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Posts posted by Chronotrigger

  1. Jean Grey/Phoenix Through the Ages, a little bit of something for everyone!

    Marvel Girl- with a mask and switch out maskless head


    Red X-Factor- energy blasts and flight stand


    AOA Phoenix- phoenix base, with a long and short hair piece


    HCT Jean- phoenix base and translucent to boot!


  2. Here's hoping we find out the how the packs will be divided up soon! From C2E2 we heard all the possible characters will be done in the first 3 waves. Each wave usually has 6 characters and a variant.

    That's only 18 including variants. Marvel vs Capcom 3 has 36 characters, and even not counting seemingly impossible to do minimates like Modok or Shuma Gorath, what about the other characters?

    Here's hoping we get a P2 alt color White Phoenix!!(and possibly Dark too, but if just one variant I'd like White since we've never got her like that yet)

  3. Just preordered these at BigBadToystore. Can't wait to have these in hand. These are slick. As some of you know, I mainly collect X-Men, but this set gives me an incentive to go out and buy so much more of the Marvel Universe because they interacted a lot with the rest of the MU in these costumes. I can't wait to display them with the various people they've fought or teamed up with like the FF or Hulk! These stories are light and a much needed break from the doom and gloom of the current MU. Plus they make the X-Men much more cohesive with the rest of the MU as opposed to being in their own little universe which only appears with others during big crossovers,

    This series had great things like Jean shadowing with Sue Storm, and the guys worried she had left them for good:



    Hulk vs the X-Men:







    More to come!!

    I was late to the Minimate collecting game, so I have yet to get a proper Iceman. The older ones are too expensive. I may get this set just for Iceman, as I have no real need for these costume iterations.

  4. Inhumans (probably a bad selling set but whatever lol):

    Medusa, Crystal, Triton, Modern Black bolt


    Toad, Pyro, Blob, Sauron

    X-Men Giant Sized 2

    Banshee, Sunfire, Marvel Girl (skirt & pointy mask), Colossus w/ powerhouse chest

    New X-Men-Here Comes Tomorrow:

    Cowboy Wolverine w/ torn costume, Rover(damaged modern Sentinel), Cassandra Nova, Phoenix in clear plastic

    Marvel Pets or Pet Avengers (no way its happening, but fun to imagine):

    Devil Dinosaur, Thor Frog, Ms. Lion, Zabu

  5. Nope you're not the only one. I plan to buy an extra set. Use the Cyclops and another head and brown hair for a de-iced iceman. A female head and hair for a maskless Marvel Girl. And sub in an extra angel without wings and add in big feet for a Beast. So even if he's some crazy chase, I'll have a Beast.

    I'm hoping these come with extra maskless heads and/or flight stands. I need more flight stands.

    I am liking these a lot, but am I the only one who wants a de-iced Bobby Drake? I'm hoping thats what they put in the expected Beast pack. But I would like to see other character versions from this comic, like Wanda and Pietro and we need any version of Toad and Blob.
  6. hey storm get it from Kmart. They're offering 25,000 pts with the purchase which equates to about 25 dollars.

    Umm... Why are we talking about Mega Man games when Marvel vs Capcom 3 just came out today? I would have bought the game already but I'm going to save some money and wait for a deal. I do have to say, though, the Minimates really made me more excited for the game.*

    *board mandated Minimate comment

  7. Maybe we can get the actual fem fatale Medusa hair on a Dark Phoenix variant! And I want a White Phoenix with a pearly finish like 90s Storm or Moonstone.

    Plus - we've already had a Green & Metallic Gold phoenix. You could always do a head swap if you want this look with metallic golf gloves/boots.

    EDIT: I'd REALLY like to see the MVC3 Jean come with the actual Femmes Fetales Medusa Hair! i think that'd look wicked!

  8. I'll say it again too. They're completely different looks. These fall between the first appearance and giant sized x-men. These stories from the last couple of years had them interacting with Machine Man, Namor, the FF, Dr. Strange, etc and I quite enjoyed these looks and these stores since they felt more a part of the MU as a whole as opposed to their own universe. They were fun, and light hearted not the doom and gloom that the current x-books are filled with so I found them quite enjoyable. I'm glad there are minimates of them!! Now if we can get a Dragon Man minimate so I can display him as Jean's pet I will be even more happy.




    I'll say it again. We JUST got these! Their costumes are far and above too similar!
  9. Actually these are not First Appearance costumes at all. They come from the period between the Neal Adams era and Giant sized X-Men. And they're quite different from the ones we already got. As long as they're different, bring them on!!!

    Mothers, shield your children, because I'm going to cuss.

    Why the HELL are they giving us another FA X-Men set?! We JUST got one. Literally not 6 months ago. I realize they are eager to snap up the license for First Class, but they are giving us a set of characters that we already have, in costumes we already have, from a movie that they don't even appear in. What the hell is DST thinking?! Are they farbot, or just stupid?!

    Oh goody, Kat. May try to find her.

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