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Posts posted by andymini30

  1. Well whaddya know... Happy does come with Tony's luggage for "Can I get that for you, sir?" action!!!! :biggrin:

    And the drone... um... I take it back. Please paint it green, or blue, or anything. You can call it Titanium Men or Cobalt Men or something. The design is neat no doubt, but wow is it dull.

    Yeah i know what you mean, but imagine the customers that can have fun with that

  2. if we're going for a 90's X-men wave then the bad guys we are looking at will be

    Genoshan magistrates

    Magento's acololytes

    the brood

    hellfire club goons





    savage land mutates

    i can't think of anymore, after the start of the Legacy virus i stopped buying and discovered girls, booze and fags

  3. The variant could be Dark Beast, 80's Rogue (from the Secret Wars cover) or Savage Land Rogue maybe...

    Jubilee was around then, but for some reason, she's not on that cover.

    Wasn't Jubilee kicked off the main team and sent down to the New Mutants or something?

    no jubilee was not offically in either blue or gold strike teams, same as forge and banshee

    and she joined

    generation X

    (with M, mondo, chamber, husk, skin and a few others , emma frost and banshee)

  4. i was at work today and was trying to think so outside of the box for the new mates that this is what i came up with

    I think we are all in agreemet with

    rachel Summers / sentinel

    "Hound" Rachel / sentinel

    then i though of the brother and sister

    Lilandra and vulcan (vulcan is married to deathbird)

    and then the last pack

    i want to nate grey and thredony

    but its likely to be Tigra and someone from the initative

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