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Tad Ghostal

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Posts posted by Tad Ghostal

  1. OH. MY. GOD. I would buy the hell out of a Blues Brothers line!

    And I'm with Zach - the Band before the Good Ole Boys!

    That said, help me out.... I have the KB Crazy 88s... that's 90% of the basis for the Blues Bros customs.

    Hats and sunglasses - who's got em, minimate-wise?

  2. When I was a kid, Marvel had some fan clubs, one of which was called F.O.O.M. (Friends Of Ol' Marvel - typical corny Stan Lee!). The membership kit included an issue of FOOM magazine, a membership card, a couple of other things (give my memory a break - it's been almost 40 years!) and best of all, a big poster by Jim Steranko!

    A while ago, I (re)bought the entire kit from ebay, and realized that all the characters in the poster have appeared in Minimate form. So, one rainy weekend of photography and photoshop later...


  3. To me, Lost in Space represents the end of that era of the goofy, space-age aesthetic marked by polished metal surfaces and men in ridiculous rubber suits. Star Trek made an effort to get past that and in theatres films like 2001: A Space Odyssey and Silent Running were ushering in a new age of cerebral sci-fi.

    This Lost in Space set will fit in beautifully with my black & white Universal Monsters.

    Mister PL - speaking of goofy, space-age aesthetics, are you a fan of the Mel Birnkrant's Outer Space Men line rejuvenated by the Four Horsemen? Many of those original designs were based on men in ridiculous rubber suits, and I've always loved 'em (the designs, not the men in them! laugh.png )

  4. Game of Thrones is the perfect property for Minimates - plenty of characters for many, MANY waves and many variants if it ever got to that point. (plus, they can dust off the 3" minimate body for Hodor!)

    It KILLS me that the only "figures" available are Funko's Pop! line - really cute, but not scratching the obsessive itch.

  5. even though it's a prototype - that Robot looks ridiculously awesome - you can really get a sense of the minimate base in there, but he's all-Robot!

    And yes, I would love to get the whole cast in color - some of those velour jumpsuit color combinations were awesomely ridiculous!


    And sign me up for a Chariot as well - maybe a TRU exclusive? Sure, why not? A guy can hope!

  6. We aren't planning a massive LiS push, it's really just a bonus for our electronic B-9 plans.

    Hmmm.... what does that mean Zach? Don't get me wrong, I'm one of the world's biggest LIS Robot fans, and I'm IN (shut up and take my money) for the electronic Robot, but I'm REALLY excited for the minimates!

    You thinking of one wave and done? a box set?

  7. Store two took ten minutes to go look and couldn't find them, which is weird.

    Ran into this problem Friday. They show they had 12 but couldn't be found. No peg space, nothing. I wonder how many of these are going out the door with employees.

    I got the same reaction from the woman that helped me in Danbury CT. The system showed 17 packs in store, the pegs had 5. She basically said, "well, they could have walked" (and I don't think she was making a pun)

  8. I've been figuring that they just haven't gotten to my area yet. I'm on the East Coast and we get things a little bit later. But you guys are making me all nervous. I feel like I need to check my TRU twice a day now!

    I'm on the east coast too and out of the two TRU's around me, one got in a case last Friday and the other hasn't gotten in any yet

    And to make matters dicier, I had my TRU check their system - THEY aren't going to be getting them at all, whereas the other 2 "in the area" (45 min in opposite directions) "have them in stock"

    I'm sure you can imagine how those phone calls went when I called them both last night to confirm (where's the eye-rolling smiley?)

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