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Posts posted by Mirymate

  1. 9 minutes ago, MisterPL said:


    Not unless it's on Netflix. Ask Agents of SHIELD. The last Coulson 'mate we got was based on a cartoon. Maybe if the Inhumans got an animated series...

    Sigh... yes that's true. But then Agents is full of original characters, a few name dropped people who bore no resemblance to their comics counterparts, and a relative newbie. When it became apparent Ike and ABC had no intention of selling the merchandising rights, clamor for a 616 Quake was as good as we could have hoped for. We didn't, show has held on by it's fingernails four the last 3 seasons, so there's nothing to really tie into. Ghost Rider was a big hit this year, so maybe 616 Ghost Reyes has a good chance of making into a future wave.

    BUT, if against the odds Inhumans becomes a runaway hit show, the odds of the 616 Royal Family getting some minimate love goes up exponentially.

  2. 4 minutes ago, thereasonsy said:

    And here I am sat still without my Inhuman Royal family and another Wolverine that will be collecting the dust in the parts bin.

    You have a show coming. That will raise your chances are about to rise exponentially.

  3. Still kinda hoping it's Ulik... ain't gonna lie.

    If it's Surtur, I'm still cool with it... but am hoping for Ulik...cause I'm a sucker B-villains and Hench-villains. And usually, that's the role he plays.
    The BoEM wave was one of my favorites, and I'm not an X-Men guy. Like at all.

  4. Kostis, my friend... it's time to face the facts... Wolverine, even beat up wrinkly old Wolverine, is always going to sell better than Moon Knight. At the comics stand, in the toy aisle, everywhere. It might not be fair or just, but it is the truth.

    Hey there's persistent rumors of a Netflix show for Moony, so there's that hope for you.

  5. 9 minutes ago, DSTZach said:

    I didn't know who Jimmy Hudson even was until now, being a late-in-the-game Ultimate character, but now that he's in the 616, we can track his profile.

    Can't stop, won't stop.

    Much like 616 Wolverine, Ultimate Wolverine has the occasional previously unknown children popping up. Unlike most of 616's kids, 1610 knew about this one. The kid we know as James Hudson junior is the product of an affair between Logan and Magda Lensherr, yep Magneto's wife, Logan decided it would be best to get this kid far away from his "adventurous life" as Magneto's assassin. So he placed him with his old friends James and Heather Hudson to be raised with no knowledge of his heritage. So Logan dies, and of course Jimmy's powers manifest at puberty when they save his bacon in a botched street racing accident. Feeling unoriginal, Kitty arrives shortly thereafter to recruit Jimmy to the X-Men, and leaves with Jimmy a box of Logan's personal effects which includes a holographic message from Logan explaining to Jimmy where he came from. So the reluctant young mutant embarks on his journey to join the X-Men. He's a major player in the last of the Ultimate X stories, and eventually he and Jean Grey wind up on the Young Ultimates. Somehow, during the last Incursion of 616 vs 1610, Jimmie and a group of mutants literally fell off their Earth and landed on ours, and awoke after the Secret Wars III with no memory of their past lives. They are scooped up by Miss Sinister and become her New Marauders. They are currently clashing with the Time Displaced OG X-Men.
    James has all his fathers powers with a few twists. His healing factor seems to need him conscious to work properly, and he can change his bone claws into an organic steel. He's been observed metalizing his teeth as well, so he may be able to do it skeleton wide. Apparently we were no ready for a female Wolverine, as Jimmy looks poised to take the mantel from his "sister". Assuming Logan doesn't get better soon. (Which looks really, really, REALLY likely)

    Of note... there are currently two Quicksilvers running around, Pietro Maximoff who is neither Magento's kid nor a mutant but the subject of High Evolutionary experimentation to understand mutants, and Pietro Lensherr who is totally Magneto's son and totally a mutant and fell into the 616 with Jimmy. Oh Fox and Disney feud, what have you wrought?

  6. Ashley Barton hails from the Old Man Logan timeline. She's the daughter of Hawkeye... and Peter Parker's youngest daughter Tonya. Let the creepiness of that sink in a minute. So Ashley apparently got her granddad's power, with no sense of responsibility. She got together a gang to try and overthrow the Kingpin in Hammer Falls and got herself captured. Clint rescues his kid while he and Logan were on that cross country road trip together. Ashley, in turn, kills the Kingpin and states she wasn't trying to overthrow him because he was the bad guy, she wanted to run Hammer Falls herself. This probably should have been hinted at with a code name like "Spider-B***h". Clint objects, so she orders her gang to kill him, Logan swoops in in a Spider-Mobile and Clint lives a little longer. Next time you see Ashley she's calling herself Spider-Girl/Woman (had to make her more family friendly after all), and is recruited by the Superior Spider-Man to his team to fight Morlun's family in the Spider-verse event. Shocking I know that Otto would choose another morally questionable Spider to work with.

  7. 1 hour ago, stack32 said:

    I think just packing the head in with other figures when the body it would be used on was released 5 years ago in a boxset would be a bad idea.

    Hence my preference would be a tie in 2-pack. But would I except just a head/hair piece if that were the only way to get the figure represented? Yep.


    But then, I wanted a Cap's Kooky Quartet as a boxed set, but this set puts a bullet in that dream.

  8. Hey... I think we can take Otto and Rogue out of the running. Just guessing. Maybe. 

    thereasonsy- The fact that Sabretooth was allowed on a modern Avengers roster of any squad is enough to question whether Cap lost his marbles long before any of this cube business. At least we knew he was compromised when Cap let Deadpool in. Sigh. Remember back when Hawkeye was so against killing he was willing to divorce his wife for letting the man who raped her fall? When the team almost fell apart over killing the Supreme Intelligence? (he got better) Yeah... good times...

    Ashely Barton = strong candidate


  9. 1 hour ago, thereasonsy said:

    Weird question... would you Wanda enthusiasts be contented with a head? Like if they just stuck they Kooky quartet head in with a Classic Black Widow and a Swordsman would that be ok or do you guys want the complete figure?

    There are a few elements to Wanda's early costume that go beyond just the headdress


    But personally, yeah I'd be happy with just a hairpiece so I could get close to that look. I'm not speaking for anyone but me. And that's the kind of thing more likely be found in a boxed set than a 2 pack.

  10. 44 minutes ago, OvenproofBug6 said:

    I thought it was also mentioned that the spider-verser was not from an alternate reality?? Can someone confirm or deny this?

    Not that I saw. But Buff was keeping a closer eye on that than I on the early clues. Just that it wasn't any Peter Parkers. Which I suppose could be used to count out all of the literal clones, so some clarity would be helpful.

    27 minutes ago, Kostisfire said:

    I'd love a Superior Octopus. Say what you will about the sub-par Slott tenure and his treatment of Otto, but the costume is great (in my eyes at least, since I love the color scheme). Problem is, it's too new.It was revealed earlier this year, so I doubt that's it. I'd love to be surprised though...

    But it's simplicity my work in it's favor. And IF I RECALL CORRECTLY (why is absolutely entirely possible that I am not) they get a certain amount of advanced warning on some new designs. That said we might want to be looking less Secret Empire and more Civil War II for where these guys are being drawn from.

    6 minutes ago, HellfireSamurai said:

    Kaine seems doubtful just because they made a Scarlet Spider in the animated line that while it was Ben Reilly in the suit, it was Kaine's suit he was sporting complete with stingers.

    My bet is on Anya Corazon or less likely Hobbie Brown (possibly in his Prowler uniform since i don't recall it being stated that the Spider-verser would be in a Spider themed costume)

    Well... crap, probably ought to spoiler this just in case...


    Kaine lost the Scarlet Spider ID entirely when Ben turned up not dead anymore. After being returned to normal from being transformed into the newest Tarantula, I really don't know what his current status is. Which works hard against him being made. 

    Hence that's voting with my heart, not my head.

  11. 1 hour ago, BuffaloDelorean said:

    Classic Swordsman and BoEM/Kooky Quartet Wanda would both be fantastic.

    So would I, Buff. But every once in a while, they used to slip a companion 2 pack into like a TRU wave for a boxed set. Or a wave. (You should have heard the wailing and gnashing of teeth when Angel was the chase figure you needed to finish the X-Men #1 boxed set. Oh the Humanity!) So I was thinking more in that vein.

    Although, I also wouldn't mind Swordsman with a Kooky Quartet Hawkeye (eye pieces used to bet smaller and more triangular than any mates we've gotten), comics Mantis, or Eric Josten's Power Man (a frequent partner in crime in the early SA) either. 

  12. Which cuts the list down to- 

    Anya Corazon, Kaine Parker, Ezekial Sims, John Jameson, Billy Braddock, Ben Parker, Hobie Brown, and to an extent Otto, depending on whether you'd count 


    Otto's mind in new body he cloned from himself and Peter so he has his and Peter's powers as the

    Ultimate Octopus as a new unmade character.

    And before you start thinking I'm just a huge fan of the design, I'm not. But as minimates go, it's a two or three color design, mostly existing parts with a new back piece that'll hold four tentacles instead of three. Pretty "cheap" as minimates go. And if we're right and we're looking at some form of Green Scar vs the Red King, we will need some lower cost mates included to balance out the wave.

    My heart wants some version of Kaine, or Miguel's new suit.

    Spider-UK has appeal, but unless paired with another Spider-Man (who could fit the modern Avenger variant with his own spiffy new dudes) he doesn't make sense story pair wise.

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