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Posts posted by MarvelZombie

  1. Swordsman - neato! Old Man Logan? Oh boy, yet another Wolverine... :/ I don't know the Old Man Logan storyline either.

    I don't like scalpers either. I got real lucky and got Warpath/Angel last Friday. That was the only one they had and they had an entire row of Ultimate IM/Hulk and others and even 3 Spider-Woman/Molecule Man packs. Scalping is what made me quit collecting Toy Biz back in the day. There was a point where collecting simply wasn't fun anymore. TRU could at least make them avaiable thru their website.

  2. No, I just have a microphone, Audacity and my own talent (and sometimes other people). iClone does have that text to speech feature, but I seldom like the results.

    I don't know where the thread belongs. Just happy to post.


  3. >>>Cool stuff! Yep, Deadpool one is funny. So is the dancing Galactus! What do you use to make it and how long does it take?

    The software is iClone3 (version 4 is out, but I'm too lazy to upgrade). I use freebie graphics programs (GIMP, Ultimate Paint) to make the textures. I started with a bone frame in iClone and attached shapes to resemble Minimates, then each character gets a custom skin and accessories. It takes a long time, really depending on how much free time I have. Designing sets and characters takes a while. Recording dialogue is easy. Animating and rendering the scenes goes relatively quickly because iClone has a lot of canned animations built in that can easily be modified. I string all the scenes together with Windows Movie Maker and sound effects, and then it's showtime.

    Here's my idea for an homage to an old cartoon favorite. I have a plot layed out, and I'm currently writing the script. I am currently looking for anyone who wants to provide voices for free (via MP3 or WAV file). I have one volunteer, but I really need more for more variety.

    Thanks for watching and I'll try to keep this board updated on my activities.


  4. Hi folks, Been lurking here forever. For some reason when I applied for a password it got lost. I'm a big Minimates fan. Anyway, check out some of my Marvel Minimate animations. Two summers ago, I stared experimenting with stop motion animation with my minis. I never quite liked the results, so I got some 3D animation software and started making my own 3D animation. Some of you may have already seen these on YouTube.

    Anyway, I'm glad to finally be able to post here.


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