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Posts posted by cut2thechase

  1. In regards to Super Hero Squad, I was able to pick up both Hepzibah and Warpath along with Professor X and a Spider-man for $55 shipped from China. Most of the rarer, hard to find figures are dropping in price. Wrecker was at one point another hard to find figure whose price has bottomed out. I think it would be a good line because it has ended so you'll know exactly what you're looking for. Then of course there are all the upcoming Minimates lines suggested that are coming out this year. It's a good year for 'Mates! Good luck and enjoy the hunt!

  2. The Wolverine/Reaper & Hulk/Iron Man set are on now. I ordered them last night but wanted to wait for a shipping confirmation so I didn't upset anyone by them not being available. Still nothing on the Scarlet Witch & P5 packs.

  3. I have 14 of the original Megos from the 70's (Superman & girl, Wonder Woman & Girl, Kid Flash, Batman , Robin, Batgirl, Thor, Spider-Man and the Fantastic 4. I bought Thor and Spider-Man because of the work Toy Fare magazine did with them in Twisted Toy Fare Theater. THat stuff was hilarious. I still want to pick up an Iron Man for the same reason. I bought them all on ebay and don't have any from my childhood, I remember throwing Kid Flash, Robin and Captain America out when we lost our house back in 1989. I loved the Retro Actin stuff Mattel did and I have all of the DC Super Heroes they released. I also picked up all four of the Ghostbusters but haven't gotten the Janine 2 pack yet. I know I'm going to wind up waiting too long to get it for $10 and then will be mad when I have to resort to ebay for it lol. I wish I could afford the Hall of Justice or the Batcave and a couple of the vehicles but the prices are out of the range of what I am looking to spend.

  4. EEEEE MOCKINGBIRD. Made my day. Love her, though it's likely her classic costume. Not that that's a bad thing, but i love her modern look. Still amazing.

    I'm seeing a pattern between the Marvel Universe line's releases and the playable characters being released in the Marvel Avengers Alliance game on Facebook. If the Avengers movie figures didn't back Hasbro up so much this year I think more people would notice it too. That said, I'd bet $20 Mockingbird will be released in her modern costume although I'd prefer her in one of her classic costumes.

  5. I didn't see this anywhere so I apologize if I'm duplicating anyone's efforts. Actionfigurexpress had cards with images of upcoming products. The reps I spoke to mentioned there would be a fifth set with Pumyra next year as well. I was a bit overwhelmed so I don't remember who else is in the 5th set.

  6. It was a struggle to change my Aurora's hair piece as well. You have to tip her head forward and start pulling the hair fromher forehad back. I hope that makes sense but it will eventually go on with a little effort. I picked up the TRU set this weekend. ALPHA FLIGHT IS COMPLETE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yay. :thumbsup:

  7. A WCA box would be fantastic. SC Iron Man is the only one who's really been done definitively... a WCA box should have:

    1) Hawkeye, long sleeves

    2) Tigra

    3) Mockingbird (with alt legs and alt ponytail hair to capture both early looks)

    4) Wonder Man - bulked up classic tank top look

    I hope they put this much effort into Mockingbird when she gets made!!!!!! :highfive2:

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