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Posts posted by funkguerilla

  1. So, since announcing Hickman's Secret Wars story for next summer, Marvel has also teased slightly tweaked imagery for Civil War, House of M, Armor Wars, Days of Future Past, and now Infinity Gauntlet.

    I'm starting to wonder if all of the timeline wrecking stories over the past couple years are leading up to a big DC-style hard reboot of the MU, so they can retell all of the major events from the past couple decades and bring all of the characters and editorial more in line with the movie universe.

    Honestly that seems like the most rational way for Marvel to do a line-wide reboot. Keep all the events, just change the details to make them more modern. Rational, but incredibly stupid.

    Let's just hope this is another effort from Marvel to break the internet and it ends up being a purely superficial event that gets forgotten after 6 months.

    That said, I would be really interested to see how they would redo Fear Itself. That storyline had nothing but promise and ended up being one of the worst things ever.

  2. Eternals Box Set:

    Ikaris, Zuras, Karkas Thena


    Sersi, Makkari


    Dangit! I forgot to include Gilgamesh.

    I can't tell if that's legit, or a really funny reference.

    Either way, of all the Eternals, Gilgamesh is probably the only one I would want.

  3. I thought that was wave 60. We haven't discussed 61 at all


    I was being snarky because I thought Tenime was being snarky. You know, because every discussion on a new wave starts out the same way: Brotherhood, remaining Giant Sized X-Men, 90s X-Factor, and 90s Blue/Yellow X-Men. Alas...

    Honestly though, series 61 is totally going to be an Avengers thing.

    Back on topic (and all snark aside) I picked up a pack of these yesterday and they are AMAZING! Sharp, clean lines, great accessories, and just fantastic all around. As a matter of fact, I think the Sentinel from this wave is my favorite they've done. I just can't stop looking at it. Great job, DST! Can't wait for more comic waves in 2015!

  4. GUYS!

    Tickets for my movie are ON SALE! RIGHT NOW!


    As it stands, there are three opportunities to see Love in the Time of Monsters THIS MONTH!

    If you're in the Los Angeles area, we're having a screening in Burbank on Thursday Oct 16th. Or we will, if we sell 29 more tickets by Oct 9th. Follow this link and get them tix:

    If you're in the Seattle area, we're having a screening in Woodinville on Wednesday Oct 22nd. You know, if we sell 28 more tickets by Oct 15th. Follow this link to get them tix:

    Finally, I'm going to be up in Oregon for a screening at the Bend Film Fest NEXT WEEK(!) for screenings on Friday (Oct 10) AND Saturday (Oct 11) nights. You can get tickets here:

    Super fun times, guys! I hope A- you can make it and B- If you do you come say hi.

  5. UXM+275.jpg

    I'm not going to lie. I look at those costumes and I think "Dull, Dull, Dull".

    Is it neat to have one or two characters with that look? Yeah totally! How else am I gonna get a Forge?

    Is it worth having a whole wave of a singular look? Totally not!

    The Brotherhood I can get behind (even if I doubt it'll be them), but these yellow training costumes I cannot. Don't take this the wrong way, but I hope all of you hoping for these looks are disappointed. If only because I'm jonesing for a wave I can get excited about again.

  6. I totally see where you're coming from, but two of your points are based in a fallacy

    Speaking for myself, the assumption of an X-themed wave comes from a few points:

    3) early in the thread, Zach said he villains had been guessed. The Wrecking Crew and Brotherhood were the two front runners at the time

    5) one of the troop builders suggested in the Carnage Contest thread is in this wave, but not as a troop builder

    3 - What Zach actually said was half the wave was guessed, but he didn't specify which half. While it could be the Brotherhood, it could also be The Enforcers (highly unlikely), members of the Masters of Evil, the Frightful Four, the Defenders, A version of the Offenders, or any of the wacky (and I mean that lovingly) lineups that people have come up with.

    5 - Zach also made it a point to say that Doc Ock isn't always correct. My reading being that the information was either wrong or out of context.

    But I dunno man. Personally at this point I'm holding out for some kind of version of the Masters of Evil consisting of the Wrecking Crew spead between two sets via interchangeable parts OR some kind of weird Brotherhood that's just gonna make everyone sad, like the one that had Exodus and Mammomax in it (who are both dead, BTW).

    I'm excited for the news coming out of NYCC.

  7. Dumb question, but why does everyone assume we're getting another X-Themed wave? With 57 (technically), 59, and a boxset in such a short period, wouldn't it make more sense for 60 not to be X-Themed?

    Plus didn't Chuck say in one of his latest QnA's that they weren't looking heavily at any X-Men for 2015? Or at least something like that (I'll look for the link)

    Given that, what if 60 is Spider-Man themed? Like something bouncing off of one of his recent big events, like Spider-Island, War of the Goblins, Spider-Verse, or Identity Crisis (RAMPANT SPECULATION, my Slingers love strikes again).


  8. Someone connected to Quicksilver? Not on the same team in the 616?

    Well clearly the new wave will include this guy:


    Exodus: obsessed with the Magneto bloodline and team member of Quicksilver in the AOA but no where else.

    How's that for rampant speculation?

  9. For being a wave with a ton of redos, I find myself pretty excited about everything. The armor on that Godkiller Iron Man looks amazing, that Ends of the Earth Spidey looks sharp as all get out (I'm kinda surprised it took so long to get him), and Ronan is really just the icing on the cake. Can't wait to see the rest of them! And doubly can't wait to have them in my grabby little hands.

  10. I'm back with even more exciting news! You can now see Love in the Time of Monsters in Theaters!


    I know, super nuts! So here's the thing: Regular theatrical distribution is a pain in neck in terms of sales and returns (as in the movie has to rent the space and typically makes no money off of it) and is increasing tougher to do what with studios hogging all the screens for their latest big release. Our solution to this problem is a service called TUGG.

    The best way to describe TUGG is that it's like Kickstarter meets VideoOnDemand. It's a way for the audience to demand a movie and pre-buy tickets for it until it hits a certain threshold and is shown in your hometown. It seems more confusing than it is. Let's use an example.

    So, say you live in... Toledo, OH and you really want to see this amazing bigfoot movie you've heard all about. Step one is to head to TUGG to see if there are any screenings ramping up in your area. Assuming there isn't, then you request one and become it's host. From there you pick the venue, the date, and the time you'd like the screening to happen and, after a few days of processing, the page will be live and ready for people to buy tickets.

    At this point it's up to you, as the host, to get the word out about the screening. You need to get a certain amount of butts in the seats to cover the cost of the theater and the admin costs from TUGG; typically it works out to about 50-60 tickets (at least that's the rough numbers I've seen). Once that number is hit, everything starts to take care of itself. TUGG swoops in to deal with the boring parts of exhibition and you, as the host, have the option of just sitting back and enjoying the picture or working with TUGG to create an event around it.


    And listen, if you're thinking about doing this, remember you're not alone. The guys and I have been pumping the movie since 2011 and available to help you promote any way that we can. You can drop me a line here (because I'm always checking this place), on the facebook, or even just leave a comment so everyone can see it.

    Also, if you let me know before you start to schedule an event, us behind the scenes guys can try to come with the movie. I mean, I can tell you right now that we want to come to every screening, but things like work, life, and bank accounts might make that more dream than reality. However, we will always try to do something if you let us know.

    In the meantime, here's the link to our TUGG page so you can peruse at your leisure.


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