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Captain Minimate

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Posts posted by Captain Minimate

  1. My addiction is slowing going away since I'm only collecting Marvel now. Since DC is gone I haven't really kept track of them as much. I was getting any and everything minimate but now I'm just doing the comic stuff.
    True, this is also happening to me. I am only collecting the Marvel stuff. Although I just don't have enough of the civilian clothed mates.

    Coincidentally, my own minimate addiction has reached quite irrational levels as well. I'd recommend some kind of solution if I could, except the only one I can think of is to move someplace where minimates are harder to find. And we all know full well that even THAT probably won't deter one with THE ADDICTION, what with those darned Interwebs and all.
    I already AM in a place like this... Hong Kong. 2 comic shops. ONLY. Although because of me, they're starting to get it every time something new comes out. I guess I was their first mini-addict! :D

    My only other not-so-bright idea is to come up with some megahit minimate webcomic and somehow earn revenue online from high readership. At least THAT would justify the necessity of a vast minimate hoarde: "I'm not buying toys, Mom... I'm prepping for the second season!" :D
    Actually, I kinda did do a few of these... Kinda dramatic though. I also did it on Mac-only program: Comic Life. So I'm not sure if some of you could view it... :(
  2. Here's my collection. I don't have any sort of case whatsoever. I just keep them in glass boxes like the iPod ones :P :

    I'm quite new to these guys, so I only have the later ones.



    My poor wittle zombie Daredevil lost his hand :( !! so I swapped Flash's hand :P


    Aside from Minimates, I got these Marvel Legends and Hasbro dudes :D


    I don't really bother throwing the boxes away, so I just stack 'em up like this:


    If you have any cars like these, they fit perfectly with your Mates! Tony here has a sweet ride with Pepper! ;)




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