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Posts posted by Viper

  1. I'd like to see 2 waves featuring the outfits worn on the Animated series:

    Storm (in white) & Gambit

    Jubilee & Morph (with good and evil heads)

    Psylocke & Forge

    Variant - Jean Grey & Morph

    Cyclops Vs. Mr Sinister

    Wolverine Vs. Sabretooth

    Colossus (in jeans with clip on transformation) Vs. Juggernaut (with large body)

    Variant - Wolverine Vs. Silver Samurai or Omega Red

  2. Slightly off-topic but, if anyone has a Wii and fancies some online battles, here's my Friend Codes for the following games:

    Super Smash Bros Brawl - 0130 1595 9999

    Mario Kart - 5155 3646 3243

    Guitar Hero III - 2921 7804 2914

    and here's my Wii code - 6643 1726 3025 7636

    Please post yours' or PM me so we can arrange a battle :highfive2:

  3. Quite like Tony's suit, not sure about the hair. It's better than Bruce's but still not as close a match as I'd like.

    The more I look at it, the more I think Superman's with a piece cut from the side would be best.

    Any other suggestions?


    Out of those two designs I definitely prefer Tony's hair and suit, that's a good look for Jiggy B) , I even thought El Indio from "For A Few Dollars More" would work if you wanted a battle damaged/fatigued look, though I'm quite happy with the hairstyle they've given him.

    As for recreating his 70's look, I guess it could be achieved using the Yellow Daredevil or Sentry, in the end paint would probably be required. I'm not a huge fan of that 70's outfit as I couldn't picture a gangster wearing a yellow jumpsuit :P , it's ashame they never made a 2 inch Game of Death Bruce Lee as that outfit would be nearly perfect for a custom oldschool Jigsaw.

    Turtle just posted this Pic in the Spirit Thread:


    I was just thinking that fedora hat would be perfect for one of the Jigsaw War Zone Custom designs we've been discussing :yes:

  4. Loved your photoshop blackwater! It inspired me to have a go:


    I used the civilian Frank head and tried to darken the pants and t-shirt as I prefer him in all black :thumbsup:

    Now use your skills to photshop some alternate bodies on jiggy

    This is what I came up with, he's kind of based on the Marvel legends variant action figure;


  5. Glad you like the new pic and the new guns do look great.

    Who the heck wants a civilian Frank Castle, though? Was there nothing better to pick from in this movie?

    Also dig the new guns in that new pic. Thanks for the find, Viper.

    I do agree that having the additional Frank was abit uneccessary as they could've just had some alternate clothing/head as accessories but I guess we're getting two as he is the main character and just look at the amount of Wolverine's and Spidey's we've had.:ermm:

    For anyone who thinks this movie will be terrible you should check out these two trailers,

    the first one is the Comic Con Restricted which is full of action and quite violent:

    The 2nd trailer shows more of Jigsaw and his brother & has some dialogue:

    Punisher War Zone Trailer #2

  6. Here's a high quality picture I found:


    Although I'm disappointed they didn't make LBJ (Jigsaw's brother) I'm really looking forward to getting this set and I have hopes that this movie will be a decent adaptation as I've read they've tried to keep it as close to the comic style as possible.

    I'm also surprised that the civilian Frank didn't have a skull t-shirt (unless it's reversible like Ironfist)? as I've read that he appears in more than one skull outfit in this movie and not just the assault gear.

  7. Here's a comparison pic I made using caps from the trailers to kind of show the particular looks they chose,


    Personally I would've preferred Jigsaw in a better outfit (I think they chose this one as this could be when he fights the Punisher)? It would be nice if he came with clothing accessories like a jacket and fedora pictured here:


    An ideal accessory for civilian Frank would be a whisky bottle (if he's going to be drinking in this movie)?

    From the sounds of things all the extras will be guns and possibly knives, which I'm not complaining about.

  8. I'm a big Punisher fan and I'm glad they're planning to release a Movie Minimate set, I'm happy with the lineup and speculate the following:

    Civilian Frank Castle (possibly have a long removable leather jacket with skull t-shirt, or just in casual attire)

    Jigsaw (I'm hoping he'll come with an extra head prior to his first battle with the Punisher)

    Armory-equipped Assault Punisher (probably look similar to how he looks in the trailers and posters)

    one of Jigsaw's many hired Thugs (sounds like a good concept but I would've preferred a "Looney Bin Jim" (LBJ) Minimate as he's an original character and supposed to be Jigsaw's insane and possibly cannibalistic brother. If you check out the trailers you'll see the guy in an asylum and later fighting and trying to bite the Punisher.

    Personally I think this will be a good moviemate set, I just hope it doesn't get cancelled.

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