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Posts posted by NorthRaider

  1. Also in a perfect world Tron Bonne would be just be a box set of her, a modified 2.5 in Mate as her mecha (with the head peg replaced with a 2inch waist peg so she can sit in it) and a several of the 'Father's Day kid' mates as Kobuns (Serv-bots? I forgot the American name for them)

    Yep, Servbots are right. They made for surprisingly fun playable characters in the game! Though as much as I'd like to see DST actually release Servbot mates, I would be perfectly content even if maybe they'd be relegated to non-articulated accessory status like Lockheed was.

  2. I will be picking up the game on Tuesday in anticipation of seeing WHAT mates potentially could be made


    Somebody linked to a full list of the MvC3 lineup earlier in the other thread, so let me repost it here:

    Redos aside, I'd say the only real glaring omissions are M.O.D.O.K. and Shuma-Gorath from Marvel, and from Capcom Haggar, Spencer, Hsien-Ko, Tron Bonne and all the Resident Evil guys. And that's not even counting the possibility of P2 alt modes...

    Did anyone else here know that Tron Bonne usually came with a mecha?

  3. Finally Dormammu! Fingers crossed the license will cover all the MVC games so we can get Shuma Gorath and Dr. Strange can actually have 2 villains to fight.

    I'm a little disappointed that the Resident Evil characters aren't there in the control art but I imagine they're having to save something for later. Have they revealed all the secret characters yet? I thought Taskmaster was meant to be one of them but that's the last I've heard.

    Maybe this will inspire them to get the Capcom license proper so we can get a line of Mega Man mates and finish off the World Warriors (at least).

    I'm with you here. I have a feeling there HAS to be a second wave in the works. Though I'm mostly just saying this because the Minimate-ized Marvel vs. Capcom poster promised us Wesker, Redfield and an updated Morrigan. Then again Minimate posters have lied to us before... <_<

    Interesting theory about Medusa; I wonder, that if they do mean the Marvel version, who could potentially be in a femme fatale boxset with her? Probably a new Emma and maybe Scarlet Witch? The really obvious ones like Black Widow and Black Cat have had versions really recently so I'd like to think that takes them off the table.

    We already started a new thread discussing this, but I wouldn't mind a new Black Cat as an apology for the Friends and Foes boxset (sigh.)

  4. I wonder if it would be unlicensed characters like their Femme Fatales statues?

    If it were unlicensed then they would have been referring to the Greek mythology Medusa, which doesn't seem right because Jean doesn't have snakes in her hair. This HAS to be the Marvel Medusa.

    To mirror my sentiments from the MvC thread: If DST is indeed releasing Inhumans mates in the future, and assuming Femme Fatales in this context might be a DST Minimate "Women of Marvel"-type deal (which is my theory), there are two possibilities:

    1. We might get two Medusas: an Inhumans version and a generic "Femme Fatales" version

    2. However DST plans to release the Inhumans, Medusa won't be in that lineup (a good way to get more of the non-big-name Inhumans cast out there) and she'll be released as a Femme Fatale instead.

    In any case, this is going to an embarrassing amount of fuss over a single line in a concept art sheet from a completely different license.

  5. Okay, I've pretty much been fainting ever since this was announced. I'll try and spare you all my usual fangirly shrieking. :P

    Barring the token Spider-Man (FOR PETE'S SAKE, DST!), I actually kind of like this line up. We already knew rereleases were inevitable, but surprisingly I really liked the Ryu and Phoenix art here. I was hoping DST would get around to a non-X-Force X-23 eventually, so this look was a nice choice. And as usual all the new characters are awesome, I even want the otherwise bleh-looking Trish mate! (On the bright side, you Marvel diehards can use her as a stand-in for Dark X-Men Emma Frost or something.)

    On Jean's additional information, it says she reuses DST's Femme Fatales Medusa Hairpiece. Wait....what?? :blink:

    Oh God. Thanks for noting that TTF!

    DST already sort of hinted they were doing Inhumans minimates, what this tells me is

    either they're also making a second Medusa mate separate from the Inhumans or they're actually referring to the Greek mythology Medusa correction: either they're making two Medusa mates or she isn't going to be released with the other Inhumans. Or something.


    edited for corrections in my spoilered theory.

  6. Huh, I didn't know the word "lists" could also refer to someone's posture.

    But I'm with you, Danny. It really did bother me how off Minimates look like these days when they're standing up, always leaning a bit to one side. I'm guessing this might have something to do with some of the really old molds for the base Minimate body parts, but that's just my theory.

  7. I didn't know they're planning a Robocop Figma. And I don't mind the Miku colorway, felt like it's been a while since they released her, I guess :P

    But holy carp, Drossel! What have they done to you?! Not only is this a peculiar step backwards design-wise, but I don't even recognize this version. Was there a Fireball spin-off/prequel I missed somewhere?

  8. The bow might probably just be a reuse of wave 20 Hawkeye's, but it's still a welcome addition. And somehow it slipped my mind that Classic White Tiger was the variant.

    I haven't been following the story, what's up with the electrical webline that Spidey comes with?

    Just throwing out a guess here, but maybe it involves the new power suit "makeover" he got? So far all I know is that somehow the suit also changes color, implying that it does other neat non-Spidey stuff.

  9. Five of the most expensive Minimates that sell on ebay are Green Lantern, The Joker,Harley Quinn, Batman & The Penguin ,closely followed by Robin. I'm not wagering anything but it won't be long :thumbsup:

    Just curious, BHM, but are you referring to the C3 Robin or the DC Direct one?

    Admittedly I'm not surprised at the high demand of Green Lantern (thanks to the upcoming movie) and Batman and rogues (because come on, it's Batman). I am a bit intrigued at Harley Quinn being a big seller though, it appears she's been building up quite the geek following for a while now.

    You see that? I figure there must be some peculiar appeal to her. I'd ramble on about my possible hypotheses as to why, but let's just say the words "cute", "female", and "goth" might be involved somehow.

    Wasn't there something said about Pirates of the Caribbean before somewhere?

    Not so sure about the chances for this one, but we already have the Calico Jack line coming soon so DST didn't leave that niche uncovered.

    With Marvel slowing down to "profitable" packs, Minimates needs another flagship brand to keep it afloat. If it works like Hollywood, a successful Star Wars line will allow them to crank out not as profitable packs (like Golden Girls) without breaking the bank. A win for both camps. So, if not now for Mini-Mon Mothma, then never I imagine...

    Even if Star Wars would look like the perfect Minimate follow-up license on paper, I think the problem is still that DST simply can't afford to release them as Minimates. The've released other Star Wars stuff, sure, but the Premium Format figures must be a different contract/deal/whatever and DST can't risk breaching that. Plus I imagine that Hasbro's still got a stranglehold on the license and won't let any other companies release the official toys (and I specifically refer to the ones you can play with, not display) besides them.

  10. I've seen a bunch of those on eBay but was concerned about the price. 1:35 sounds just about right for Minimate scale though. (I think TBT or somebody gave a more accurate scale number in a post a while back, just can't remember which thread it was in.)

    Do we have any miniature diorama hobbyists in the house? Maybe we can find someone to weigh on how Minimates look on one of those. I actually quite like the detail on these!

  11. I'll admit I'm a tad more intrigued by

    Johnny's death tying into a possible second Annihilation wave

    . As others stated I'm at least grateful that this felt less like a gimmick and more like actual foreshadowing to something "bigger." Involving

    the Negative Zone

    sounds like an interesting touch too, fingers crossed that maybe this will tie in to current Cosmic Marvel events somehow.

  12. You know how BSG's finale was highly polarizing among fans for its thematic content and ambiguously constructed ending? I sort of imagine Black Swan as something just like that.

    Of the big-name nominees I only managed to see Inception, The Social Network, Toy Story 3 and Black Swan. I was genuinely surprised that Nolan wasn't nominated for Best Director but hey, what can you do? I don't ultimately care I guess who actually wins but I'm still sort of torn on Jesse Eisenberg getting the Best Actor nom. Natalie Portman deserved being nominated for Best Actress IMO though, if only because she really helped sell how mortifying that story was.

    Also your bit about the Academy "apologizing" for the Dark Knight snub reminds me too much of this.

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