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Posts posted by Dio

  1. I know someone here wanted to ask Stan Lee this question, but I didn't get to see him though I got the answer from someone else:

    Q: Why is there a hyphen in Spider-Man?

    A: Because originally he came out as Spiderman, but it was too similar to Superman.

    Didn't see Whil Wheaton or Leonard Nimoy, though I did shake Lou Ferrigno's hand. Wil Wheaton played Rock Band on Sunday and he is a terrible singer XD

    Everything was pretty much in the Exhibition Hall, and leaves more to be desired as they could have had used up more rooms of the Washington State Convention center for other panels/programming maybe even a console room. They had traditional gaming and Magic in the exhibition hall though. It makes me appreciate Sakura Con a little more for literally using up every inch of the convention center.

    The artists for the Toy Story and Pixar Cars comics were doing custom sketch covers for only $10! I have a friend going to AAU right now who loves Toy Story and wants to become an animator at Pixar someday, and it was her birthday recently so I just had to get her a Toy Story comic. It was pretty interesting that the artist, Nate Watson used to teach at AAU.

    And this one guy got a copy of Giant Size X-Men #1 for $30. He thought it was worth $1000 lol.

    I might go again next year but there's really no point in going the whole weekend. Stan Lee was there and they paid him so much for his appearance fee that you had to pay $40 to get an autograph. Ow.

  2. I know that she uses one of them to fly. You can watch most of the series (they're shorts) on Youtube, just search for DATS Fireball. DATS is a group of fans that puts subtitles on the bottom of the screen.

    So how much was she, and how were you able to tell if it was authentic or not (say on like eBay)? One auction said it was a Taiwan OEM version and don't bid if you mind, and I'm like "...what?"

  3. Think maybe one of Stilt-Man's leg segments will be packed in with each 2 pack of this wave ala BaF's?

    Nah, I think they can fit them all in one tray like they did with Archangel and Death Archangel's wings. It would be kinda weird army building legs XD *imagines Donkey Kong music* how high can you go?

  4. I saw that this forum had 999 threads, and I thought I should make the milestone thread by letting everyone know that I got my own place XD Well, tecnically it's just a room in a house. It's really close to my friend's restaurant and the college. I've been here since Tuesday night, and I'm just starting to getting used to living with people that aren't my family. The house is owned by a nice couple named Felippe and Marina, and they go to my school too. Not only that, but Felippe knows my friend that works at his family restaurant XD

    I'm freeeeeeeeeeeeee. But also bored. I got the room at a really good price, and all utilities are included.

  5. Hasbro Iron Man @ movie figures lines have been shown off.

    Whiplash looks amazing.

    the robotech figures look really cool!

    Dude I scoured all the links looking for new Robotech figures. I was crushed when I couldn't find any VF-1A or Js, Roy Fokker or Rick Hunter.

    I finally realized you were talking about the iron man mech suits.

    I also disapprove of this, being a Robotech (Macross) fan. Don't just throw that word around when it wasn't even in the article.

  6. With those mini Minimates maybe now Luke can make an Armor custom :D

    I'm really impressed with the diversity of new licenses, sadly I won't be able to buy them. I wonder how they're going to put together Mandarin when it looks like he has very little articulation. Silver Centurion and the new baddies look great, and I'm sure hall of armor completists will welcome the new Iron Man. Who is that crazy looking guy with the M on his chest?

    If they keep the current mask for Stiltman, with the white in the eye holes, I hope they do the Dark Avengers Hawkeye again the way it was meant to be.

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