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Posts posted by MinnesotaIceman

  1. AoA Colossus was one of the designs i really loved from the cross-over. I would be quite happy to receive him as a minimate one day. Unfortunately, i don't really see AA/DST going back to do more AoA figures any time soon.

    Maybe at the next big anniversary? (20th)

    Someone on the board (I can't, for the life of me, remember who) made a really awesome AoA Colossus custom.

  2. I read a pretty cool theory a while back. With Scott Lang involved, Pym is most likely going to be established as having invented all sorts of cool stuff, there has even been some speculation Pym's going to be older than most of the Avengers, and we'll see his Antman days in flashback. Anywho, someone suggested the idea that Stark finds the schematics for Ultron, made by Pym, and then builds it himself. That'd be a pretty interesting take on him. But who knows, maybe Shield makes him or something.

    Either way, I hope J.A.R.V.I.S turns into The Vision. Paul Betttany has the build for it.

    Anyone else here feel that Quicksilver appearing in both DOFP and Avengers 2 could be problematic?

    Honestly, I don't see why Bryan Singer insists on including Quicksilver in DOFP. Was he even part of that storyline in the comics?

  3. The faster Equestria Girls is forgotten, the happier I'll be. *shudder*

    Wait, Falcon had transparent wings?

    The MU figure's wings are quasi-transparent-ish, IIRC. I'm not sure if they were in the comics, though.

  4. I always read everybody's guessings, but I never really gave it a try. Though I can't say a whole wave, I have a suggestion about a boxset that occurred to me while I was reading Dazzler's Essential...

    - Disco Dazzler (imagine if we got rollerblades for her!!)

    - Mystique (a redo for her wouldn't hurt)

    - Destiny (classic and complete with an extra head with sunglasses!)

    - First appearance Rogue (really nice green outfit with short hair)

    What do you think? I'm not sure a 4-pack with only female mates would sell like water in the desert, but I'd buy it with a damn smile on my face, that's for sure! smile.png

    I'd buy it.

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