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Posts posted by mav-man

  1. got my sets today, & my warlock came with no hairpiece--does anyone know if the same hair was included with any other mate?

    also, (maybe this has been mentioned before), but magiks chest seems more curvy than the other new mutant girls--just an observation. ;)

  2. So was I the only one who's Jubilee's alternate face was messed up?

    I got all happy when I seen you could spin it around, to have the no glasses look, but when I did it, it looks like half her face is missing.

    I couldn't tell if it stuck to the hair or was just messed up from the beginning when it was applied!

    I wrote diamond, so we'll see how that goes.

    But now I have to find someone whos just selling her---and to make sure both faces are intact!!!!!

  3. So happy about Storm! I've been pretty vocal about wanting this minimate. Thanks, DST. :biggrin:

    Although they could do another Secret Wars theme with this...they could also use this opportunity to give us some X-villains. Pair Storm up with Pyro, an 80's Rogue with Avalanche, and so on.

    WOW!!! Ya know, i hated the idea of getting this Storm and really hoped that she'd come with Rogue (or She-Hulk), but i love your idea Chaz!!! Give us both, and give us two key Brotherhood members!! Fantastic, and both desperately need figures; they're on an X-men kick, which i am LOVING the hell out of (when i read Marvel, it's the X-books ;)), so why not?? No better time. :)

    didn't they say something about a toad under the pictures? maybe that was a hint---we do need a toad minimate!

  4. Just my two cents:

    the "hunt" is obnoxious, yes, but it's undeniably bringing us new characters we probably wouldn't get otherwise. I think it's a little sour grapes for some to say they'd rather sacrifice the new characters altogether than have to hunt for (or, regrettably, pay more on eBay for) these sets. "If I can't have them, nobody should" is not an endearing attitude.

    How is "the hunt" "bringing us new characters"? I fail to see the logic behind that.

    Also, when did anyone say "if I can't have them, nobody should"?

    I specifically said that "everyone who wants them should have them, and not be denied".

    That's what I said.

    I disagree. Not everyone that wants one can have a Gold and Silver Spidey. Nor the exclusives. There's some stuff you'd have to fight to get. Like a JLU Hal Jordan. Yes, the argument could be made that those are exclusives, but I honestly don't see a diffrence. The production run on them is NOT big enough for everyone to have one. So even if we had all of them sitting in a pile in front of us, there wouldn't be enough to pass out to everyone that wants one, us and customers included. Math is funny like that.

    As far as the "hunt" goes, I don't mean to suggest that you should hunt for every toy, or not find it. hunting is over rated when you WANT something. It was just an expression.

    And I have heard people say "if I can't have it you shouldn't either", so it's not unheard of. (there's a whole 'nother accusatory story that goes with that :P )

    I assume I'm just easy going. And I really REALLY mean no offence by this. I've been where yall are. But I don't see what the big deal is. They're just toys. Yes you want them, but you can't find them. Go take a nap. Or better yet, write pissed off letters to DST and TRU. Maybe they'll change the case ratio. or maybe we'll stop getting them all together. Who knows.

    I've said my piece. I'll shut up now. (and there was much rejoicing)

    You are comparing apples to Ferraris. Neither of your examples were EVER available at retail. I think what everyone is saying, and you can't seem to grasp, is that these are not movie studio exclusive Christmas gifts nor are they con exclusives these are a product that are exclusive to a major United States retailer. They should not be impossible for those who want them to obtain. Reworking the case ratios would fix most of the problems and why would someone ever stop selling something because people wanted them?

    Exclusives means exclusive right? These figures happen to be TrU exclusives-so if you can't get to a TrU-try ebay-just like people who can't get to comic conventions, etc. have to do.

    Really this sounds to me like what your bitching about is your own cheapness...they've been on ebay since they hit the stores---you just have to pay a little more just like the con exclusives if you want them right away, or just keep trying to find them by other means, on you own- its not impossible, I've gotten 2 sets of each of the exclusives by persistence, and cash!

  5. Got all mine today-I had been calling the last couple days to see if they came in & the guy who I had dealt with before held them for me when he seen them come in. I tipped him when he found & held my MS/BE pack last time and he knew it was me calling so I guess thats a sure fire way to get them!

    I'd rather give a kid who works there $10 bucks than ebay!--- you'd be amazed at how their "customer apprecation" skills sharpen up when theres a little cash involved! ;)

  6. I think that was part of the deal they had with Diamond. Diamond needed a deal with Toys r Us. Toys r Us said they wanted figures that had vehicles ( I think this was said in one of the Q & A's), so I believe thats when Diamond told us all these ( wave 5 & 6) were canceled. Then a couple months down the road they announced the deal with TrU, and told us all about them "resurrecting" the line.

  7. I for one am totally happy that these were made, they are probably my favorite line. The bitter taste that was left in my mouth was from all the deception about the line being cancelled, etc. I actually considered to stop collecting mates when they said they were cancelling these.

    Remember when these were gonna be released as a wave 5 and 6. Then Diamond needed a deal with Toys r Us.

    Toys r Us said they wanted figures that had vehicles ( I think this was said in one of the Q & A's), so I believe thats when Diamond told us all these were canceled. Then a couple months down the road they announced the deal with TrU, and told us all about them "resurrecting" the line---the rest is history.

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