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Posts posted by Killek

  1. I had two figures with issues:

    I contacted DST Customer Service (Chris Myers specifically) and he said he'd check on those parts. I received an email a few days later saying that they had them and they would get them in the mail to me that week. No pieces and no responses to the numerous emails since. On the last one, I mentioned being a member here and saying that I was sure that this wasn't the way people have been handled in the past. Still nothing.

    This is exactly my experience with DST customer service. Sent an email about Modern X-Force Cable missing a gun, received one back saying "please send us your mailing address and we will get it to you asap." and a million emails from me to them since and nothing to show for it. I have since given up.

    My Neo Classic Iron Man was also missing both of his shoulder pieces but I knew well enough by now to just go to the comic shop I bought him from to return it. An hour drive there and back I finally have a complete version. I don't think it's too much to ask for either quality control or at least customer service.

  2. ...another will come along. Obviously this isn't the case with the majority of 'mates but I can only think of 'rare' clear items.

    This is the healthiest way to go about it. In rare cases you might stumble upon parts auctions for the specific part + a bunch of others that you aren't looking for, however in most cases the time and money spent searching far outweighs that of just looking for a replacement new one. Tough but true... I hope my Deadpool never breaks.

  3. I'm waiting for someone to chime in with a "just be happy they're making her" comment.

    Battle Ravaged Wolverine is a ripoff. He's just a Feral Weapon X with pants.

    When was the last time they made a Wolverine variant that excited you? Wave 28's was in most people's estimation the best version ever made, but I wouldn't say that I was excited by him. When you make eleventy-billion versions of the same character there is bound to be some 'rip-offs' in the bunch.

  4. Cyclops is one of the few very popular characters that they have never made a version of that I really felt was truly great. I suppose the X-Factor version comes closest for me, but I would love an updated "astonishing" version some day in the future.

  5. - Neo Classic Iron Man was missing a shoulder pad

    Mine had one shoulder pad too... I didn't notice until after I opened the pack.

    I'll have to shoot DST's customer service an email, probably on Tuesday.


    I finally got my Iron Man / Stilt Man pack today and there were no shoulder pads to be found in the set. I wonder what the ratio of complete packs to packs missing pieces is nowadays?

  6. you know after 37 waves and tons of box sets and exclusives it still blowes my mind we have not got more of the brotherhood yet they are some core bad guys very popular




    Juggernaut- updated

    This is also on my wish list along with Omega Red and Mr. Sinister. I'm not sure what the army builder would be but I really don't care given that any or most of these characters are included in a future wave.

  7. A 'buttheadsmate type' ? Maybe you'd like to elaborate ?

    One who generously spins opens the door to his vault to help MMMV members fill in crucial gaps in their collections?

    That's what I took from that statement.


    Wow! I've been away and haven't been able to heck the boards, but ^ this is exactly what I meant. Are you always this defensive against praise bhm?

  8. Speaking of DST and quality control... has anyone gotten any kind of response from DST Customer Service recently? I sent them an email about a missing part and never heard back. Seems like things in that department have kind of trailed off since DSTMatt was let go.

    I sent them 13 emails before I got one back saying "Sure, just send us your shipping address and we will get the part off to you right away." I sent them that address numerous times but I haven't received anything and have since given up. I think the last email I sent them was about two months ago.

  9. That's because those characters, like NorthRaider, live in their own little world far far away from the planet we and the Marvel characters call Earth.

    Cosmic Marvel's readership is loyal. However I personally could not really get into it. I never got the Cosmic Minimates except for the Silver Surfer. And that's because I've heard of him Those others are obscure to non comic readers. Mosf of them I know of because of the shelf at the comic store.

    The only one worth knowing is Thanos... he's hilarious!

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