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Posts posted by Dio

  1. I'm surprised that no one has posted pics of all the 90's X-Men together yet. That'd be cool to see.

    Here is the best I could do with the current selection.


    I'd prefer if you'd use or photobucket so that we're not bombarded with adultfriendfinder ads.
  2. I could care less about Hank Pym or Kree Soldiers, so if any of you want them hit me up, I need TRU exclusives, AIM and Hydra soldiers.

    I like that x-23 comes with a masked and non-masked head

    Seems kinda strange that they didn't go the "reversible head" route for her like they did with wave 24 Venom. Maybe they're actively aiming to be more customizer-friendly?

    I am liking that Yellowjacket/Kree soldier pack more and more whenever I see it. I think I know what I'll be army-building the hell out of next year.

    Sometimes they have crooked or messed up tampos, like this Black Panther at my LCS or MOC's Shield soldier with the hair going around his face. It's cheaper just to make two heads, and if one is messed up they'll just replace the one. It's harder for them to make a clear tampo to go around the whole head. There's also the issue of the tampo getting stuck to the hairpiece like it did for another member's Deathstroke.

    I hope Jamie comes with some green arms, so I have the option to display some of them without the trenchcoat...

    and I guess a Wasp

    I'd love a Hank-Wasp!


  3. Whoa, how did you do the legs without breaking the pegs?

    Drop it in some boiling water for 30 seconds. ;)

    Thanks! Now I know how to not break Wanda's legs, which I did once XD ;_; They were crooked and I just had to bend it, didn't work.

  4. Well for one thing, WE are a database :P Just post in the customs forum and everyone will brainstorm our collective knowledge of Minimates. Some black heads: Black Panther, Zombie Black Panther, Sisko, Sisko variant, Mark II War Machine, James Rhodes, Luke Cage, modern Luke Cage, Storm, GSXM Storm, Ultimate Storm, GB1 Winston, GB2 Winston (they really are different heads).

  5. That's my Binary. I used the decal available here and used pieces from red and white blanks to create the body. The flame head and base were stolen from Human Torch. Love me some Carol Danvers :)


    Whoa, how did you do the legs without breaking the pegs?

  6. But here's the flaw in your logic-they have to have new Minimates on-line for you to not be able to order them. The last waves the stocked were the Origins waves. And what's funny is every other Marvel wave has sold out. You wouldn't want to sell thing son-line that definitely sell, would you?

    Why can't TRU just offer the new mates on-line at their site...that way everyone can have access and (I would believe!) sales for them. The Secret Wars Box Set was there for pre-order about a month or so ago and then just disappeared. Also if it ends up "sold out" on-line, then they would know how many more they need to order. I would think they invested in mates to make money not to just send collectors and Ebay predators to their stores to fight over one or two available specialty mates!!! Seems simply ludicrous...

    Because it's a loss leader for them. They'll say that they'll carry a product many people will want at full retail or a product with a huge discount, and then sell out of it and hope that you'll buy something else. It's almost bait and switch but there's nothing we can do but boycott them and the scalpers.

  7. When it comes to toys, if they last and are at least articulated, I don't think it's fair for you to call them horrible. Everybody likes something and if they didn't think these would sell, they wouldn't have made them (example: TRU wanted a second Wolvie Origins wave that nobody really wants but there are still enough to sell, the Final Battle Deadpool flies off the shelves and Rob even bought the whole wave just because of the different packaging). So while we all have our preferences, Mega Blok is a step ahead of DST and has product in all retail stores that sell toys and at least Qees are just as respectable.

    Now, I don't like Kubricks, but that doesn't mean Minimates and Kubricks are better than the other. You either like some block figures or you don't, and we have members that like both.

  8. Dio, in the spirit of your post being in the "TRU sucks" thread, I edited it to be more appropriate. :P

    I bought it at $20 but the Dark Avengers boxset is now $10! I want my $10 back!

    The one per case numbers may be greater than variants, but I have to say that the recent TRU one per casers are more interesting figures (Bullseye, Angel) than some of the recent regular wave variants (Ult. Spiderella, WWII Wolvie, 1st App Sabe, WWII Ult Cap, Spec Ops Sabe) . I’m not saying those are bad figures, but I would personally take the Bullseye and Angel over any two recent variants. Numbers-wise, it makes sense but nobody could accurately predict how hot those figures were.

    Chuck and Matt at SDCC recognized the one per case Bullseye situation but I can accept that maybe, just maybe, Angel was short-packed before DST fully realized the feedback/backlash from the community to alleviate it. I'm interested to see if there will be a one per case in the next wave. And not to point the pitchforks back to DST, but, as Chuck told me, they determine the case ratios, not TRU. Although I can imagine TRU could make some requests. I won’t envy DST’s short-packing decision to either make higher profile characters that will be sought after or a not so high profile characters (like UJ/WM) that might pegwarm.

    Now to add my personal “TRU sucks”, it’s basically that they aren’t ordering enough from DST to supply our multiverse-wide demand!

    I was just trying to make the thread more positive and look where it gets me XD

    I read a while back that most TRU stores are just lumping all of their different Minimate lines together in one aisle, thankfully my local TRU hasn't done that still (though if I go there today and realize that they did, I will have pretty much jinxed myself).

    I called TRU yesterday and not even after 11 minutes on the phone and three people they couldn't tell me which Minimates they had. I want my 11 minutes back!

  9. Has arrived!

    Most curiously, GitD Slimer does not come with the stick-stand as depicted on the box. Instead, he comes with... wait for it... the ghost trap! The little box itself clips to Ray's belt and Slimer uses the sprung-trap-energy-burst as a stand. Very cool indeed, a lot stuff (the package is even thicker than normal for a 2-pack; thanks DST!

    No way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's mega-fantastic!!!!! :woot: I thought they axed it when it didn't get released normally TWICE, but this does make more sense; make it exclusive so you can produce slightly less numbers AND keep costs down. Very smart, DST!!

    Pictures?? I LOVED that thing.

    Yessss I was so happy when I found that it had the trap thing, it's the only reason why I would buy this pack. If someone doesn't post pics by 10pm Pacific then I will. (I'm at the library)

  10. With a recent update to the Summers legacy, I think another wave is in order XD

    Cable(update of the first version we got, come on he deserves better suspenders like Cyc's)/Domino


    Multiple Man/Havok

    Multiple Man/variant: Corsair, which could launch into a Starjammers boxset.

  11. (Started out in this thread)

    So how do you sort your Minimates?

    By your favorites? By order of acquisition? By release date?

    I guess sorting them by universe (Marvel, DC, BSG, Star Trek, Ghostbusters...) would be a given, but then how do you sort out the very large universes like Marvel? By team? By character? By era?

    As you can see from the above link, I use something of the "civilian identity" system for my Marvel Minimates. Needless to say it results in some amusing metaphysical quandaries. Now I know how Ivan and Lurch felt when they put together the Database and the Definitive lists, which is why I use a completely different system altogether to sort my Battlestar Galactica minimates :lol:

    I rank them by taste, the saltiest minimates at one end of the scale and the sugary ones at the other... Ivan will back up this method as it's far more interactive than the dull just by color of their underoos thing most people use! :blink: I recommend a mixture of lemon juice and mearcat tears to cleanse the pallette between minimate licks!

    Ok... Seriously, by line/universe then wave...


    So who's the salty-sweet one in the middle?

    I'm moving, so I don't really have them sorted. I just put each one in their own baggie and put them in boxes.

  12. Why do all of those Jeans have jazz hands?

    They're not jazz hands. They're phoenix pimp slap hands. lol

    I was looking back and wondered what was bothering me about 90's Jean. It's a great minimate, but she looks a little top heavy because of where her belt is and how it extends across the entire figure. Wouldn't it look better if there was a belt piece that went over the t top of the t-crotch piece like the new x-men belt piece or cyclops belt piece instead? Anyone see what I mean?


    It could be worse...


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