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Posts posted by MinnesotaIceman

  1. Hmm, even if he doesn't come with any other extras, I think a few holsters and maybe a spare "arm-pouch" piece will do the trick.

    What's with the porn star? What's his story?

    Deadpool found himself in the Original Secret Wars and that elf-alien-girl "healed" him. That's the short version anyway. So, now we'll be getting Burt Reynolds-Pool!

    Do you mean

    Zsaji, or however her name is spelled? The girl who Colossus fell in love with?

  2. My (hypothetical) DBZ Minimates toyline

    Wave 1




    Master Roshi/Turtle

    Wave 2

    King Kai/Bubbles




    Wave 3


    Kami/Mr. Popo

    Battle damaged Goku/battle damaged Vegeta

    Battle damaged Gohan/battle damaged Krillin

    Wave 4

    Frieza (1st form)/Cui


    Bulma (Namek outfit)/Dende

    Zarbon (second form)/Moori

    Wave 5

    Captain Ginyu/Goku with scouter and evil expression




    Wave 6

    Gohan (Saiyan armor)/Krillin (Saiyan armor)

    Piccolo/Frieza (2nd form)

    Vegeta/Frieza (3rd form)

    Super Saiyan Goku/Frieza (4th form)

    Wave 7

    Battle damaged Piccolo/Yamcha (with removable halo)

    Tien (with removable halo)/Chiaotzu (with removable halo)

    Chi-Chi/Ox King

    Dr. Brief/Mrs. Brief

    Wave 8

    Cyborg Frieza/King Cold

    Goku (Yardrat outfit)/Vegeta (Badman shirt)

    Trunks/Frieza soldier

    Super Saiyan Goku (Yardrat outfit)/Super Saiyan Trunks

    Wave 9

    Super Saiyan Vegeta/Android 19

    Piccolo/Android 20

    Bulma (with baby Trunks)/Yajirobe

    Android 17/Android 18

    Wave 10

    Android 16/Imperfect Cell

    Tien/Semi-Perfect Cell



    Wave 11

    Super Saiyan Goku (Saiyan armor)/Super Saiyan Gohan (Saiyan armor)

    Battle damaged Super Saiyan Vegeta/Ultra Super Saiyan Trunks

    Perfect Cell/Mr. Satan

    Super Saiyan Gohan (Piccolo clothes)/Cell Jr.

    Wave 12

    Gohan (high school uniform)/Videl

    Great Saiyaman/crook


    Super Saiyan Vegeta (no shirt)/Super Saiyan Trunks

    Wave 13

    Super Saiyan Gohan/Super Saiyan Goten

    Goku (with halo)/Chi-Chi

    Yamcha (yellow suit)/Oolong

    Supreme Kai/Kibito

    Wave 14

    Krillin (with hair)/Pintar


    Mighty Mask/Android 18


    Wave 15


    Pui Pui/Yakon

    Super Saiyan Goku/Majin Vegeta

    Battle damaged Gohan/battle damaged Supreme Kai

    Wave 16

    Super Saiyan 3 Goku/Fat Buu

    Gohan (Supreme Kai outfit)/Old Kai

    Gotenks/Thin Buu

    Super Saiyan Gotenks/Super Buu

    Wave 17

    Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks/Piccolo

    Mystic Gohan/teen Dende

    Super Buu (Gotenks absorbed)/Tien

    Goku (with Potara earring)/Kibito Kai

    Wave 18

    Vegetto/Mr. Satan

    Super Saiyan Vegetto/Super Buu (Gohan absorbed)

    Battle damaged Super Saiyan 3 Goku/Kid Buu

    Super Saiyan Vegeta (with removable halo)/battle damaged Fat Buu

    Wave 19

    Goku (blue outfit)/Uub

    Teen Trunks/teen Goten

    Adult Gohan/Videl

    Pan/Bongo the Rabbit

    Note #1: Yes, I know a lot of these match-ups might not canonically make sense, and some characters appear too frequently, but it was tough thinking up some of these waves

    Note #2: Each of the Yamcha variants would come with Pu'ar

  3. Good call on those character waves, there were two Iron man mates in that wave and two Spider Man mates in the Jean Dewolf. I think there was only one Cap mate, would this Deadpool wave be the first comic book wave with the same character (different looks) in each pack?

    All the non-Iron Man 'mates in that wave were Iron Man villains (I think. I'm not sure if he ever fought Stilt-Man before.).

  4. Not excited by this wave at all. I'm tired of all the X-Men.

    Especially Deadpool...he's gotten more than enough love over the past few years.

    I agree with you one the fact that there has been a lot of Deadpool love in the last few years, but these might do really well. A Deadpool on ebay at the cheapest is $20+ and that is for the Assemble boxset so this does give people another shot at a basic Deadpool.

    What interests me is since every set has a Deadpool if this does well does that bode well for future single character based waves? I can't recall this be done out side of the Wolverine movie waves....

    Wave 36 was an Iron Man based wave, IIRC. Wave 40-something was based on a Spider-Man storyline ("The Death of Jean DeWolf") and Cap had a non-movie wave in wave 50-something. Hopefully more characters get their own waves, too.

  5. Why would you paint over a Vulture face instead of just using a different face? It's not like Young Vulture has a distinct look. Plus his costume isn't even remotely similar.

    I mean unless you have a Vulture Minimate you don't need, I could help find it a home...

    I just Google Imaged him. He looks way different than what I remembered. I thought he had the same costume as old Vulture. Guess not. :/

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