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Posts posted by Mirymate

  1. Ya know, Ive been tending sick children today, so for whatever reason I didn't notice it was DSTMatt that made that second long list... off the top of his head. If you listen closely, you will be able to hear the sound of screaming when certain boardmates see Matt can think of that many new Spideys. Looking forward to the electro-proof Spidey with rubber matress variant set in wave 30!

  2. You can't say stryfe is there to create confusion for readers without accepting that is also the case for cable. Whats more retar-um confusing than shooting your baby into the future, then cloning it. Actually Im kind of hazy on how exactly stryfe came to be.

    That's where things get squirrely. When Liefield was originally working on Cable, Cable and Cyc's timelost son were two different characters. It was after Liefield left without telling anyone where he was going with the whole who-is-Cable mystery, that someone decided to make Cable Scott's son back from the future, and thus further complicating the Stryfe confusion.

  3. Assuming the last spot is the one that gets the variant, I'd LOVE it if like the last Spider-Man wave there were two more villains packed in with the Guardsmen. That way it'd increase the chances of seeing Vulture, Lizard, or Tombstone. Odds of that are slim. I'd wager we got Kraven/Tarantula last time in part because neither of them needed any new parts. Vulture and Lizard would need new tooling and that probably prices them out of being variants.

    In my fondest hopes for tomorrow's reveal, they will announce a classic Vulture figure, with either the new Vulture or that silly armored Vulture costume from the eary 90's s as the variant.

    Alternately you'd have a classic green/yellow Doc Ock with new, improved tentacles, and one of Doc's other costumes as the variant. I'd preffer the white suit wearing version drawn by Larson, but the trenchcoated, movie influenced look would be okay too. Heck an Octo-Spidey as a Doc Ock variant would be acceptable if we could get some bendy tentacles.

    And in a flight of pure fancy, I'd LOVE IT if we got a Lizard / Guardsman 2 pack, with Stegron variant. But that is just dreamin' too hard.

  4. Well, it's a combination of the two that really makes him so bad, and I should note that there are very cool "anti-" characters like Joker and Bizarro, who aren't lazy/lame rip-offs in the way that Stryfe was, IMO. Creating someone who possesses traits opposite of a hero is one thing. Making him a clone (which Bizarro is not, in my mind--he is from Bizarro World in another reality), or giving a guy the exact same powers in an opposite colored outfit or something (though I admittedly do like Reverse Flash's colors) is lame in the vast majority of cases. You throw in where he comes from and how he was written back in those days, and it's that much worse.

    I also don't consider Sabretooth to be in that group at all (though I haven't read about him in years, so I don't know of him as the "anti-Wolverine" that you say he has become). Carnage is the very worst, though. Marvel creators were so lazy at the time that they created a cheap knock-off of a cheap knock-off.

    --edit: Another comment: all Golden Age DC stuff (Justice League (cheap knock off of JSA), Crime Syndicate (cheap knock-off of JLA), etc.) are excluded from criticism, because all Golden Age stuff is awesome.--

    My main beef with Stryfe was he in large part exists just to create confusion on the readers part. A red herring designed to make the reader qustion the mysterious Cable's motives. "Was Cable leading both the heroic New Mutants and the evil MLF? It certainly looks that way..." Cheapened both characters right off the bat.

    Sabretooth did eventually become the Evil Wolverine. Or rather, Sabretooth embraced what Wolverine fought against becoming- a brutal, animalistic killing machine. I say fought because Wolverine doesn't seem to be fighting real hard against it anymore, and now he's even got Cyc's endorsement not to do so.

  5. Not only is he one of the horde of laziest possible villains (the "evil clone," or "evil doppleganger," or "evil guy who wears the same costume but different colors"),

    So you don't care for Prof. Zoom, Sinestro, Bizarro, Venom, Carnage, Sabretooth, or Abomination on similar grounds? (Yes, yes, I know Sabretooth started out as something different, but by the time of his "death", the evil Wolverine was all he's become.)

    Liefield is another matter entirely.

  6. It's called the Guardsman armor. Long story short: It was originally designed by Tony as a gift for a pre-Rhodey trusted friend. Unfortunately there was a glitch cerebro circuitry in the armor that drove it's original wearer insane and ultimately killed him. (which is why Stark didn't try this again until many, many years later with War Machine) The man's brother eventually came into possession of a repaired suit, and wore it as the Guardsman. The Guardsman became head of security for Project Pegasus, and later the Vault. Less powerful versions of the armor were produced for the rank and file Vault guards. And yes, Tony decided to during the Armor Wars to trash all of these guys in addition to every armored villain he find. For a time the Vault Guards wore far inferior, though identical looking, armor produced by Stane International. Eventually, after several mass escapes and dead guards, Stark relented and resupplied the Vault with new Guardsman armor. Not that this stopped the eventual shut down of the Vault in the last few years.

    Powerwise, the original Guardsman armor was on par with the "Classic" armor. It had many of the same features as that suit, but lacked the chest beam and some of the more esoteric functions. The Vault Guards had about a half the power of either of those suits.

    All that said, this is an unexpected, but very welcome army builder.

  7. Besides, a Avengers Forver boxed set with Kang, Yellowjacket, Songbird and either Side-burns Hawkeye, Gennis Vell, or blue/yellow Goliath would be a much better way to honor the 10th anniversary than a simple TRU two pack.

    Okay, it's just a good excuse to ask for a bunch of Avengers related characters that I want.

  8. wow cant u buy them online? or ask the tru workers to save u one?

    When I mean well scalped, I mean they hit the closest TRU to me every morning when it opens. Every Morning. I can't compete that level of dedication... or free time. (they are apparently a pair of college age guys) And they're not the only known scalpers. There's a hindi woman who even the local Hasbro rep complains about. She's not the nicest person to deal with apparently. And the Target Vandal. No one knows who this person is, they haven't been caught despite operating around here for at least ten years. But they have the nasty habit of defacing any collectible action figure with spray paint or silly string or anything else they can find so they can't be sold mint. Fortunatly, the Vandal only seems to want to trash the first of any wave, and usually doesn't bother with restocks. And he/she mostly hits the Star Wars stuff, though there was a shift to Bakugon over Christmas. "We" (being the other local collectors I know) call him the Target Vandal because they started this crap after Target tried putting limits on people snapping up multiple collectibles. I'm sure there are more, but those are the ones colorfull enough to be widely known.

    So if it's a store exclusive anything, I have to try other means of getting it. Sucks, but that's the reality of the local market. Getting the ML Giant-Man wave, and it's required variant, was an adventure let me tell you.

  9. And as for Army Builder: Spider Slayers.

    Ooooo! As much as I like the idea, so far the 616 Army Builders have had little to wave they're in. Otherwise it would have been Hellfire goons with this summer's X-wave not Skrulls. We'll probably get Kree or something.

  10. "Spider-Girl, Spider-Girl

    Don't it make your little head twirl"

    So its a rehash of the Ben Reilly Spiderman with the chest tampo changed from muscle to boobs. Thats the only costume difference I can come up with of these two from memory.

    Pretty much. Maybe some bracelet style webshooters. Or they could just draw them on again. My guess, based on the other offerings this year, is that we'll get a removable mask and hairpiece as well. The Shocker got a removeable mask and hairpiece for crying out loud. I can't beleive that May won't get the same.

    Hope for Electro and Vulture grows.

    So since it appears that we're geting alternate Spider-Folks, which sort-of Spidey do you think we'll get next?

  11. Another thought on this wave...

    When the two War Machine packs came out, I made the decision I was only going to get the Rhodey version, as I didn't want two Spymasters. But even with 25 coming out, I'm taking a hard look at the double Stark TRU pack. Sure, instead of a second Spymaster I'd have a second classic Iron Man. But then, I've got this spare Movie Jim Rhodes...

  12. Y'know, the Bullseye/Moonstone is such a nice complement to the Thunderbolts set, is it not? It would make a great deal of sense to do a TRU-exclusive Nighthawk/Hellcat 2-pack to help flesh out the Defenders that we got, don't you think? I'm not sayin', but I'm just sayin'.

    That would SO rock.

    And I haven't seen this new Vulture, but if you want to make him a variant figure to the real Vulture as they did for Vision 2.0, I have no problem with that. Since variants are paired with army builders these days, you can use the Initiative Scarlet Spiders (just Iron Spidey's with new faces, maybe go crazy and add the back-pack arms).

    Avenger-wise, Black Knight and Falcon are the two biggest ommisions on the hero side. Mocking Bird, Tigra, and Quasar would be nice too. And then there's Kang.

    Hey... maybe a 70's flashback wave, with Nighthawk / Hellcat, Kang / Mantis, and Cpt Mar-Vell / Moon Dragon!!

  13. So basically what I'm saying in this long rambling post is that as much as we all hate Ebay, you may in fact be getting the most efficient market price using Ebay to get these exclusives. Be patient and someone will eventually sell these online at a decent price. Last fall you could get TONS of Minimates at cheap, cheap prices on Ebay as they flooded the market. This will happen again.

    So quit whining and be patient, prices will come down. I can do that. Somthing to look forward to, I guess. Thanks for the figurative kick in the pants.

    At least I get a fair shot at a Moonstone, and in the end that's a very good thing.

  14. I have no details in the Marvel license, but I understand there's some pretty strict points to it.

    Wasn't there something said by the DST/AA crew around Toyfair or NYCC about Goblin Gliders not being as impossible as it once was?

    Maybe, just maybe, the license restrictions aren't as strict as they once were?

    Here's to hopin'.

  15. Elhonez, you now officially have the honor of being hated with a fiery passion. I thought the new code would last at least 24 hours before being broken, but you tore that dream to shreds. ;)

    Seriously though, great job <grumble grumble>.

    Guess the only sensible thing to do is go ahead and release the lineup then, huh?

  16. Most wanted Marvel-mates? In no particular order:




    Black Knight





    Captain Britian & Meggan

    Baron Zemo







    Crimson Dynamo



    Beast (not cat face, or a half Skrull, I want a proper Beast)

    Doc Ock w/ longer bendy tentacles

    Powerhouse Juggernaut

    the Wrecking Crew

    Mentallo and the Fixer

    Character variations

    Modern Thor

    Joe Fixit Hulk

    post armor war Iron Man

    Heroes return Iron Man

    Amazing Bag-Man

    Adult Peter Parker civi-mate

    Army builders



  17. Scorpion... very cool. Now we wait to see if he's with or without the tail spike. I assume given AA's attention to detail, they won't make the same mistake TB did and put the 90's cartoon mask on him the first time around.

    Course if it's that new green haired chick, I'll be ticked.

    Going to be a loooong 24 hours till we get the next code.

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