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Posts posted by Nekoi

  1. I've been watching Doctor Who. I used to have a strong dislike for the show, but now I adore it. I started with the Ninth Doctor and now I'm on the Eleventh. Recently, I've been pondering collecting what I can of older seasons out of curiousity.

    Trying to watch Torchwood, too, but I'm not liking it as much.

    Torchwood gets better its alot darker then Doctor Who but better for it.

    The modern Doctor Who has to me 3 scales really all aimed at different audiences.

    Sarah Jane Adventures. Aimed squarely at kiddies but if you like DW its could be worth it for the background sorta stuff.

    Doctor Who. The main stream aimed for me at little older audience but accessible to all on most episodes. This is prob the only program on TV that we as a whole family watch together and that does include my 6 year old nephew when he visits.

    Torchwood. Older audience really mid teens an up I would guess. Dark stories and characters that may be a bit harder for some ppl to get to grips with. This ain't a black and white stories but shades of gray. You can have ppl doing bad things for good reasons.

    As for older doctors anyone upto and including Tom Baker is good in my eyes but after that it went downhill fast until the say the eighth doctor and the modern stuff.

    Very true!

    I'm all caught up in modern Who now and I'm loving it. The new season is very different, but it's refreshing that Matt Smith doesn't feel like he's really replacing David Tennant, so much as the show has become something different.

    I did not care much for Torchwood's first season. It honestly felt like they were pushing for the adult themes more than the Sci-Fi feel. Instead of chasing the monsters, they either frak or yell at eachother. This being a majority of each episode got kind of old fast. It did get better, though. Especially once the rift stuff became a big focus and characters became more fleshed out. (Although, the first season finale was incredibly weak, imo.) I'm onto season 2 now and it's pretty awesome.

    Haven't checked out Sarah Jane Adventures yet, but I guess I will once I finish up with Torchwood.

  2. I've been watching Doctor Who. I used to have a strong dislike for the show, but now I adore it. I started with the Ninth Doctor and now I'm on the Eleventh. Recently, I've been pondering collecting what I can of older seasons out of curiousity.

    Trying to watch Torchwood, too, but I'm not liking it as much.

  3. I finished the Decepticon campaign last night and had a great time. The controls, I found, were hard to get the hang of at first, but the game lends itself for some epic shoot outs once you learn them. Any levels with the jets were the highlight for me-- dog fights were highly entertaining and allowed a whole new dimension for strategy that the land-based vehicles needed a lot more of.

    The major downside seems to be in the character choices. Although there are minor differences, it doesn't seem to matter at all. I have found little to no difference in playing either Soundwave or Megatron. Variety would have helped the experience a lot more.

    I'm excited to play through the Autobot campaign, though. The ending to the Decepticon one was just epic. I'm dying to see how it follows up.

  4. Jaime is an amazing character that has always stood out to me.

    Otherwise, I think Jaime would be way more interesting to see in this sort of medium than Clark Kent has been and his strong supporting cast and various cameos could lead to some great stories.

    I'm not going to be holding out much hope for this, though. If this has anything to do with the writing team from Smallville, however, I'll be worried.

  5. The bd mark III is out of this world!! Id highly recommend. It just gives you more options for display and the battle damage is fantastic.

    I'm not really that into 1/6 scale figures, but this one really caught my heart. The detail and paint job are absolutely stunning. All of the weapons features and little gimicks around the armour are so much fun! Definitely worth getting. :)

    Anyone else think she looks kind of spaced out with her mouth open like that? I'm surprised they didn't go with a more determined or secretive expression.

  6. I really enjoyed this film! It was certainly in a different tone than the first, but was a welcomed change and really seemed like a great transition to the Avengers. The fights seemed rather short and secondary, but there were a lot of great character moments that made the length worth sitting through.

  7. I want to go, just to see how many under-10s parents bring to see it. The trailers make it look like the next Spider-Man, when we all knows it's not.

    That was one of my favourite parts about seeing Watchmen in theaters. So many parents escorting their spawn out of the theater. LOL

    I can't wait for this film. :)

  8. It was just as expected: an action film. Nothing more than that.

    There was no heart or rational in the story to it; everything was pushed aside to overglorify the CGI fight scenes. If you want to see something cool, just watch the old one.

    Sam Worthington is awesome and Liam Neeson once again makes gods look cool. His character was very flip-floppy, though, but it's all creditted to the horrible script.

    I loved Owl2-D2 in the classic. LOL

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