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Posts posted by chocolatebarnsystem

  1. Long-time lurker, first-time poster, but very interested in this outcome. It *should* be Star Wars. Here's my rationale...

    1. DST has been bragging up that Marvel Minimates are the longest running collector line in toy history. The jealous George Lucas in me thinks he would want to beat that with a Star Wars line of 'mates.

    2. I believe the MAX vehicles were a test to see if DST could sell vehicles, another thing that needs to be part of a Star Wars line.

    3. It looks like Galactic Heroes are over. It faded last year and now I see they are on clearance AFTER Christmas...why the wait? So, there's a spot on pegs for SW mini-figures.

    With Marvel slowing down to "profitable" packs, Minimates needs another flagship brand to keep it afloat. If it works like Hollywood, a successful Star Wars line will allow them to crank out not as profitable packs (like Golden Girls) without breaking the bank. A win for both camps. So, if not now for Mini-Mon Mothma, then never I imagine...

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