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Posts posted by NorthRaider

  1. 16703519462634388122510.jpg


    Hmm. The helmet doesn't match. Go figure.

    I can see an Ultimate vibe in the helmet though. Guess Xavier designed the suits. If Magneto designed them we'd have greyish silver outfits. Which, honestly, might have looked better.

    I'm sorry, but all I keep thinking when I see this photo is "New Mutants Meets Uncanny X-Force" :lol:

  2. @NorthRaider: They look Lego size in the picture of the guy holding the doctor on a mini stand.

    Oh, my bad. Didn't notice the scale/angle of that pic.

    These are sounding more and more interesting by the minute. I'll bet that one of the planned construction sets is going to be a mini TARDIS. Any other ideas. though? The Pandorica? Amy's house? The ship from "Time of the Angels"? Interiors of the Starship UK? The War Room? Craig's apartment? :P

  3. Hmm. Somehow these don't look quite as obnoxious to me as the last DW minifig line(the Superhero Squad-inspired one) did. Granted, I'll never see these in stores here, but these don't look half bad.

    No height description though? Somehow I got the impression that these might be roughly the same size as Playmobil figures.

  4. I figured that, as well, but then noticed that these were created by Nike designers. I assumed Nike's central creative team was based out of the U.S., but maybe they used the Japanese office for those.


    Let's just say that Nike is full of sick people ;)

  5. I'm guessing you're talking about Black Rock Shooter?


    Haven't seen the anime myself, but I have to say she's a respectable-looking Figma. You can't really go wrong with a badass character that comes with a giant bazooka, though I probably won't get her myself seeing as she already skews a tad too "loli" for my tastes. (Though the more I look the more I revise my opinion on her...) Oddly I really like the Dead Master Figma though.

  6. I could have sworn Selene's hairpiece was first used on Gamora in wave 23, though the prototype pic on the box looks more like Silver Fox hair. I dunno, we've had so many releases in the past year it's hard to keep track of everything anymore! :D

  7. I hate Davis Willis with a passion. Not the apathetic kind of hate, where I don't do anything, but the kind of hate where if he pushes me ONE MORE TIME I'm gona burn his house down. YOU HEAR ME WILLIS?!?!

    Plus he's not funny.

    Edit: Wow I need to lay off the Invader Zim...

    But wait... He's a Transformers guy, you're a Transformers guy, shouldn't you be good friends? Isn't everyone convivial in the Transformers fandom?

    Nah, that blind hate thing sounds about right. Willis is even in a rivalry with one of his own characters, for crying out loud :lol:

  8. Wow, I think most of my webcomic reading list is already on here. Even Head Trip got a mention, just too bad it doesn't get updated that often.

    In addition to everything else mentioned so far, I also used to follow Irregular Webcomic (still need to catch up though), and of course DM of the Rings (site seems to be down right now). I'm also a huge fan of Hark! A Vagrant.

    I'd been meaning to properly try Gunnerkrigg Court and A Softer World for the longest time,I think I'm also one of the few people crazy enough to actually enjoy reading Powerpuff Girls D. (The man behind this really knows his Cartoon Network/Nickelodeon cartoons, and I mean that as a compliment.)

    Last but not least, Romantically Apocalyptic is officially the COOLEST THING EVER. Seriously, I want you people to read it now (and no, I do not know the artist) :D


    (Oh wait, that was just the concept art. Moving on.)

    The concept art for these waves sure do look pretty. I'm actually surprised to see Mjolnir-embedded-in-a-rock make it through the prototype phase. And you guys can keep Fandral; I think I've gone gay for Sif :blink:

  10. While it is a shame they passed on Kick-Ass, it's at least cool to know they actually considered it at some point.

    I wonder if Chuck noticed the subliminal "capital letter" message in my question. His answer made no mention of it. I knew my fellow Kang supporters would see it. :D

    ... why have I not thought of this before?! Maybe then we could have a _______ minimate by now!!

  11. I hope this pushes through, I am just one Hugo Weaving Red Skull away from my silly imaginary Minimate reenactment of the V For Vendetta movie! (Wait a second, the LOTR Elrond mate was Hugo Weaving too, right? Never mind.)

    At this rate though, I think we're now at least guaranteed that movie WWII Cap we'd been seeing all over the previews so far. (Even if at the very least it'll be an absurdly shortpacked TRU exclusive essential character *grumblegrumblemovieBlackWidowgrumblegrumble*)

    Now I wish I'd be able to find a Minimate-scale replica of one of those neat WWII-era motorcycles for display:


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