit this and add the New Mutants.... ;)

    Glad you approve! I had a blast doing yours! The movie 'mates were the hard ones for me to guess, because I don't own any :P.

    I thought I added the New Mutants?

    I'm happy to hear people are having fun with these quizzes!

  3. I'm looking for a lower body matching the green shirt Multiple Man has. Any ideas?

    Norman osbourne's green outfit is similar I think

    Good call! It definately comes close although the difference is fairly noticeable. Makes me think there are no leg and crotch pieces with that shade of green...

  4. I got a 2" Green Goblin(I got lucky on my first try because it's 1:8) in one of those toy vending machines at Safeway, here's a picture of the glider:


    I didn't cut off the tabs so that you all know what it looks like. Here are some on eBay:

    Are these still available? Curious about the price as well.

  5. The solution is this set:

    Somewhere on here are some pics somebody posted showing how great they look. And believe me, they DO look great. They're to scale and have pegs for mega bloks figures which let minimates stand on them with ease. They're absolutely perfect.

    Hmm, can't seem to find that picture you're talking about. I'm interested in getting this set, but not without seeing how it looks with a minimate on the glider.

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