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Posts posted by Starscream

  1. I love we're getting a new Hobgoblin (especially with that book!). It could have done with more of the eyes Rodriguez drew but classic is just as good.

    I haven't read the comic (I hear it's great) but I believe this is Roderick Kingsley. He will also come with his book, Hobnobbin'.


    T-shirt block:


  2. I'm surprised we haven't seen Vengeance before a blue Ghost Rider (there's even two Vengeances to make).

    I guess my other pick isn't too popular around here as Rocky Thing was probably my most wanted variant for a long time. He'd go great with a savage Grey Hulk as that fight between them was probably one of the more brutal Thing/Hulk fights I've ever read (even though it was Fixit at the time).

  3. I'm kinda relieved there's no Skrullectra as I almost thought that'd be a given. I'm digging Beast but that's the only must have for me outta the bunch. Jewel, to me, is much like Nitro to everyone else. It's cool having a new character but I would have much rather have had Xavin or Hulkling. Oh and the plain skrull heads will be good for grunts but will be a little tougher for making power skrulls as a lot of them have two or three different designs to their helmets.

  4. If it makes you feel any better your mention of K.I.T.T. makes me want a minimate scaled K.A.R.R. Not because he's a talking car but because he's an EVIL talking car (that was also voiced by Optimus Prime in one ep). I can so see a Deadpool minimate driving him too.

  5. Seriously, where's my Deadpool?!

    Also a good deal of villains would be nice. Spider-Man villains are always appreciated but the heavy hitters like Kang, Ultron, Apocalypse, and Annihilus need the treatment as well.

    Moon Knight and Darkhawk get my vote as far as heroes go.

  6. I just got mine a couple of days ago. It was SUPER FAST getting here. Very awesome, although I don't know if I'll be able to find the rest of DCD wave 2 as cheap so I might have to end up getting a duplicate when I eventually bite the bullet and get the wave. I have been waiting to get that Leader 2 pack forever and it's great that I was finally able to get it at that low price. Many, many thanks to CSC.

  7. I remember reading somewhere over here about the display of minimates and Heroscape tiles and environments and that they fit in fairly well. I know Heroscape is coming out with a Marvel set sometime this year so that'll fit. Megabloks probably fits more so than Lego as most of their sets aren't even building blocks just more dynamic plastic pieces. Imaginext did have modern sets (like the customized fire station that was shown when minis initially came out) but I don't recall seeing any thing as of late. I imagine some of the plainer set pieces from Playmobil would work like rock and plants items but I don't see them in brick and mortar stores.

    Are there any other toy lines with playsets or pieces that might make interesting backgrounds for minimates?

  8. Sorry guys, first complaints here-


    What did they do?! :(:(:(

    Tigh and Tyrol are waaay off and I think Adama looks worse now. The desktop poster art was soooo perfect. I realize there were shadows and all, but the real things are just... *cries* I was so looking forward to these. Who is the one next to Six in red?

    The only plus so far, though, is that new 'Six' with glasses. Is that the Shelley Godfrey variant?

    Oh yeah, and the picture of Admiral Cain in the other thread is downright stunning! She'll be great!

    The new six is Gina, the one that was abused aboard the Pegasus and started the peace with Cylons group among the fleet.

  9. I was sooooo hoping AA would get Mega Man before the license went to Jazwares.

    I'd really dig Thundercats. If someone does something with the license even if it's a 180 from the original we still might be able to get some classic and new incarnations of the characters in AA like AA seems to be doing with their Speed Racer line.

    As far as other mentions I'd love to get Guyver minis, such cool designs. I'd honestly dig MOTU and G.I. Joe minis as well. The possibilities with Joes are endless. TMNT would be cool too. With Joe and TMNT the mental image of an army of foot soldiers or cobra troopers is really impressive.

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