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Posts posted by drgnrbrn316

  1. I keep mine in the plastic tray, which is in the box, which is in the case, which is in the box that my online retailer placed said case in, which is in the mail truck that delivered it to my house. Hoarder that I am, I even keep the mailman in the driver's seat (I feed him and walk him twice a day). My goal is to one day keep them all in the factory that made the Minimates, but I don't have enough resources to take on the Chinese army at the moment.

  2. Ahhhh...yeah, like I said, I don't play the games, so I was just going off of the little bit of expanded universe I knew. shrugshoulders.gif

    Which is more than I know. The extent of my knowledge for HALO is Red vs Blue.

    On a completely unrelated note, my clear...whoever he is, is missing one of the upper leg armor things. Went back to TRU to pick up a spare but they were sold out of half of the packs (plenty of Master Chief sets and the one with the bulky orange and brown armor guy).

  3. I'm guessing wave 40 is acting as the LCS version of the Heroic Age box sets that graced TRU and Disney stores. It is kind of frustrating that we have to shoehorn these waves into the mix where the folks who have been here a while end up with yet another retread just to cater to those who didn't get in on the ground floor, but its a necessary evil, and so long as they make each revisit different enough to warrant a go, then I'm game for the whole thing. If Green Goblin comes with his glider, and not just a repurposed Menace glider, that makes that set worth it, even if we get a reprint of Heroic Age Spidey. If we get a proper bulked up Hulk or a variation of the Iron Man armor we haven't seen before, then that makes it worth while as well. And Sinister showing up makes whatever he gets paired with, even Invisible Jim, worth the price of admission.

    That being said, I think we're entitled to gripe about "yet another" Spidey, Iron Man, or Hulk, since there are so many characters who haven't been done properly or even at all, so long as we can appreciate the necessity of these retreads.

    On a side note, while we're talking box sets and the number of characters within, I think they should do an X-Men 198 complete box set, with all 198 mutants from the storyline. Then we'd get them all and be done with it. Except the newly made mutants. And the depowered ones. And all the non-mutant characters that graced the book. Crap, we'll never be done with X-Men will we?

  4. Given that my store passed on the two latest box sets, and still has a decent supply of series 8, as well as some Universal Monsters, Iron Man 2 sets, and even a few Wolverine sets, I'm not holding my breath on these showing up in eastern NC.

    They had good sell through on the MAX 2-packs though, and we did just get HALO, so maybe we'll get them. I just can't count on it anymore. Marvel has always been hit and miss. My store has gotten everything else that has been released, but Marvel always seems to skip around. All I know is that my store usually gets the ones that show up online and not the ones that fail to, so its very frustrating from a collector's standpoint to have access to a retail market that might carry Minimates but does not necessarily carry them.

  5. Laser Armor Spider-Man & Hobgoblin w/ new glider

    Thorbuster Iron Man & Bulked Up Hulk

    Nimrod & Mr Sinister

    Nimrod & Ms Sinister variant

    I put Hobgoblin instead of Green Goblin because Hobby's coming back in the comics and GG's been done a lot recently.

    See, I'm getting confused with all these new Spidey suits. Is laser armor the same as the Big Time costume, or are they wheeling this one out soon? If its the same, we're getting Big Time with Shadowland, making its inclusion 2 waves later overkill, even by DST's Spidey-love standards.

    And I refuse to acknowledge the new Hobgoblin since they killed the good one.

  6. Love the color of the armor. It really pops against that shade of green. I've heard of the Santa specials, but never where they're available. How/where have all the other previous ones been released?

    Generally, they're given to retailers and friends of DST, though a few tend to leak out to the occasional collector or eBay shopper.

  7. I'm just glad he said I don't have to buy more than I want to support the line. I've been overly stressed trying to buy up every Minimate in my city, and my wallet has been considering suicide for some time now.

    Anyone want to take bets on whether or not we see a DC question in the next Q&A?

  8. ill be willing to answer any more questions

    Do you think I should suck up to my boss and tell him that he did a good job in the game at the Christmas party Saturday night (the one where he had to do some improv rap song)? Truth is, he really sucked at it.

    Unless you have another job lined up, it couldn't hurt.

  9. I recently read Out of the Dark by David Weber. It's a book about humanity's struggle for survival when aliens come and bomb the crap out of us. It was a pretty good read, though the plot twist at the end was largely unnecessary.

  10. I don't see what the appeal is myself. The only game that even looks halfway decent or not a blatant Wii ripoff is that Dance Central game, and I don't dance, so that's out. So that means I'd be getting one to browse menus with, and I've never found using a controller for that overly strenuous.

    There are some games that Kinect could be really good for, but it doesn't seem to fit with any of the games that Xbox is famous for, mainly shooters.

    I think Sony was right in saying that you'll always need buttons, not that they've done a hell of a lot with their motion controller at the moment.

    Oh well, back to figuring out how to play GT5.

  11. I'm excited about all of this, but I don't look forward to having to visit the local store about 70 times hoping to find these, only to have to break down and hit eBay since I didn't preorder them from the website because I figured I'd find them in the store.

    If I go ahead and preorder them, then we get three cases in stores and I can't justify the cost of buying the excess since I already have them, so they get buried in inventory and refuse to order the next wave, causing the above scenario.

  12. Very cool news indeed.

    The First Class box set is a big surprise and could be very interesting (Prof. X? Magneto? Emma Frost?).

    The Movie set does not sound so interesting (reissues of movie Spidey, Iron Man, Wolverine & Hulk?)

    First Class was listed as an assortment, so that's more than just a box set, its a full on wave.

    As for the Movie box set, DST said that the movie licenses are on a time limit, so I doubt it'll be retreads of past movie characters. It could just complement one of the other movie licenses. Or TRU could change the rule on this whole thing. After all, they were pushing for Sony Minimates when DST is not a video game company.

  13. Having never read the books, and only having a passing interest in the movies, I was lost on a few times.

    How were Harry, Ron, and Hermione found at that coffee shop, and again after escaping Lovegood's house?

    Why the random bad guys wandering in the woods? Surely the world is bigger than that.

    What was up with the broken piece of mirror Harry was carrying around?

    Who was the tall guy in the basement with Luna and the goblin?

    How'd they find the sword?

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