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Twisted Two-Face

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Posts posted by Twisted Two-Face

  1. I can't imagine he would be, though I hadn't expected 2099 to be a difficult find either and I've only seen him at my LCS. Bulldozer and Reaper I imagine will always be the first gone; team-completer/big figure and a new buck.

    New Ant-man set is EXACTLY what Hasbro should be doing to market this film, and should be how every Ant-man figure has ever been released. Love that the new Giant Man costume is on the Icons buck, and Goliath is a decent enough costume to warrant a purchase. The $10 match-box figure is a waste, though. Same figure that comes with Legends Ant-man.

    I can't wait for the next couple of waves. Doctor Strange, and his SDCC set, are by far my most highly anticipated figures with that new Blaze Ghost Rider and Kraven right being him. Oh, worth noting, it looks like Strange and Vision are swaps.

  2. They're probably continuing the two new "flagship" sublines for ML, Spider-man and Avengers. Jack O Lantern though, neat!

    Ant-man wave is hitting all over the east coast. Walked into work the other day and had no expectation or reason to look for them, but there they were. Nice to be surprised in finding a wave after all this time. Bulldozer was already gone, because of course, so my Ultron stands missing an arm. GREAT wave, regardless; solid QC across the board, and i love Giant-man's headsculpt.

  3. Finally got around to picking Joker up. He's much better in person, but it's also easier to see where the likeness issues are. It's the lack of yellow in his eyes, and the lips. Specifically, the upper lip comes down too far which gives him the "Croc" look; Bruce Timm always drew Joker with his lip curled up high under his nose, but the toy has it down covering his teeth.

    Besides that, he's actually oddly become the best hand-candy of the line. I think it's the chunkiness (and definitely the nostalgia). Really fun figure. Accessories still suck, a lot. They cut the card, but keep the comb?!

  4. But does she have to be an AA at a fashion magazine? She can't be a steel worker? Or a bus driver?

    She's Supergirl. I'd say everything about this, including the fashion mag job, is 100% appropriate for the character.

    I saw some people commenting that it's unbelievable that a girl with such power would every render herself so worthless and weak as an assistant to a "bitchy" boss at a magazine while acting like a total dork.

    I don't see Superman getting criticism for doing the EXACT same thing. Why can't HE be a steel worker?

  5. Oh, neat, short-jacket Star-lord. Good deal.

    Loving all of these except Nick Fury. Seriously, i never thought i'd own so many variations of Samuel L Jackson in all-black. It's getting really unnecessary (and my shelves are starting to look reeaaaaal Matrix-y)

  6. I spoke openly about how much DC making Alan Scott gay in the revamp made no sense, was openly and actively against the character's history (against his gay son), and was done for the shock value and sympathy vote of "we have a gay character." I spoke openly about how much i hated that. One would assume this would follow suit.

    It doesn't. I don't have a problem with Bobby being gay. Why? Because it's been canonically assumed/rumored for decades. Decades. Bobby has always been "maybe he is, maybe he isn't," and at least bisexual. This is not a matter of taking a character with a long established history of being straight, or homophobic, and suddenly flipping it on its heels for shits and giggles. This is Bobby Drake, who has a history of panels like these:


    Along with subtler ones. Now, naturally i prefer Marvel and DC to create NEW gay characters. The character should be able to be his or her own person, with their sexuality a part of that. Changing old ones does suck, but this actually makes sense.

    As for Jean. She's my favorite comic character; everyone knows this. But this Jean is not old Jean. This is young, inexperienced Jean who just found out about her future and the Phoenix, and her powers are out of wack and violently uncontrollable. She has hasn't been taught how to use them morally yet. Her powers are acting on their own and she couldn't control reading Bobby's mind, and she clearly believes she's in the right by helping Bobby. She doesn't judge him or tell him it's wrong, she tells him to stop lying and hurting. It's a very Jean thing to do, just more reckless in fashion.

  7. I'm watching the fifth episode right now and am enjoying it. I never got into the DD comics so I don't know his whole story. I'm just wondering how Daredevil can kill dozens of Hand ninjas in the comics but has a tough time taking out half a dozen thugs on the show? Does he get training from Stick on the show and all of a sudden become a much better fighter?

    I'd keep in mind that this is the very beginning of Daredevil's career in the show so he really has no idea what he's doing. Comic DD's skills are far superior (not to mention his abilities work a little differently, i suppose) and he has literal years of training and activity. But you have to remember, it's TV. Who would want to watch some random blind lawyer beat down anyone in his path with ease and just move on with life? Emotional appeal of watching Matt struggle to even stand in the hallway fight is far more captivating.

    I'm on episode 4. Loving it. The little taste of Fisk we've had so far, his presence, it's already eerie and intimidating. Fight scenes are remarkable and brutal.

    I'm getting a major Matt Fraction's Hawkeye vibe from this.

  8. I would really like an general x-movie boxset with about 10 figs of the contemporary team in their black leathers. Can you believe we are about to get our sixth movie black widow and we don't have a movie Cyclops, Rogue, Iceman or Shadowcat!

    That's not the same situation. Movie minimates have a specific window of time when they can be released. They can't go back and release the X1-3 characters in those costumes. Black Widow they can because she's part of newly released movies.

  9. Keep in mind, Age of Apocalypse will see younger versions of the original team anyway (likely with better costumes).

    Not that Storm was any better, but I never saw the appeal of the Rogue Minimate anyway. She's pretty far removed from anything Rogue has ever worn, only identifiable by her hair. Wearing white in contrast to everyone else wearing black is strange too. Looks more like Ultimate Kitty Pride. Granted, the X-men movies costumes aren't really accurate to much of anything, but this Rogue I don't get the attachment to besides it just being her.

  10. I'm thinking getting a Lee 'Mate as a Mallrats 2 figure would probably be easiest, once the time comes. Lee doesn't strike me as a guy who has a particular interest in charities, though I could be wrong about that. And since his connection to Marvel isn't what it used to be, it seems like he would be more on board if the figure had something to do with one of his current projects that he could better promote.

    But the reason I want Kirby isn't just because I want a bunch of creator Minimates, but because Kirby gets the shaft so often in terms of credit for creating so much of the Marvel U. In recent years folks have come to better recognize Kirby's contributions, but seeing Kirby get more attention with things like collectibles would be a nice gesture in that direction.

    Stan Lee Foundation

    He's a big proponent of adolescent literacy and reading skills. I agree though, a non-Marvel related Stan would probably be the best approach; his role is more of a figurehead than anything.

    I agree about Kirby. I love Stan and I don't get the vitriol people have against him but I get the feelings towards Kirby getting the shaft, and he should definitely be included. But, no way would his estate allow it I think.

    Long story short: yea, i'd love a Stan. If not, just give us a convenient Willie Lumpkin.

  11. Yea, the first Jeremy Renner headsculpt was much better than this one. Costume looks great on an action figure and i love the design but i really have no desire to replace the first one, especially since he'll wear a modified version of this look again. If this one ever went real cheap i'd pick it up, but i imagine it'll still be difficult to obtain since so many missed the window for the first one.

    Widow's sculpt is an improvement over the Winter Soldier one at least.

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