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Posts posted by funkguerilla

  1. 6 hours ago, arnim zola said:

    Aaaaaand Norman is somehow always involved. And how is it Carnage without Cletus? His symbiote was a piece of venoms mixed with his blood right? The venom symbiote as a whole was jumping hosts but Carnage was unique.

    Probably because the current Carnage Symbiote has changed.  From what I recall (and please someone correct me if I'm wrong), the OG carnage symbiote was destroyed in the late 90s early 00s and Cletus ended up getting a new one, but basically the same, from the Negative Zone.  This also would explain how the Carnage and Venom symbiotes could mate and create Toxin without any weird inbreeding issues.

    Hooray comics!

  2. I keep having this crazy notion that the new retailer could be Barnes and Noble.  With their expanded toy/hobby section and a desire to reach beyond just print media, it seems like they're the perfect candidate.  Not that it's any more stable than Gamestop at the moment, but whatever.


    Regardless, I guess we'll find out in a few days.

  3. On 7/10/2018 at 10:20 AM, thereasonsy said:

    That’s the challenge I have. I love the classic comic book characters but we have to accept the fact that comics are a small and dying audience. They literally gave us what we claimed to want with Most Wanted (Tigra etc) and the fan vote waves and both didn’t do great.

    Anecdotally speaking, it always seems like the comic stuff sells through faster than the movie stuff.  My TRU had pegs full of boring civilians from Dark Tower, PoTC, and whatever Marvel movie was new, while the weird colorful stuff always sold through pretty quickly (like Beetlejuice, Nightmare, or Marvel comic stuff [except for Maestro/Old Man Logan for some reason]).  Also, at the comic store I go to the most, they were always burning through comic mates while their little spinner rack was choked with random civilian movie figures (I'm looking at you, Howard Stark).

    Call me crazy, but I think the issues with minimates comes from both making too many non-toyetic characters (Like the aforementioned howard stark) or not being varied enough in their character selection.  I know I get bored when a new wave is announced and it's just another twist on the Iron Man, Spider-Man, Cap staples we always get.  IN a perfect world, DST would take a page from Hasbro and lean into the fandom that wants the obscure and couple it with kids or whatever that want something that looks fun and they can put into action scenarios.

    Basically: more fun, less suits, and more variety seem like they would help the excitement level of the line/figures.  And honestly, it seems like they're doing this with Kingdom Hearts and Sonic, I just hope it extends into their other/future lines.


  4. The only figure I wish we were getting would be a Bathrobe'd Scott Lang so I could add it to my bathrobe'd figure collection.  Aside from that, I agree with BD, the boxset lineup is pretty spot on.  Now if only we'd get an Antman comic wave with a New Scott Lang Ant-Man, Stinger, New Wasp, PymTron, Ghost, and Golith, I'd be in hog heaven.

  5. Marvel had such a good thing with the Young Avengers, but never figured out how to really capitalize on it.  All the characters were great, the dynamic was fun, and it should have been pushed to the forefront of the line.  Instead, by treading water for years until the OG creators could come back, it all fizzled into what we have now: Some fun characters, but no team to go with it.

    What I wouldn't give for a Young Avengers box set with a Patriot, Wiccan, Hulkling, and Hawkeye...

  6. I try not to be precious about these things because really, in the scheme of things, who care.  That said, I'm more bothered by the intent behind the show than the look of the show.  I mean, the art style isn't for me, but you could build up a fun manga-inspired action show with that look and I could see it being popular (even if it's not for me).  The part that really bugs me was TopKnot's line about "It was all so silly, it had to be a comedy" Like I get that it's cool to make fun of stuff or deconstruct concepts, but at some point you should just lean into the curve, embrace the absurd, and make it work.

    Personally, I feel really bad for the kids that will grow up with this kind of show that's too ashamed of its trappings to take things seriously.  in my experience, kids like shows that take themselves seriously (sometimes, there's room for comedy too) and those are the shows that end up becoming life-time obsessions.  The reason why Thundercats is even something we still talk about is because the creators cared enough about this merchandizing vehicle to put some love into it which lit the torch in young fans minds.  This new show is going to get forgotten as soon as it's off the air.


  7. 4 hours ago, Mysterious Stranger said:

    Anything 2099. Those were some great designs.

    YES!  A billion times this.  A Nation Under Doom wave with Doom, Ghost Rider, Punisher, Spider-Man, a couple of X-Men would be THE BEST!

    I'd also like to add a Siege of Darkness line to the mix.  Something that involved Ghost Rider, Johnny Blaze (with removable bionic parts, natch), Strange, Zarthos, Vengeance, and Lilith would be amazing.

  8. On 4/20/2018 at 3:39 PM, Swarm198 said:


    Deathlok? I’ll take two. Please and thank you.


    Honestly, why not just make a big wave out of him.  Between the OG Luther, the Timelost Sewer Luther, Michael Collins, Siege, the X-Force Serial Killer, Deathlockette, and that Agents of Shield TrashLok, you would have quite a wave of dangerous cyborg killers. And I would buy every single one of them.

  9. 3 hours ago, Polarboy said:



    Skin tone really isn't an issue there are plenty of images with everybody all done up so you could totally do the main 6 with only one male and one female chest block .

    Man.  I always forget how sharp those costumes are.  They are way more striking than those Blue and Yellow strike force uniforms and it's a shame they've gotten so little play in the action figure arena.

    More on topic, I totally agree with Polarboy.  You divide the wave up into boys and girls with swappable heads and you can have the whole team in a snap.  I would go: Chamber/White Queen with a Synch head; Jubilee/Penance with an M head; Husk/Skin with optional torn torsos for Husk; and a BAF of either Mondo or Banshee.  That way each set has some kind of fun, toyetic feature and you can get the whole team pretty quickly.  

    Count me down for a wave that looks anything like this.  Or just a Chamber/Husk combo.  I can make the rest from there.

  10. 3 hours ago, Heinous said:

    Yeah, I'm gonna have to find at least a new hood for MK, if not a cape also. Just such a weird combo 

    I dunno man, I'm digging that cape way more than the old capes.  There's so much room for movement and action, I wish all the capes looked like this.  Hell, combined with the original moon knight, it makes an almost perfect silver avenger.  Check it out:



    I'll give you that the hood is weird, but I'll take it for a cape that gives me this much posing potential.

    Also, as a bonus, here's a shot I took of that new Ghost Rider.




  11. Nothing makes me more excited about minimates than a well executed comic based wave and this one is no exception.  Even if I'm not totally sold on all the costumes (I'm looking at you, Tracksuit Iron Fist) they're still pulled off in that perfect minimate style that feels like they just leapt off the page.

    My personal favorite of the wave is that new Ghost Rider.  That helmut piece is as gorgeous as it it grotesque.  I only wish he came with a tire iron instead of a couple of chains, but hey that's what my storage bins are for.

    On the opposite side of the scale is Jessica Jones.  Not because  she's a bad looking figure, more that in this wave of fun, toyetic costumes, she's just wearing a jacket.  It would have been nice if she was swapped out for a new Spider-Woman or something, but whatever, she came with the perfect Purple Man so all is good.

    Great stuff from DST and here's hoping they refocus the line on the comic stuff and leave the box sets for the dull MCU stuff.

  12. My dream never-gonna-happen 2-Packs:

    Doom 2099/Ghost Rider 2099

    The Jester/Cobra


    Everything else I want seems semi likely (Deathlok), or really never gonna happen (NFL SuperPro),

  13. 2 hours ago, force2099 said:

    Marvel doesnt know what its doing anymore, all they do is giant crossovers, number ones, and kill a character and bring them back a year later. 

    Oh, I think they know what they're doing, they're just going after the short term buck and not thinking about the long term.  Cause I get it, events sell better than regular books, issue ones more than issue 400+s, and you get more press with the death of a character than just doing something interesting with them.  The problem is, however, that every time they do one of those things it kills their baseline readership and eventually that's going to be what does them in.

    I remember this thing someone told me in college about Ecstasy; She refused to take it because while it made you feel great while you were on it, you would never feel that good again in your life.  That the drug would hypercharge your endorphine glands (or whatever) and give you the rush, but afterwards you could never produce the same amount with or without drugs.  Seems to me that's what's happened to Marvel.  They found this drug - be it relaunches, events, or press coverage - and are addicted to the rush without realizing that if they keep it up, they'll never achieve those kinds of sales naturally again.

    Also also, them blaming fans for anything is just total bullshit.  Back in my day, Marvel listened to the readership and adjusted accordingly not demanded that the readership just fall in line.

  14. On 2/6/2018 at 9:14 AM, funkguerilla said:

    Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if we got a Maximum Carnage themed wave.  In no particular order, it could be a Venom, Carnage, Shriek, Spider-Man, Doppleganger, and either a Demogoblin or a Deathlok.

    Feels like a strong wave.  We can only hope.

    Can I brag for a second that I almost totally nailed this wave?  I've never been so on the money in my decade plus of guessing at line ups.  It feels good man.

  15. Hey, good for them.  For me, I think it's time to finally officially bow out.

    I just wish they would stop perpetuating this myth that issues ones are the only place that new readers will jump on a book.  For adults that certainly true.  I've talked to many new adult fans who would rather they have a neat, self-contained run with a deliberate beginning middle and end with no time for the sprawling, never-ending soap opera that Marvel Comics was for the majority of its history.  You know who doesn't care about all that? Kids.  I started reading Spider-Man when Carnage was introduced which was loaded with weirdo backstories about everything and I loved it.  I didn't see it as a unsurmountable task or nonsense I didn't have time for; I saw it as something exciting that I couldn't wait to pull apart and learn all about.  I'd argue that kids today are mostly the same.  They want something that's worth their money (for example, each issue should have some action), that seems important (like something that has decades of history behind it), and an easy way to track the story if they want (like a stable numbering system so you know where the issue you have happens in the scope of the character).

    Disappointing to say the least.  

  16. 4 hours ago, winkerbean said:

    I would have preferred Deathlok, Firestar or even Spawn...... i mean Nightwatch, what the hell happened to Nightwatch?

    NIghtwatch showed up in the Charles Soule She Hulk run as a weird manipulator type person. Though he was just in a regular business suit, and not his future-tech nonsense that makes him so awesome.


    Also also, unrelated to Nightwatch, I'm totally digging this wave even though it means I'll have to deconstruct my quick custom of the Doppleganger. 

  17. Okay, so what if it''s more like a Venom Inc wave?  With a Mania, Maniac, Venom, Agent Anti-Venom, Spider-Man, and Black Cat (I guess).

    You'd get a variety of Venom-esque characters that aren't just retreads of existing characters (that is to say, I got no love for that Venomized Wolverine) and they all kinda match.

    I mean, I'd prefer a Maximum Carnage wave, but I could be okay with this too.


  18. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if we got a Maximum Carnage themed wave.  In no particular order, it could be a Venom, Carnage, Shriek, Spider-Man, Doppleganger, and either a Demogoblin or a Deathlok.

    Feels like a strong wave.  We can only hope.

  19. They finally showed up for me too in Burbank and also rang up at 5.99.

    Question for the room: Is the Chameleon wearing a bathrobe or a dressing gown and what's the difference between the two?

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