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Posts posted by Ivan

  1. Ivan's Asocial Tip #17: Don't wear a Batman T-Shirt into GameStop. Everyone assumes you've played some fancy new vidja game and have an interesting opinion about it. But the truth is all you really want are clearance Minimates. (Four different guys in only two stores.)

    Cue "The more you know" gif.

  2. I think I might be risking my image posting privileges, so I'll just post a couple more and links to the rest.


    Vegas Lights MODOK: 1, 2, 3

    Daredevil (v1)

    Iron Man (v1)

    Gamma Hulk (v1)

    Dark Phoenix


    Spider-Woman I

    Captain America (vBucky)

    Radioactive Man

    Electro (v1)

    Washington Square Ghost

    Jubilee (v1)

    Human Torch (v?)

    Elite Assault Armor (Gold)

    Mr. Negative


    Wolverine (vBestOf)



    Dr. Doom (vBestOf)

    Sun Queen Himiko

    Tendril Attack Carnage




    Heavy Armor Cable

    I've left the images up on the site for now. If you want to see any particular one, first find it on the regular site. Get the URL (right-click and select "Copy Image Location" or "Copy Shortcut" or some such thing). Change the "img" in the URL to "imgGlow". Paste it into your browser. I'm not sure how long I'll keep them on the site, at least a month or two.

  3. Thanks everyone. If you're still seeing glowy pics, they're probably just cached. Ctrl+F5 should get you back to normal. smile.png

    It wasn't all that much effort. Basically I just ran a script on all the images in the site and rejiggered the css. Some of the images came out really nice. Here are some of my favorites. (Click 'em for bigger/clearer versions.)

    Tranclucent accessories usually fared well.


    Vehicles also turned out nice.




    Other notable accessories


    Spookey Eyes Jones


  4. It looks like my SDCC streak stops at nine. I wasn't randomly selected during pre-registration a couple months ago nor at open-registration this morning.


    I haz a sad.

    I know C2E2 is the new hotness but how can it match San Diego?

  5. Someone is salty this morning! smile.png

    I think it's a safe bet to assume that 99.9999999% of the Earth's population hasn't seen Tusk.

    Maybe Zach meant his wife, when he said "we", after all, occasionally we all tend to tell our significant others about our "work problems". tongue.png

    So given a world population of ~7.3 billion (7,300,000,000)...

    multiply by 0.0000001% (0.000000001)...

    That would mean only 7.3 people have seen the movie. Still not sure I'd take that bet. smile.png

    Sorry, this seemed like a good thread for pushing people's buttons. tongue.png

  6. Necro-time once again. Figured this would be the best place to mention a large content update.

    Just pushed 97 new Minimates and 42 new packs to the MMDB. Over 1000 images. Also had to recode some of the pages to deal with the blind packs and the upcoming Brotherhood wave. "With parts to make Forge/Gambit/Psylocke!" Who asked for that confusion? biggrin.png

    Enjoy. I'm back to hunting TRU turtles and elusive promos.

  7. Space opera used to be popular on TV. We had stuff like like Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, Firefly and Babylon 5. No current show on TV takes place aboard a spaceship. So what killed the genre? Bad acting? Considered too nerdy by the general population? Stupid looking aliens? Low quality special effects? Horrible or unrelatable stories? Maybe we were spoiled by the high quality of shows like Game of Thrones or The Walking Dead which makes developing a space opera that would appeal to this generation take a immense amount of resources.

    Ultimate crosspost! Didn't you like the answers from this thread:'>

  8. Has anyone ever backed the same project twice? Is that even possible? I would like to get a couple of each promo and didn't know if using a different kickstarter account would work if it's from the same Amazon payments account.

    Yeah - you just need two different kickstarter accounts which you can set up using two separate emails.

    I backed Agent88 twice... dry.png

    Yep, using multiple KS accounts still works with a single Amazon Payments account. Now I just hope I chose the reward that will get me both a blue and a red...

  9. Anyone want to play Minimate/Not-a-Minimate with the various plants from PvZ? I'm not sure how I should classify these on MMDB. The cactus, peashooter, and sunflower all have Minimate heads, but that's as Minimatey as they get. (Don't know about Chomper (i.e. Audrey II), haven't found the TRU set yet.) I'm torn because Rocket and Snarf are arguably more Minimatey than the plants but they're currently classified as accessories.

    Is articulation the difference? For what it's worth, all those plant heads can move and Snarf is static. If articulation is the deciding factor, it puts the Minimatiness of the Sarcophagus into question. (And maybe it should be...) The Max Sentinel and Galactus are also unarticulated.

    Maybe Minimatiness is like obscenity? You know it when you see it.

    So I'd like to get some (non-binding) opinions. Are all the plants "Minimates"? Just some? Which ones? Do you like the word "Minimatey" as much as I do? How about "Minimatiness"? Should this be a poll? Do I need something better to do on a Friday night? Mi-ni-may-teeeeeyyy. Yarr!

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