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Everything posted by DooMmonkey.

  1. Thanks for the help, I may end up picking up a spare Loony Bin Jim to give Cage his hat.
  2. Is it the same for everyone, Cage's hat isn't tampo'd on properly and bleeds onto his head? also Sentry is sporting terrible QC issues, his feet scrape so easily, picked it up just to inspect and saw yellow scratches from minor handling, also his stomach is missing half of the belt.
  3. I also might take to making a Rorshach, and if anyone wants my Constantine recipe, it's Head and hair: Sentry, Torso: BSG Baltar, Legs: Civilian Logan with black feet, for the trench I'd recommend Bruce banner's coat painted brown and with any brown arms.
  4. Hey, my name is C.J. some of you might know me if you use the Spawn forum (thanks to a kind helper on there I found this site) Right now I'm coming off sounding like Troy Mclure, anyway I used to collect 'mates back when they first came out, grabbed a set of Daredevil and Kingpin, they were cool so I collected more and more, I have only just got back into it and boy am I swamped huge Bats fan so gonna be picking up him and a few enemies, still annoyed I may never get Two-Face made, unless I cobble him together from spare parts, expect pictures of my John Constantine custom very soon.
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