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Posts posted by Mirymate

  1. 36 minutes ago, The Scarlet Spider said:

    I'd buy all those @Mirymate. I do like the Norman SS Thunderbolts the most just because that's what was going on when I was a kid but I definitely got some love for the originals.

    Wasn't Klaue/Klaw a master too? I've been hoping we could see like a MCU Zemo and Klaue Masters of Evil movie and really see some villain team ups. I wish we could get some Doom/Red Skull/Namor type stuff but don't get me started on fox trying to butcher Doom a 3rd time.  Even with Marvel's leg up I don't think they're brave enough to do a villain movie, though. 

    Klaw has been a Master several times. He first joined the second of Masters to get revenge on the Black Panther who'd recently joined the Avengers. The second line-up stayed together after their initial defeat and fought the Avengers at least once more. He skipped the next several incarnations, probably because T'Challa wasn't an Avenger for Egghead or Helmut's campaigns. But Klaw did accept Justine Hammer's offer to be her Crimson Cowl's chief lieutenant in her Masters of Evil. He's been as close to a Masters mainstay as that ever shifting roster ever gets since.

    An Avengers vs Masters moive could be awesome, Zemo, Klaue, Blonsky, bring in Creel from AoS, Yellowjacket or whomever Ant-Man faces next, Zek Stane or give Vanko a vengeance seeking son... the pieces are there.

  2. Trev... I like where your head is.

    There were several Spider-costume variants over the course of Peter's time at Horizon labs that have not been used. There was a black and yellow bullet proof version, a red and black anti-sonic/stealth version. In addition, Kaine was relatively recent killed by Kraven as well, so whether in his original costume, or his Scarlet Spider suit, he would also make a good pack-mate for a reissued Kraven. And the updated Jessica Drew would include her underarm wings, right? Oh why did I ask, of course it would.

  3. You know a pair of waves I wish would get made? And these are completely dreamin' waves with 0 possibility of happening...

    OG T-Bolts

    Citizen V / Meteorite
    Mach I / Songbird v2
    Atlas / Techno
    Jolt / Charcoal

    Masters of Evil

    Baron Zemo v2 / classic Moonstone
    Beetle (Mk 2)(Jenkins) / Screaming Mimi
    Goliath (Josten) / classic Fixer
    Whirlwind / Titiania

    Maybe Songbird comes with a new accessory, like a weapon, restraint, or shield, And Helmut is wearing one of the more modern variations on his costume.


  4. They keep swearing no reboot is coming, and for Marvel's sake, I hope they are right.

    The geek community is used to retcons, and reboots. The general movie audience not so much. In fact reboot fatigue may be an unmentioned factor in Homecoming's under performance the second weekend. TV has conditioned folks to the idea of a long ongoing story. We're even conditioned to casting shakeups, characters disappearing, then reappearing recast. But total reboot? That'll blow up in their faces. My wife, who is pretty comics savey after 23 years of our being a couple, completely lost interest in the Flash at the beginning of this season with the "altered timeline" idea. She didn't make it to the Alchemy reveal or Savitar or any of the other disappointing elements. Sister-in-law lost interest when alternate Earths came into play last year. Comic characters may be more prominent than they've ever, but there's just for far down the rabbit hole the general audience is willing to go.

  5. I started my first "new collection" with the original Toy Biz Marvel figures. (by "new collection", I mean not trying to fill the holes in a collection I started as a kid.) The first ones, the ones that were similar in size and scale to Super Powers. That ballooned into a HUGE collection of 5" Marvel toys. And then to "Spider-Man Classics", then Marvel Legends. I have almost every TB Legend, missing only a few chase figures. But then Hasbro took over and there was an initial drop in quality, combined with the birth of my second kid it just felt like time to stop. Then Hasbro hit their stride, and it simply became too expensive to try and catch up. Fortunately my oldest son found minimates at Wal-Mart a few years before. Yeah, that long ago.

    Do I regret making the switch? Not really. Legends has done some figures these last few years that I would have given a kidney for during the TB years. But at $20 a pop, I can't justify the expense vs what I'm getting. 2 mates for half the price? And they take up a third of the storage space? Yeah, I'll stick with minimates. Do I wish some of those characters Hasbro has taken a chance on would get minimates? Of course. Bad enough to switch back? Nope.

  6. The design CoC is using for Abomination is probably my favorite look for the character ever. 


    While we're on the subject... I guess we're not going to get Marvel vs Capcom minimates this time, huh?
    So many excellent Marvel minimates from the last one.

  7. Blame Sony. Everyone I know who went to see it loved it. But I'd say a full third of the aging comics nerds that make up my circle are convinced that Sony will pull Spider-Man back to being their exclusive character and have no interest in investing the MCU if it's going to be so short lived. Of course, nearly half of them are Marvel haters who thought BvS was an underrated tour-de-force in filmmaking that the mind-numbed masses fail to recognize and every Marvel movie of the Disney era is somehow tainted by the mouse. And a growing number of people are not going to the movies anymore in general, and just wait for it to stream.

  8. 8 hours ago, bigvis497 said:

    I think Negative Zone Spidey may be the first thing ever merchandised from the post clone saga-pre editorial upheaval era.

    Didn't Toy Biz or Hasbro do one of these already ages and ages ago though?

  9. 16 minutes ago, Gmonkey2k said:

    I know, I know...I just thought that a highly requested figure that would complete a team of variant figures...wouldn't be this asinine to get....:confused::wallbash:



    Why? When has getting a hold of a highly requested variant necessary to complete a team ever NOT been an arduous journey of asinine scalper fighting frustration?

  10. This is sliding into :offtopic:really fast.
    There isn't a character on that list that isn't on my wish list, reasonsy. But at a certain point "important" becomes too darn subjective a term. Shang, Mantis, and Crystal were all Avengers for about the same length of time, whether you consider them "important" or "essential" depends on whether you're a fan on that era. Avenger wise, my two favorite eras are the run between #150-#200 and then the 80's Stern era. So Mockingbird and Jocasta  are "important" Avengers for me. So really the only logical answer is to make a minimate for Every Single Member of the Avengers roster EVER, so there will be no conflicts over who does or doesn't deserve a slot.

  11. You will never ever hear me complain about the idea of classic Avengers needing to be made.
    No, Genis is not a major Avenger, argument could be made he's not even an Avenger. I'd put him in the same category as his dad, as honorary Avenger at best. Much love as I have for Genis, his sister has a better chance of getting a mate than he does.
    You forgot Quasar on your list, Buff.

    As to the Ghost Riders...  when Blaze became Ghost Rider again, he stole Ketch's Ghost Rider's appearance, and abilities. 70's GR wielded Hellfire as a weapon, almost the same way the Human Torch wields regular fire. Then along came Ketch's 90's GR and gone were the Hellfire blasts, in came the magic chain and the penance stare. And as I said, when Blaze got his full GR powers back, he looked like Ketch's GR, and got the chain and stare in addition to his old hellfire powers. But Blaze kept his chopper style bike, while Ketch's bike has more of a street bike style.
    Minimate wise it's a matter of color...

    This is the first GR minimate and the grey pants show it's the Dan Ketch Ghost Rider. The blue/grey jacket/gloves/boots should be black, but often they were colored that way in comics. Now Ketch was eventually separated with his Spirit of Vengeance, but was eventually repowered up. Since Blaze had stolen his look (no in comics reason ever given), the artist gave Ketch the more over the top new one in the second picture. I think they eventually settled on something closer to his basic original GR look, but with blue flames to distinguish him from Blaze.


    Here we have Johnny Blaze's two minimates. The first is Blaze's classic look from the 70's early 80's. Eventually Blaze and his "ghost" separated. Johnny turns up as a supporting character in Dan's GR book. He rocked the 90's sheik look of the shirt from his old costume, jeans, boots, a ponytail, sunglasses, stubble, and a long brown trench coat. On the right is the look Blaze has sported since his "return". Yep, it's all black version of the first GR minimate. The very different colors of the 2 looks sort of precludes a mate that transforms from one look to another.

    And Hail Ivan.

  12. Again, a looooooooong time ago, before even army builders were a thing, and folks were wishlisting about BaFs, a desire for bigger base figures were opined for. I don't think anyone, including myself actually thought that would happen. I am not advocating, I was remembering a very old conversation from back in the day, and thought some folks from back in those days of the list might be disappointed that it is in deed and in fact never gonna happen. That's all. Really. Chuck, Zach, and Matt before him were all always clear it wasn't going to happen. But then they were clear for a long time that the vehicle ban prohibited Goblin Gliders, and then that changed. So I think there has always been an undercurrent of hope there in some cases that someday there'd be a true Giant-Man in the Avengers display and the FF in their Flying Bathtube. Neither is remotely likely, and I'm personally okay with that. At least the Giant-Man part... vehicle ban bugs me still but that's a topic for another thread.

    So please, aside from being the guy who remembers a very old conversation, I am not advocating for, nor did I personally ever actually expect, 2.5 or 3 inch Build-A-Figures to be a thing.

    Buff- before Army builders, there was always a character in every wave you knew you were going to have two of if you wanted to get the chase. Like Ghost Rider, Loki, or Hawkeye, one got displayed and one automatically went in the parts bin. Changing that from a repeated character to a repeatable character was a godsend. Yeah, it's seemed to run its course. I'd argue there still one or two recognizable armies still undone >cough< Shi'ar >cough< but then I'd go out of my way to buy multiple Lava Men so I'm probably not the one to ask.

  13. 1 hour ago, DSTZach said:

    It is about the height of the base figure. You know what I'm talking about, and what Miry was talking about when he referenced the 2.5" and 3" bodies. You can use "scale" to differentiate between them, but as Miry was advocating for larger characters in the same scale, I do not think it is more accurate to use that term.

    Advocating is such a strong word... Opining? Speaking wistfully of? Dreamin' out loud? Those might be more accurate descriptions.

    33 minutes ago, DSTZach said:

    Armies are still possible, although secondary market price don't indicate overall demand.

    Clearly this you've not tried to find the AIM Soldier, first Hydra soldier, Skrull warrior, or Multiple Man in high numbers without needing pre-approval for a second mortgage. (although admittedly the "Stone Men of Saturn" didn't create nearly the same demand)

  14. 6 minutes ago, DSTZach said:

    You will never see 2.5" or 3" Marvel Minimates. The 2" body was created for Marvel, because bigger figures were not allowed. I have never heard anyone suggest that, or I would have reiterated it. Vinimates are similarly off-limits.

    Chuck said the same... or at least similar. (since Vinimates weren't a thing then) And it's admittedly been a long time since anyone asked, but I know it had been brought up in some winding, long winded hypothetical BaF scenarios of ages past.

    And evening out the cases will make Luke's life easier, so it's all good.

  15. 8 hour drive up 95 with a barely working AC yesterday. Came home to a lot of little electrical repairs/replacements in the house do to lightning storms shorting stuff out while we were gone. Does not put a pleasant topper on one's vacation. 
    But the modem, TV, and both laptops still work (invested in great surge protection there), and the major house systems like HVAC just needed new fuses which I can replace myself. So could have been much, much worse.

  16. So this is wave turns out to be a mixed bag for me.

    Like the new Black Cat... Gwenpool does not, nor was she intended to, appeal to my demographic of comics reader. Could not be more meh on a figure. If she were paired with another character I happened to care less about, It'd be warming a peg at my TRU.

    Carrion is out of left field a bit. Sure a form of Carrions have been featured recently, but not the hood wearing, thinks they're Miles Warren kind. It's welcome, but feels out of the blue. The OG Scarlett Spider getting some modern tooling love. I like it.

    Unworthy Thor was as unsurprising as his pack mate was surprising. Everyone figured Odinson to show up soon, but the Collector? On my want list, but waaaaay off my radar. Now I need to find a spare blue head to 616 up the upcoming Ragnarok Grandmaster.


    And since 25 doesn't have a thread of it's own...

    All spidey-goodness!!!

    Jack O'Lantern! Beetle!! Excellent! Modern Spidey-Armor? actually high on my list! Doesn't look like he's still in high school anymore Peter Parker? In his Romita Sr blue suit, yellow shirt and red tie? Even better!!! 
    And it's not a bathrobe, you rubes, it's a smoking jacket. Chameleon is the updated minimate I didn't know I wanted until I saw it.

    And Negative Zone Spider-Man is kinda there. A name on the list of Spider-Variants to be checked off. Couldn't have put a non-Spider supporting hero there, Jack's not enough of an anchor on his own, none of the villains in this wave are. But that's okay. Glad to have them.
    Does this mean we're closer to getting a classic Beetle now, Zach. Just tell me yes even if you're lying, it's been a long, long weekend.


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