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Posts posted by Osama_Ben_Lander

  1. I actually don't like the look of the new Silver Surfer. He looks less pensive and more angry. In my opinion, they nailed him in the original figure 20 some waves ago. (although it would be nice if this new one would be able to actually stick to his board.) Swordsman looks pretty awesome, and the Captain Marvel/ Blackbolt were the two figures that I was really waiting for in wave 31. All in all, it looks to be a good set.

  2. So I got this huge bubble mailer today and opened it up. It was my 2 Dark Avengers Box set that I ordered. The boxes were crushed. Now i know TRU was offering free shipping but come on! Who mails toys that come in a box in a bubble mailer!!!

    Can you tell I'm thoroughly pissed about this? @#$%$#@$%

    The same thing happened to me!! <_<

  3. I think that the Silver Surfer, being one of the earliest minimates, is still by far one of the best. (I might just be a tad biased, though. :tongue: ) It seriously is one of the simplest, yet best paint jobs in the minimates lineup.

    In terms of the "old vs. new" minimates, I'm really digging a lot of the newer stuff DST is shipping out. I'd honestly prefer to see more new and obscure characters that we don't already have than remakes of old ones. However, an updated havok or hawkeye wouldn't be bad.

  4. Awesome! I'm a big fan of the Cosmic Marvel, so I've been waiting for this set for a long time. My absolute favorite Marvel character is the Silver Surfer, so I'm super pumped to see a Mephisto minimate. I have the original Thanos minimate, which I thought worked pretty well, and I do agree that this new Thanos looks a little over-done. Adam Warlock and Drax look fantastic, as well. I'm definitely gonna pre-order this. If I'm lucky, maybe we'll see some more Cosmic Marvel. (Heralds of Galactus, anyone? Maybe an Annihilation box set?)

  5. Thanks for the tip. :) And yeah, I know what you mean. Yet another thing the US is behind Japan

    ... it just occurred to me that the three other main characters from that show (or at least their "uniformed" versions) can be easily customized using the Jigsaw/Wonder Man jacket pieces and some closely-matched hairpieces and stuff...

    That would be awesome! :)

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