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Posts posted by Brinen

  1. anyone else dying to get figures of the current thunderbolts? I am making customs of them now but I would love to have version of

    Yelena Belova


    Ant-Man (Eric O'Grady)



    Mr X

    I want Ghost especially because making a custom of his helmet is a real pain the @$$! If anyone has checked out the preview for this weeks upcoming thunderbolts comic you'd agree we need minimates of Ghost and Yelena!!

    It should be a sin that Songbird hasn't been made yet. With her inclusion in both Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2 and the Superhero Squad animated series (as Screaming Mimi), I really hope she gets a minimate soon. I'd rather it be in a 2-pack since the majority of Ellis Thunderbolts all have their own minimates now. Maybe she could be put in with Mach IV, or Blizzard? Or maybe she could be put in with her Screaming Mimi costume also. If we're going that far, why not just a Grapplers 4-pack, since Letha and Titania (now called Lascivious) are both playing a large role in the Punisher series, and Poundcakes is still floating around out there. It'd add to the female villains!

  2. A few more:


    Norman Osborn (in tuxedo)

    The Hood

    Doctor Doom

    Loki (female body)








    She-Hulk (Savage costume)




    Spider-Man (negative costume)

    Mr. Negative

    The Answer

    White Rabbit


    Professor X (without wheelchair)




  3. I dunno, I could name 100+ female villains that could be given Minimates, many of whom aren't any more or less obscure than Spymaster, Tarantula, Gamora, or Shocker. :)

    Are any of them Spider-man or Iron Man villains? Or starring in a current comic? I'm sure we could all name a ton of characters that are no more obscure than Spymaster or, say, Hydro-man, but ultimately there's a reason why some of those characters got picked over others.

    That being said, I'd love an Enchantress / Executioner pack, and I'll pick up just about any obscure characters to increase the chances of the ones I'm really interested in being made.

    Sure: Madame Masque (who is being used currently in a big way) is an Iron Man villain. White Rabbit (also being used) is appearing in both Dark Reign: Mister Negative and will be appearing in the main Spidey series in the upcoming issues. There's also Calypso (would work great with a Kraven 2-pack), who is pretty iconic. Titania is probably the most prominent of street-level female villains and is a longtime Spidey foe. I'm still shocked she nor Volcana were options in the Secret Wars poll, since they both played large roles.

    Maybe a Thor-themed four pack will be released one day with Enchantress & Executioner. And maybe She-Loki!

  4. There's not that many female villain minimates out there in the Marvel section... Mystique and Lady Deathstrike are the only ones that comes to mind, and they're X-Villains. Where's Enchantress or Viper or Titania? The Secret Wars poll would've been the perfect opportunity to include Titania or Volcana, but instead we get more variants of the Thing and Storm?

    And I doubt it's because fans don't know many female villains, since how many know who Jewel is? Or Silver Sable? What is everyone's thoughts on the current condition of villainesses in the minimate series?

    My major wants for female villains as minimates are:

    • Enchantress
    • Titania
    • Volcana
    • Diamondback
    • Anaconda
    • Black Mamba
    • Vapor
    • Madame Masque
    • Screaming Mimi
    • Typhoid Mary
    • White Rabbit

    Most of those characters are pretty obscure. Your only possible sure thing will probably be Typhoid Mary.

    I wouldn't call Enchantress obscure, since she's pretty much Marvel's first female villain.

    Titania is no more obscure Gamora, and she's definitely less obscure than Spymaster.

    Whilst I agree their are few female villains I am staggered that their are so few African-American Marvel minimate characters. Perhaps there aren't that many Marvel characters to choose from but I thought of at least a dozen or so whilst I was typing this.

    I agree! I'm hoping the Secret Wars poll will give Captain Marvel/Photon her own figure finally!

    Yours is part of a wider question. Not "Why are there so few female minimate villains" or "Why are there so few black minimates?" but rather the question should be "why are there so few blacks and females (and even few female villains) in general"

    I propose that your beef isn't with DST, but with comics in general.

    I dunno, I could name 100+ female villains that could be given Minimates, many of whom aren't any more or less obscure than Spymaster, Tarantula, Gamora, or Shocker. :)

  5. There's not that many female villain minimates out there in the Marvel section... Mystique and Lady Deathstrike are the only ones that comes to mind, and they're X-Villains. Where's Enchantress or Viper or Titania? The Secret Wars poll would've been the perfect opportunity to include Titania or Volcana, but instead we get more variants of the Thing and Storm?

    And I doubt it's because fans don't know many female villains, since how many know who Jewel is? Or Silver Sable? What is everyone's thoughts on the current condition of villainesses in the minimate series?

    My major wants for female villains as minimates are:

    • Enchantress
    • Titania
    • Volcana
    • Diamondback
    • Anaconda
    • Black Mamba
    • Vapor
    • Madame Masque
    • Screaming Mimi
    • Typhoid Mary
    • White Rabbit
  6. Here's a few of mine:

    Masters of Evil

    1. Baron Zemo

    2. Enchantress

    3. Melter

    4. Klaw

    Iron Man Villains

    1. Madame Masque

    2. Blizzard

    3. Whiplash

    4. Unicorn

    Captain America Villains

    1. Crossbones

    2. Winter Soldier

    3. Batroc

    4. Anaconda


    1. Mr. Sinister

    2. Vertigo

    3. Scalphunter

    4. Prism

    Horsemen of Apocalypse

    1. Archangel (repackaged)

    2. War

    3. Famine

    4. Pestilence

    Wrecking Crew

    1. Wrecker

    2. Piledriver

    3. Thunderball

    4. Bulldozer

  7. It's back! Let AA and DST know what characters you want to see in the future waves!

    Post your Top 10 characters in any order (be sure to check the definitive list so we don't get duplicates). Also post your Top 2 Spider-Man/Wolverine variants, you know we'll get them ;)

    NOTE: Spider-Man/Wolverine Variants are considered different versions/costumes/worlds/times of the characters Peter Parker & Logan along with other people that have worn the same mantle. So Yes to Iron Spidey, Scarlet Spidey, Ultimate Wolverine, James Howlett, etc; No to Venom, Sabretooth, X23, etc.

    But honestly it doesn't really matter this is just for fun so don't worry about the details ;)

    Results will be tallied and posted here.


    Spider-Man/Wolverine Variants:

    Here's a list of my wishes:

    1. Pyro

    2. Blizzard

    3. Titania

    4. Avalanche

    5. Enchantress

    6. Diamondback

    7. Tigra

    8. Hellcat

    9. Anaconda

    10. Squirrel Girl

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