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Posts posted by johnboy8

  1. I got my set from the TRU Sample case today. It was the Kirk & Khan set (I had no clue which one was coming). While it was the set I was least excited for I have to say it they're really, really well done. I love the new type II phasers and how they plug into the belt. Good job DST! I am more excited now for the rest of series 1 and can't wait to see what's in store for series 2.

  2. Here's my concern:

    Zach (and Chuck IIRC) have both stated that work hasn't even been started on wave 2. No designs, no planning. That is what bothers me personally. If they had wave 2 at least planned & sketched up then I'd feel more confident about their faith in the line. *When* wave 1 is successful (not If smile.png ), then what's the lead time going to be on getting wave 2 out? Honestly, I think having yearly releases like Universal Monsters did will not be healthy for this line!

    As I've said many times, we just had the 25th anniversary of STTNG, and the Blu Rays will be completed by the end of next year. I know we're getting Trek mates due to the new movie, but there's a lot of marketing "heat" coming from the STTNG market. And very likely, we'll get the rest of the shows on Blu Ray as well, so Trek will be on a lot of buyer's minds for the next few years.

    Wave 1 is incredibly strong, and it's very difficult to imagine it not doing well. So it's disheartening to hear there's been *no* movement on wave 2 at all!

    I'm right there with you on this point. I understand using the Captains as a draw to the line. But with series 2 they need to diversify the character selection. I've mention this before and while it's just my 2 cents I strongly feel they really should start including additonal heads/additional parts so other characters can be made up. (Data to Lore, Jadiza to Ezri, Geordi to Barclay, etc) Since it apprears they are going to really spread out the time between release as well as the sheer volume of characters between 5 series & 10 movies each release needs to count.

  3. I think DST is being understandably cautious.

    In the past, they've banked almost exclusively on TOS-era Trek, especially with Minimates. Now that they're offering a mix of eras, they're waiting for sell-through before green-lighting a second series with either a similar mix or one that skews toward those 2-packs that sell best. Personally I hope they all sell well.

    They've got the license for more than a year or two, I'm sure. There's no hurry (unless you're only collecting Trek 'mates). I'm as eager as any fan to fill my collection with more of these little guys but I also want them to be done right. Hopefully this mix of characters will be a huge hit and DST can move forward with confidence.

    And as someone who collects other lines (Marvel, Walking Dead, Disney, Thundercats and hopefully Tomb Raider, Invincible, Lost in Space and Aliens), I'm okay with Trek taking its time while other, more finite offerings fill the void.

    I absolutley agree with you, I want these done right. But at the same I would have thought they would have had series 2 even 3 at least planned out, Especially since this is movie year to use the hype and excitment to promote the line.

  4. How about just the entire TNG crew? And hopefully DS9?

    I'd be down for buying every main cast member from every TV series, along with every memorable & toyetic design, but I'd gladly sacrifice every Voyager and Enterprise character for TNG & DS9 minimates!

    Hear hear! I don't have anything against those other shows, but TNG and DS9 will always be my favorites. I'm REEEEEAAAAAALLLLLLLLYYYYYYYY hoping we get more of those crews. And more Jeffrey Combs, obviously. I also wouldn't complain about getting more of the TOS crew in movie uniforms.

    I agree with you guys 100%, TNG & DS9 all the way. Regardless, I know they'll be a fair representation of TOS. I do hope they'll keep those to more movie related styles.

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