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delta chameleon

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Posts posted by delta chameleon

  1. The only Battle Beast I was interested in (Bat) ended up being a TRU exclusive and not available in my area. Hopefully DST will offer another version of the same character and I'll be able to get it through Luke's.

    If i remember correctly, i believe they showed a black and grey bat as part of series 2 .

  2. Well I am glad to see that there is still hope, even though it will just be specialty retailers. As long as we get more releases, i am fine with that. I want to get that Shark and Bear. I think we saw some great designs at SDCC, as well as concept art for others that would make part of wave 3.

  3. Man, I love Mecha-Rhino! Not exactly what I expected as he's a pretty big departure from comic book rhino. I know the Amazing Spiderman movies are based off of ultimate spiderman, and in that, Rhino has a bit more of a tech element to his suit, but it never looked like a full on mech suit. This does, but I like it. I am really hoping we get something for mecha rhino that is something similar to hulkbuster iron man.

  4. For me, the armor is still sci fi a bit too. The comic shows several spots on their armor that has glowing lights and what not. It's just now a bit of a sci fi/medieval fusion than the straight up sci fi that the gator was. Honestly, I could go either way. Because the original Battle Beasts had axes, swords, and other melee weapons, I have always imagined a bit of a sci fi/fantasy fusion to them anyways.

    As for the change, I think originally with the gator, they were trying to reference the original Battle Beasts 80s toy line. The armor was patterned very similar, and a lot of the little detail lines were very reminiscent, especially on the legs. Those shin armor/feet slip on pieces look like they could come straight off of an original battle beast.

    But then I think they decided they wanted to do their own thing with the name, more so than being a throwback to the original line. And once they had an artist for the comic book, that inspired them to go towards a new look. While the gator is still my favorite battle beast minimate, overall, I like the direction they took. There's a lot of detail that they can do with this style, in a little bit more of a realistic manner. And since minimates are a narrower in proportions compared to the more squat original BBs, I think the new style fits the minimate body a bit better.

  5. Here's my list in no particular order, except number one:

    1. Battle Beast Gator Guard (Silver): This figure is what brought me over to minimates. I had seen them in passing other times, but my real collecting interest in Battle Beasts got me to pay attention a lot more once pics showed up at SDCC a few years ago. Once I got the silver toy fair gator in hand, I really started to like the minimate format. And he's still my favorite so far of all the battle beast minimates thus far. I love the rest of them, but I thought the gator was a great balance between the minimate format, and the chunky, technological style of the original battle beasts.

    2. Hulkbuster Iron Man: Such a great interpretation of this character. I love the heft and size he has compared to the other minimates.

    3. Movie Iron Monger: I like him for the same reason as the hulkbuster, I love the heft and size you get from this figure. With the ad on pieces, I think it gives a great technological feel of someone in a large, heavy suit of armor.

    4. Merk (TRU Wave): I think Merk is the most successful and impressive Battle Beast in wave 1. I think it shows a lot of what you can do with the minimate base and clever design on top of that. He really is a remarkable little figure for his size, especially with the design of the wings.

    5. Lion-O: Such a great, clean version of this figure that is pretty much spot on. The colors look beautiful on him. All the thundercats really translated well to minimate form, but Lion-O made the transition perfectly.

    6. Scalpus: My other favorite of the BB wave 1. I loved the take on a snake battle beast minimate. I really liked all the details on him, and even though his bottom half is one solid piece, there's still a lot of great possibilities with posing this little guy.

    7. Beta Ray Bill: I always liked Beta Ray Bill in the comics. I saw Bill after the reveal of the gator battle beast but before I was able to actually get a gator. He was the first minimate that I bought, and was sort of a precursor for me to the battle beast wave, showing me what the block figure design could be with sculpted pieces and a sculpted head.

    8. Silver Age Lizard: My favorite comic villain, and an very impressive version to boot. the coat and tail are done very well. My only little complaint with this figure is that I would have liked a sculpted head like what Beta Ray Bill got. If that happened, he would be right behind the gator as my top two favorite minimates.

    9. Ground Assault Drone: this figure feels very battle tech/heavy military mech/robot. i love that feel about him.

    10. Mark 1 War Machine: One of my favorite comic character designs as a kid, and it was translated very well into minimate form.

    You will notice for me that everyone on my list uses a large amount of sculpted pieces (except perhaps for the lizard, who's only complaint from me is that he needs a little bit more sculpted pieces). I came over after seeing the gator minimate, and because of that, I have just naturally see the basic minimate body as a frame to build up upon to make unique characters. I have certainly seen many minimates that are bit more "standard" block minimates that do look quite impressive for the characters they are portraying. But for me, the minimates that grab my attention the most are the ones that have a large amount of sculpted details to bulk them up a bit.

  6. I am huge into hot sauces (see my previous post in the Battle Beasts thread after Hot Wings Merk was released: I grow 32 different varieties of chili peppers, and make 10 different types of hot sauces. I was talking earlier in the Battle Beasts thread about how I might make some bottles hot Minimate hot sauce for something board related, and this seems like the perfect thing. And I live in a small farming town west of Chicago, so it would be easy for me to travel with 25+ bottles of hot sauce. I have a friend that is a graphic designer that is already interested in making the labels for me. I would actually love to do this and would feel honored to make some for everyone. This can just be a fun, additional thing I would do in addition to whatever the staffers here have planned and come up with.

    Also, Shanester, I LOVE NOLA! I finally made it down there last fall. It is the first city outside of Chicago that I have fallen in love with. Absolutely amazing city you have down there. You certainly take pride in your hot sauces. I did a little culinary tour of the French Quarter, and searched everywhere for all different types of hot sauces. There were so many foods that I ate there that I have been craving, like an itch I can't scratch. I am already trying to save up some more money to make another trip down there. Amazing city.

  7. So how many people are going from the MMMV? If it's not a crazy amount, maybe I could put something together as a keepsake for the MMMVers'. I could see what extra minimates I have, and perhaps do some custom paintjobs. Or perhaps I could make exclusive MMMV C2E2 2014 bottles of homemade hot sauce for everyone. I have been wanting to make a minimates exclusive hot sauce since the reveal of Hot Wings Merk, so maybe this would be a good time for it.

  8. For me, it's several reasons.

    First and foremost, Battle Beasts are my absolute favorite toyline. They have been since I was 4 years old. When I saw that they had acquired the name and were possibly going to make their own figures, I was jumping for joy. That is what initially drew me into the world of minimates. Admittedly, Battle Beasts are the number one reason I collect minimates, however since getting exposed to the figures, I have started venturing off into other minimates, such as some of the marvel stuff, mainly Iron Man and Thor, Halo, Thundercats, etc... I am certainly one of the collectors that actually prefers more sculpted pieces included with the minimate rather than the more minimalistic mates.

    Secondly, of the the toy lines that I do collect even outside of Battle Beasts, I tend to keep to smaller figure toylines. I honestly don't have much interest in figures that go beyond 2 1/2" or so in height. I used to collect a bit of 3 3/4 stuff like Star Wars and GI Joe, but ended up finding myself much preferring smaller figures. Since, I have consolidated my collection to just include pretty much only mini-figure lines, with the very rare occasion for a display only piece.

    Also, I am a huge fan of customizing figures. I love creating my own characters and then trying to bring those characters to life. Sometimes I come up with a character before hand, and work hard to create a figure to match that vision in my head. Sometimes, the character comes together literally while I am fitting different pieces together. I have cut my fingers so many times on xacto blades over the years cutting apart pieces to use in a custom. Once I started getting into minimates, I began to really appreciate the system of a standard body with interchangeable pieces. I still do cutting from time to time to get pieces to work, especially fitting non minimate pieces to a minimate custom. But it has really opened up a lot of different possibilities that are much easier to test out and work then I would do normally with my other custom figure lines.

  9. Gah, I didn't see the move and was worried something happened to this thread. I am sure they are waiting on seeing what type of orders they get for series 2 before committing to a series 3, but they definitely have more designs in the works that I am sure they are just going to carry over to series 3.

    There was a really great looking giraffe that we got to see the artwork for at C2E2 that I loved that seems to be pushed back. At least he's not part of series 2, so hopefully his design will be used for series 3. Since there was a neat theme to series 1 of desert animals with the rattlesnake, tarantula and scorpion, maybe they will do an Africa/Savannah theme with series 3 and have a giraffe and perhaps some type of lion and elephant or rhino. Simply just wishful thinking.

  10. The bear!

    C'mon, white repaint...c'mon, white repaint...c'mon, white repaint...


    I know I'll be doing a white repaint if they don't. With some nice, cold deep Prussian blue armor and subtle steel,silver and grey highlights and ice blue eyes. Not that I have been thinking about it or anything.

  11. Thanks for all the compliments guys.

    I do plan on implementing some western style weapons for these guys eventually, like some revolvers, rifles, etc... Just right now all I have are melee weapons. So once i can get some bits in, I'll work them into the customs.

    I still plan to continue this western theme a little bit more. I am going to take a scorpion and tarantula and give them more western style to them. There is possibly one or two more animals after that that I would like to do afterwards. If any of you have any recommendations for desert animals that you think would really fit the western theme, let me know.

  12. Glad to hear it! It will be killing me that I won't see anything from the panel regarding Battle Beasts, but I'll love to hear about what you guys see.

    And if we get any sort of Squirrel minimate, I'm making Ch'p as quickly as I can! I'd also love to see a raccoon battle beast for another custom...

  13. I am loving the look of the new Battle Beasts. All of the beasts translated really well from the control art to figure form. Really surprised by the Bear. I love him! After the kuma SvT figure, I didn't think we would get a bear soon, even though he was one of the ones that made the most sense based on the comics.

    I really like the look of that mecha-hulk. If there are going to be any Marvel minimates that i pick up, it's typically armored ones or thor stuff. I am a sucker for armored minimates. Usually they end up getting an animal head eventually, but this mecha-hulk might have to stay the way he is when I get him.

    I know we aren't supposed to have seen the alien mates yet, but man that xenomorph looks amazing! I can not wait to get my hands on a couple of these. I am already thinking about what ways I can paint these and how I can make some sweet alien customs from the early 90's comic book.

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