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Posts posted by drgnrbrn316

  1. Odd choice to use Stay Puft feet on Thing. He just looks weird with fat hands, feet, and body, and tiny arms and legs.

    I'll need 3 Reeds though, to make non-phased Sue, non-flamed Johnny, and just have a Reed.

    Nothing in Greenville yet, but at least they have a dedicated Minimate section here now.

  2. ........considering we're non-profit.

    There's a decent joke there about me writing for (insert your favourite/non-favourite religion ) magazines which are non-prophet .....but we mustn't go there :no:

    I considered using the wrong spelling there so you'd have something to work with, but thought it would make your job too easy.

  3. I'm intrigued by the 'firings', I now have this picture in my head of you yelling "Get out of my office Parker!!" . ;)

    We fire our writers out of cannons, so I'd be interested in finding out how other websites do it. The gun powder is getting expensive considering we're non-profit.

  4. I thought they meant Whiplash was.

    he he... oops :blush:


    I thought he meant Iron Man ! :blush:

    I think he did mean Iron Man. Context implies that we'll see a drop in Iron Men showing up in future waves, but that he's still a core member of the Marvel family, meaning he won't vanish completely.

  5. This blog post @Newsarama ( has some fun Spidey variants that we haven't seen yet.

    I did not remember Cyborg Spidey or Tentacle Spidey

    I'll see your list and raise you this one:

    Its got nearly every one he's worn in his books, even for a panel or two, plus future spider-men, alternate reality spider-men, and even parodies of spider-men.

  6. Once we got into the exclusives and box sets, things got harder, since all you'd have to go by was "Previews Exclusive" or "AFX Exclusive" which doesn't help narrow things down. I know you couldn't name the box sets without giving them away, but at least saying which year might help figure out which ones you're missing.

  7. Little Big Planet 2, Playstation Move, Lego Star Wars III, Professor Layton & the Unwound Future, and Rock Band 3 are all on my must have list.

    Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions is on the maybe pile.

    I also wouldn't mind getting Dragon Age Origins for the PC. I already have it for the PS3 but think I might like it better with a mouse and keyboard. (of course, this isn't a new game, but the last DLC did just come out, so maybe it counts)

  8. I imagine a lot of businesses would want to block something like this from becoming available to the masses, especially given the potential future it would have. If the consumer is able to just print off whatever they need, then a lot of people who earn their living selling you those things would likely suffer for it.

    That being said, they'd likely want the technology for themselves, if it meant producing things at a reduced production cost, not that it would guarantee a reduced retail price.

  9. The wave with Lockjaw, Hulkbuster, and all the rest have yet to hit my local store. The vehicles hit about a week after they were first spotted across the nation. I'd say there's some issues with distribution. My store has had 0 problem carrying any of the non-Marvel stuff, but they tend to skip some of the Marvel waves. I worry about tracking down the F4 sets. :(

  10. The reason Wolverine is even in this set is because you have to have a big name star to sell the set to the kids. You'd think at this point Deadpool would be enough, but you basically need Spidey, Wolverine, or Iron Man.

    Way back when, it was apparently decided that the box sets would serve to give us one figure who would likely never show up anywhere else, which makes Wolverine's inclusion in this set even more frustrating, since he basically bumped that character. Only a die hard X-Men fan would even know who Fantomex was, which means he likely won't be carrying a set by himself elsewhere.

  11. Anyone else having problems squeezing the Minimates into their vehicles? The Endoskeleton seems to fit in his tank just fine, but the jet and the time machine don't seem to have their respective drivers in mind. I had to remove the hands from the MAX pilot to get him in the cockpit, and it took quite a bit of work getting Marty to straddle the steering wheel.

  12. Who the heck designed these things? They look awesome, but the guy in charge of designing the Minimate that came with the vehicle didn't communicate with the guy who designed the vehicles. I had to remove the hands of the MAX pilot to get him in his jet, and it took quite a bit of work to get Marty into the driver seat, and he doesn't look all that great sitting in there in an angle.

    The Endoskeleton fits in his tank just fine though. Pity that's the least sought after one of the bunch.

  13. I got lbp a couple days ago and ive been loving it!The customazation is great,and the levels online are great!The olny bad part I the selfish ppl online that make you die and then they got the rewards :angry:

    If I'm not mistaken, you should be getting the prizes too (assuming you have that option turned on in your profile options), even if you aren't the one picking them up. You don't get the score for the scoreboard at the end, but you do get the prizes from the prize bubbles.

    As far as the people online killing you, just play with different players.

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