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Posts posted by McDurg

  1. Updated October 28th, 2009

    NOVEMBER 2009


    Marvel Minimates Infinity Gauntlet Box Set


    Ghostbusters Minimates PX Glow in the Dark Slimer & Ray Two-Pack

    Ghostbusters Minimates Series 2 Box Set

    Marvel Minimates Series 29 Set

    Marvel Minimates Series 30 Set

    Terminator 2 Minimates Series 2 Asst

    Looks to be so, since next week is the 18th. It'll probably be pushed back though.

    EDIT: Damn!!! The 25th SUCKS!!!!!!! Do any of us have that kind of money to blow all at once??

    Nice, can't wait to get my hands on this set. I really wanna know what's under the mask Drax has on, since as pointed out it's a reuse of the wave 25 IM.

    Man, you just gotta' pace yourself, TTF. That's what I do, i just get the ones I want most/know are harder to find first, and get the rest later. There are no rules saying you gotta' buy all at once, they will still be there later. But I can't blame you for wanting those mates, wave 29/30 are fantastic. DST really went allout on them.

    Besides, isn't Christmas coming up soon anyways? :D

    ps: anyone else a bit dissapointed with the lack of the Black Panthers claws? but this problem should be easily fixed by using T-Bolts venoms hands.

  2. Really dig this wave, it's just a damn shame we didn't get any good villains. :(

    Selene was just a total waste of space, why couldn't they of thought of someone better? Oh well, the X-Men still look great, never been a fan of the character Jean whatsoever but it makes for a great minimate.

  3. God this wave is amazing, these are the X-Men I for one grew up with. So far it's a definite buy. I really hope Domino lands a spot in the wave.

    I'd love to see some X-Men villains such as Mr. Sinister, Blob, Avalanche, Onslaught, Senyaka, Omega Red, Pyro, Xorn, and Shadow King. There is a major lack of X villains.

  4. Do those actually work? They'd be really useful to me or an collector if they do what they are supposed to, since I buy tons of lego sets to scrap for parts.

    I do what super spider piggy said. I just pull and hope it comes apart, since I've tried freezer/hot water and soap. THat only seems to work on Mates.

  5. Heath Ledger and his silly Joker ain't got shit on this.

    thats low dude.. :down:

    Somebody takes things a tad bit too seriously. Just because he passed away doesn't mean I can't have a few laughs and poke a bit of fun at his roles/characters.

    I would pay so much to see Arnold as Cap. Just Image Turbo Man, only it's Captain America instead. "IT'S TURBOAMERICA TIME!"

  6. Here we go:

    I'm surprised his best work of all wasn't included:


    To be fair:


    Yes, but you can clearly tell in the Arnold pic that his body is symettrical. In the Cap "drawing" his body looks completely disproportionate. And Arnold is flexing. His body wouldn't look like that in a normal pose. Liefield just sucks balls. i have never liked his art. It's horrible.

    Liefeld is helping direct the new Deadpool movie. I always knew he'd help... but not help direct. Troubled times indeed. D:

    And I think we can ALL agree when I say this, Ahhnold only had one true and great comic character role...


    Hey people... CHILL!

    Heath Ledger and his silly Joker ain't got shit on this.

  7. I bet we'll see Deadpool at Toys R Us before all is said and done. I mean the real Deadpool, not that guy from the movie.

    I really do hope so because this character is a sell-out just about everywhere .

    I know nothing at all about Deadpool..... can someone suggest some reading for me?

    God, that would be great. I'd have to get multiple more of him.

    And Cable & Deadpool(you'll have to put up with Liefeld's penciling), as well as the current Deadpool arc(the one that was tied in to Secret Invasion/Dark Reign) are all good. Most Deadpool stuff is always a good read, unless it's Suicide Kings. Awful.

  8. Menace/Anti-Venom:

    I'll use the glider form menace, but what the hell did they do to my Anti-Venom!? A BIG chest piece, no slip on mask!? This is aaaaaaaaaaaaaall wrong, this is some serious bullshit for a fan like me.

    Thor/Female Loki:

    Love it. Absolutely love it, nuff' said.


    Pass. I like how the sentinel looks, but there have never been any small/human sized robotic-looking Sentinels. Ever.

  9. I'm not offended at all, man. Never offended when someone doesn't like a character i like, unless it's Deadpool or Onslaught(but Onslaught gets LOTS of hate).

    Onslaught himself is mildly cool. The way he was done and the fact that they killed half the MU with him, and that it was a poorly written story is what makes him hateable. Onslaught would be better as a non crossover villain. The concept is cool, the execution leaves MUCH to be desired.

    Damn that Liefeld! He is the cause of much suffering all over the world.

    I loved both of Onslaughts designs, it was just I have to prefer the original because the insane redesigned monster style one was used very poorly.

    Also, I have come to accept, Anti-Venom is in fact an awful name.

  10. I'm not offended at all, man. Never offended when someone doesn't like a character i like, unless it's Deadpool or Onslaught(but Onslaught gets LOTS of hate).

    I will agree, the name is very lazy and boring, but i think it kind of works for him since he can heal people of diseases, like an anti-venom(or antidote). I'd be very happy to get him, but not Menace.

    I'd love Sentinels or Nimrod. I could absolutely see Nimrod being a 2in mate, but a Sentinel, ehh.

  11. Not familiar with the characters, but "anti-Venom" sure sounds stupid :lol:

    A sad face has been made.

    He actually doesn't suck as much as you'd think, and I'm guessing the name "Anti-Venom" is meaning it's what you use to counter venom, they aren't just using "anti" in the name because he's the opposite colors and good.

  12. I just got a wacky idea. What if that second pack is Menace (the newly prego Spider-Man Villainess) and Anti-Venom (A reformed villain. literally.)?

    ! : D

    Seriously, that would be so great since Anti-Venom is the only good thing to happen to symbiotes since Maximum Carnage. Everything after the Max arc with symbiotes was shit up until anti-venom. Although the Angelo/Mac arcs weren't too awful.

  13. Falcon, we need more black superheroes. No joke, we really do. On a side note how many still appear in marvel? haven't seen blade in awhile, and falcon since civil war.

    If not him then Zemo. To tell you the truth, I don't even want a Kang. Mostly cause' I feel as if the whole former Egyptian Pharaoh or God thing has been played on too much.(undo spoiler at your, or my, own risk)

    and he doesn't look that cool.

    Now I must run off, lightspeed! I fear the head hunters might be after me.

  14. Deadpool is by far one of my favorites, if not my favorite thus far. I think they hit every detail head on, from the Deadpool insignia on his belt to his tons o' weapons, there isn't much to complain about. He is extremely comic accurate, and they portrayed him flawlessly in mate' format.

    Except his feet, mine has dysfunctional feet.

  15. I like the second mask quiet a lot, it really shows the more insane side of him, and personally I'm glad they switched it(personally it's what I'm using on him right now). I mean, before both masks looked more sinister and aggressive, and while Deadpool is both of those things he is also completely insane. He is the meat!

    And Deadpool's eyes are like part of his masks in the comics, with every little expression he makes the mask moves along with it! If you read them regularly you should notice this. You'll see one eye is bigger than the other on occasions. I'm sure different artists have had their different takes on him, but most of them keep his wacky facial expressions. If I have to I can try and scan one of my pages that show this. There has to be something along those lines in a several of my comics.

  16. Well, i dodged a bullet here. Mom was fuming when she saw the $62 on comics and Minimates this week and said "you're done. No more than $25 a week from now on, unless you save your own cash." Luckily i convinced her to one more week of about $60. Jeez...i can't believe i almost missed 28 there... :blink:

    And i should have checked under Hulk when i took his legs off. That's very neat how you can make him a bare-bones. It's very odd that all of yours have QC issues though!! The worst on mine was one of my Caps' Shields; paint and everything was fine. Well...except for Fury's ears and eyepatch...obviously.

    You paid $62 for the entire wave? Damn. Mates are mainly 7 to 8 bucks a pack at my lcs. Variants 10 to 12.

    And maybe you shouldn't be having you mom pay over 30 a week to begin with? Not trying to nag, just saying. I pay for my own stuff since I try to do babysitting when I get the chance or just working around the house, that and my dad really doesn't have the cash.

    Luckily for me this wave was a pass for me. Never liked the Ultimates, never will(but the mates do look great, I just can't get a figure if I hate the character or comic it's from). Need the money for Wave 28, DP issue 12, and a few of the great looking 70 Year variant covers.

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