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Posts posted by Jeff

  1. Lots of great decals here, great work everyone. Thanks for starting this thread.

    I've been having the issue recently of custom 'mates that have wrap-around graphics without something to cover up the sides and back. So, I did some experimenting thru trial and error and finally came up with a solution/template.

    Here's my template for the 90's animated series Peter Parker:

    Just need to paint the sleeves. Due to the pattern, I'd use just the teal color.

  2. Digging thru my comic boxes I came across the short lived Mutant X comic (Havok in an alternate dark reality). Has anyone here made them? Couldn't find it in the search. Just wanted to get the ball rolling for a quick parts list brainstorm. Would make for a great little set:

    Also, is there a way to search for customs on this site that showcases every version of each? Say I type: 'Batman or Doctor Who' and get a list of all the custom batman OR doctor who pictures that were submitted and lists their owners? I think that would be a huge help (and if not an option yet, a rather daunting task- but ultimately worth it). It'd be great for all the customizers to see what was done and cherry pick what they consider to be the best custom out there and give credit where credit is due. More often than not I spend a lot of time surfing the minimate database for figures and accessories- I think there should be something similar out there to showcase not only the hardwork done by everyone here, but also as a unique reference tool.

    Crazy idea?

  3. I'd love to see Clue movie minimates- each with their own weapon from the film along with the cop and a phone, chef with monkey brains soup/knives/frozen beef, Mr. Body with suit case, Drifter with another phone and soaked clothes, and last but not least the FBI chief/evangelist with his 'armageddon' pamplet. Throw in a chandelier and revolving fireplace diorama and we'd be all set.

    Plus, who wouldn't want to see Evett as a mini-mate? :whistling:

  4. Thanks!

    After sculpting the head (before painting it) it reminded me of the Indiana Jone's crystal skull- and it looked HUGE on him. Adding the paint helped scale it down I think.

    I've been sitting on this custom for so long just waiting for the right body type and parts to come along. I got tired of waiting for DST to eventually make him. It seemed obscure enough that they wouldn't. I don't think this particular version was ever in the comics to my knowledge. I could be wrong. I just saw the potential and wanted to get better at sculpting with apoxie.

    I'm working on an animated Aunt May next along with J2 from the MC2 'verse.

  5. Took a break from the amalagam 'verse to focus on Spider-Man (again)- this time on the animated series from the 90's. First up, Don Johnson Peter Parker in his on-assignment look along with Mary Jane in her turtle neck/sweater combo. I'll never understand that pairing. She wore that YEAR round too. Anyway....

    Peter's coat was a trimmed movie Gambit, the head from the spidey/goblin 2 pk, the hair from BTTF Marty along with his shirt and pants. MJ too was a BTTF figure- Doc's torso and Marty's pants. Chest was a decal.

    "I'd like to thank the academy..."

    Next up is my favorite incarnation of Spider-Man, the MAN-SPIDER. Basing it on the same animated figure from Toy Biz, I sculpted the head from Apoxie Sculpt. While it doesn't have all the drooling fangs/horns it should, I'm really happy with how it turned out for something so small & that this is my first time actually sculpting something- not just creating a texture with tools... (arms and feet are from the Creature from the black lagoon)

    What really happened to Gwen....

  6. TimeTraveler-

    Thanks for the kinds words. As for the Telltale game, I'd go the PC route. Not sure how well a point and click adventure would translate into 'repeated fun' on a game system (I'm a button masher myself). I was on the fence about getting the whole game- then one day I watched the ending on youtube. Oops. Still, an amazing effort put forth by all involved and so happy to actually get a BTTF game that wasn't awful (NES I'm looking in your direction). A nice extra slice of the bttf pie...

    Happy to hear you like the goonies. I've slowly been gathering parts for the rest of the Fratellis gang and Sloth. I even bought the minimate pirate ship and put together a one eyed willie mate. Slow going, but I get so side tracked with customs (Goonies/Twilight Zone/BTTF/Amalagam/Age of Apocalypse/Eternal Champions/Spider-Man animated 90's series/Ghostbusters/JP). Plus- I have a very active 10 month old daughter who I love like crazy. It's a fine balance to spend time with both and not rush things. Plus, the wife acknowledges the hobby, but isn't a geek like me. Hence all my ramblings to everyone on the forums here. You guys and gals are my creative outlet for critiques and praise. I love it.

    My minimate collection has grown over the years- I now have several storage tackle boxes full of arms/legs/torsos/accessories. It's great to have everything organized and at my finger tips for a quick custom brainstorm. For the pieces I'm missing or wondering if they have made I check out this site:

    The search bar at the top narrows it down and really helps out in a pinch. The 360 turnarounds of each figure along with alternate views with pieces removed is a bonus if I'm questioning buying a figure or set.

  7. TimeTraveler-

    I've got to ask: Which movie is your favorite? Have you played the Telltale BTTF game? Thoughts?

    I picked up Einstein at my local Hobby Lobby near the model aisle. It comes in a long clear tube with a globe on top, the brand is called TOOBZ. There are several varieties of animals/objects/etc. perfect scale for minimates (at least the smaller animals anyway). I've been tempted to get the dinosaur fossil set just so I can make Jurassic Park customs.

  8. Shatterstarfire has to be one of the weirdest amalgamations from that run! Still - i'd love to see a skilled customiser tackle her.

    I'd like to- I have an extra Shatterstar, but not the Starfire minimate.Guess I could always use a Thing body for the orange skin and go from there.

  9. Let me be the first to welcome you TimeTraveler!

    I too am a die-hard BTTF fan and like you, missed out on the first set. I'm working on making customs of Alternate 1985 Biff in his robe, Biff's gang, and just found a great non-minimate Einstein to fit in the Delorean. I posted it in my customs here: (scroll to the bottom)

    Here's two of my favorite pics I took for the first movie along with Marty crashing into the Peabody farm, 1955.

    In my spare time I dabbled around with a BTTF blog called Save the Clocktower:

    Anyway, back to minimates- They are a great addiction to get into for the sheer custom potential they have if you're willing to take the time and put forth the effort. Don't have a character or hasn't been made yet? Odds are you can come pretty close to making your own by swapping parts and adding a little paint. Looking forward to your future posts and your want/haves list.

  10. I always liked Dr. Strangefate, and the pure weirdness of Dare. That said you could always go for broke and try Speed Demon.

    All of those characters were great combinations. Didn't understand Gambit though- who is he suppose to be? Speed Demon would be cool- an Etrigan head (they did make him didn't they?), Ghost Rider body. To give it that extra punch, put one of the flame trails that came with the Delorean behind him. SA-WEET!

  11. Thought it'd be helpful to everyone who's interested in making Amalagam customs with some great reference images I took from the two trades I have. It's a wrap around cover with pretty much all the characters just floating in space. Take a look. (Sorry for the slight blur- taken with my phone)

  12. Nightcreeper was a lot of fun to do. Glad my local TRU still had a Namor/Atlantean Guard left. I always question buying the one 2 pack left on the shelf, but then I look up it up on the minimate database to see all the parts it comes with for custom potential. It was the hairpiece that did it for me (and the trident for another character). The fur was created by rolling apoxie around each appendage then I used dentist tools to simulate the fur. I wanted to make sure all the joints could move as well.

    Super Soldier is coming up next!

  13. Because I don't have enough 'in-progress' customs in the works, here's another to add to the pile: Eternal Champions.

    The knock-off Mortal Kombat/Street Fighter game exclusive to the Sega Genesis, this was a favorite of mine way back in 1993. Here's my current line-up:

    Left to right: Blade (the future cop), Jetta (the circus perfomer), Larsen (the cat burglar), Xavier (the warlock), Triton (the fish guy). Not pictured but in the works- Midnight (the vampire) who's hair is a modified AOA Magneto with the two pony tails cut off the front.

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