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The GrumbleGrumbles

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Everything posted by The GrumbleGrumbles

  1. I know! AA and DST have not disappointed lately! I'm buying the entire next two waves! (Except for that female skrull body of course. )
  2. Tomorrow is when Series/Wave 28 of The Marvel Minimates comes out. And I am Pumped! My favorite two characters are Deadpool and Gambit. Not to mention, there's a fairly good looking wolverine in there too. But let's not forget, we can finally get vengeance on the Skrull with the Skrull soldier now at disposal. We did have Secret Invasion, but now we can relive the story over and over again. Anyway, I'm so pumped, I'm finally going to my Comic Book Shop which is in another town from me, and the only way to get there, is by walking or bike. And I don't own a bike. So, as I go cross country on this glorious day, which is tomorrow, what will you be doing for this excitement?!
  3. Thanks for the help, and I see what you were talking about. I don't know when I'll fix it, but when I do, you know there'll be pictures! A little too expensive for me, not to mention I haven't got a paypal account.
  4. One Thing I did forget to say, The Ball that keeps the leg on, is missing. The only Idea I have come up with is the one that punisher said, and another would be like water and paper trick. I think what Blacksun had said seems the best, besides what North said with the replacements, which is a nice idea too. Thanks Everyone.
  5. I'd do another mix-mate sort of thing. It's the new craze now a days! (I rhymed!)
  6. No, it's sort of a long story. In the end, this is the band name I came up with my friends. It's off to a great start. lol.
  7. I have no idea if this has been posted before, or if it's even in the right spot. But Anyway, Like I said in my introduction topic; ; I said, that I had given my youngest brother the minimates I used to have, because I lost interest in them years ago, anyway, as you will see, he is very 'talented' in customizing burnt victims, people with missing limbs, and suggestions otherwise. He liked to 'customize' with the things he had, and this is the result: (The White stuff on the desktop, is just paper I couldn't remove, after cleaning. lol.) Anyway, is there anyway I could get to make it so I could add both legs on? Or would I have to buy a new one? Thanks for reading, and replying!
  8. Thanks everyone! It's a nice, warm welcoming I've received. And I thank you again for it.
  9. Hello, My Name Is Joseph, and I'm 16 at the moment, I love comic books, which brought me to minimates. I started collecting them Since I was about 11 or 12. I stopped getting them because I 'thought' having them was a joke, so I let my youngest brother have them. The biggest mistake of my life. Anyway, I got back into them recently, like 5 months ago or so. I started to search for the old minimates I used to have, only finding bits and pieces of them. Somedays, I look for them. Anyway, That's really all I've got to say. Thanks For Reading. Btw, as you can see, in my signature, it says the list I made for who I want in Minimates. And, slowly, I'll get them all, with the help of a job! And Ebay! Excelsior!
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