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Posts posted by mtd20_2000

  1. I voted for the suspended animation Captain America. However, I am surprised the newest version of Cap is not a choice in the set. Not that I care for it, (I don't) but still surprised.

    if your talking about his new secret avengers look then the reason thats not in there is because he's not captain america any more he's steve rodgers director of shield

    Ahhhh...thanks for the info robomate. I somehow have a strange feeling we will be seeing a Steve Rodgers director of shield minimate coming soon.

  2. I am glad to see Lockjaw as one of the exclusives, but I would rather of had Medusa paired up with him.

    The Hulk Buster Iron Man looks sweet, though I wish the Gamma Hulk was glow in the dark!

    Either way I am always glad to add some new mates to the collection.

  3. My comic shop had 25% off of their toys this weekend, and since I already had a $10 Credit with them , I went ahead and got five more army builders to give me:


    7-AIM Agent

    7-Hydra Soldier

    7-Skrull Soldier

    7-Kree Soldier

    To go along with my:

    6-Vault Guard

    5-Multiple Men

    5-Hellfire Club Guards

    5-Shield Agents

    After some major dusting, I took some pictures of them with my marvel collection.




  4. So does anyone know if the MiniMates Iron Man 2 Expo Tony Stark & Natasha Romanova has become scarce?

    I pre-ordered one from BBTS, but I already noticed they are pushed back to August.

    If that's anything like the PX Spider-Man two pack, they won't be getting any of those in.

    While AFX still has pre-order on there site, meaning they won't be getting any in if their usual modus operi stays the same.

    One a side note, my comic show is finally getting in series 35 this week.

  5. No duck feet at the very least.

    I'll go with Tiger Shark not needing a muscle body, but Attuma has some size to him. He might not be Orka size, but I tihnk he is large enough to merrit a muscle body IMO.

    As far as the duck feet go, if I have to give up on the duck feet idea, then I am just going to have to go and request a Dark X-Men box set:

    Emma Frost (In black)

    Sub-Mariner (In his new black garb)


    Weapon Omega


  6. A month or so ago, I finally sent in around 75 of those business replies that are included in the boxes of marvel minimates. On the bottom of the form under the “additional comments” section I made three different requests:

    25X, I request a re-do of the Fantastic Four along with Moleman and subterranean men/ moloid army builders.

    25X, I request a re-do of Juggernaut and the Rhino (both with muscular bodies and duck feet).

    25X, I request Attuma and Tiger shark (both with muscular bodies and duck feet) along with Atlantian Warrior army builders.

    Then I just noticed at minimate headquarters, on Ask DST #83, one of the responses was, “Chance for more Fantastic Four, updated Rhino, updated Juggernaut.” So who knows, maybe they do listen to those business replies.

    (Yeah right) :tongue:

  7. I collect either 6 or 5 of the regular Marvel wave army builders, here is my breakdown:

    AIM Soldier-6

    S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent-5


    Hydra Agent-6

    Vault Guard-6

    Multiple Man-5

    Kree Soldier-6


    Hellfire Club Guard-5

    I am thinking of keeping my Marvel moviemate troop builders down to only 2 or 3 though (like my LOTR and Terminater troop builders) or else I will run out of room.

  8. Yeah, I know this thread was an April fools joke, but since no one else has mentioned wave 37 lately, does anyone else find it strange that here it is mid April and no new announcement on this wave (or any new box sets for that matter). You would think they'd have announced this series and other sets coming since the Marvel line does happen to be their cash cow.

  9. For anyone living in Houston, Texas:

    This afternoon, I had seen and left 2X WWH/ Stretch Attack Mr. Fantastic & 2X Klaw/Secret Wars Storm at the TRU on Fairmont (Pasadena/Deer Park area). They must have restocked.

    I hope that helps.

  10. And now for a left turn...

    I dunno if this has been brought up before, and if it has my apologies, but I just noticed today that the left glove on my Battle Damaged Wolverine from Toys R Us, looks a little messed up...

    It's like, shorter, and not painted evenly, in comparison to the right glove. I don't know if it's a paint error, or if it's an intentional choice by diamond to make his glove look "battle damaged". The one on MinimateDatabase looks the same.

    Are they all like this, or did anyone get one with two symetrical gloves?

    I have a couple battle damaged Wolverines and one figure has the short glove, while the other figure has the longer glove (like wave 28 wolverine). I think the most common one is the short glove, but they obviously produced some with a longer glove because I have one.

  11. Where were the Doc Ock's tentacles in the packaging? I don't think I could have missed them.

    Attached are a couple of quick pics. I actually like the Doc Ock, but don't have the arms, of course. The Spidey I didn't really care about. Black Cat's skin tone is a head scratcher. Her chest must be grey from all the chimney sweeping she's been doing. Vulture's wings are an odd color, and I can't get his white collar to center just right, it keeps sliding around.

    So, yeah, disappointing set.

    exactly! my vulture's wings are the exact same shade of yellow as the one in this pic. :(

    ummm... that pic of the vulture from page 9, i meant. :P

    That is the same color most of us on the board are referring to as lime-green. IMO it is not banana-yellow or grass-green, but a combination of the two. Hence, the lime-green references.

  12. lol…I agree it sounds funny Danny, but instead of just flat out saying, “if you don’t get all of the versions and variations you are not a completist,” I wanted to give credit to those collectors that get the majority of these, but do not worry about the many side variations. Hence, I don’t offend anyone or ruffle their feathers because they think they are completists. (when really they are not ;) )

    But where do you stop? I guess a true completest would have every single gold spidey because they all have different numbers on the bags...

    How about "completist" for those who have one of every figure and "extremist" for those who have all the variations of those those mates and packaging ;)


    Ahhh, I like that, extremist!

    However, in the end I do not think I will ever "technically" be a either a completist or an extremist, considering if I do ever see a gold or silver Spider-Man on e-bay I will not have the cojones to spend $600 dollars on one. :(

  13. And the sad part about that BHM is that the only difference between the wave 1 version and the K-mart version is that he has cataracts.

    I was in Wave 1 & a DVD exclusive :ohmy:

    I recently checked out the ebay thread circa early 2007 where I was ridiculed (justifiably) for paying $60 for the Hulk DVD set.About a year later,my second DVD Hulk ,technically 'loose' but still in its DVD packaging baggie was in an ebay auction that included an 'unusual', bagged C3 Batman. That Dave School & Hulk cost me the princely sum of about $15 :P

    Good call BHM, I forgot about the Dave School Batman promo, I guess I will have to bump up my missing C3 list from 2 to 3. Curious, what is the difference between the Dave school promo Batman from the minibatmobile Batman?

  14. Touché BHM.

    However, I thought we were only talking about minimates, not sets, and since this was posted in the marvel section, I thought we were only referring to marvel minimates.

    With that said, what is this about different C3 batcaves?

    What about the different Darktide sets? (are they in Spanish packaging?)

    Educate me about this madness!! :D

    (as soon as you think you have a clue about the different minimates out there something new always comes up that you did not know)

  15. I know what you are getting at, but "partial completist" just sounds so stupidly funny :)

    lol…I agree it sounds funny Danny, but instead of just flat out saying, “if you don’t get all of the versions and variations you are not a completist,” I wanted to give credit to those collectors that get the majority of these, but do not worry about the many side variations. Hence, I don’t offend anyone or ruffle their feathers because they think they are completists. (when really they are not ;) )

  16. This question can be tricky though. I like to think I am a thorough completist, while others I think are partial completists. Let me ask you some questions to explain my point.

    If you have the Giant-size box set Classic Colossus, do you also have the Target wave D variation with C3 feet?

    If you have the wave 28 Wolverine, do you also have the TRU wave 3 variation with a different colored belt?

    If you have the AFX web armor Spider-Man, do you have the TRU wave 3 variation with a complete silver paint job?

    If you have the wave 6 New X-Men Wolverine, do you have the Darktide box set version with different face and C3 feet?

    If you have the wave 10 Spider-Woman, do you have the Target wave E version with the different face?

    If you have the wave 6 Ghost Rider, do you have the TRU box set variation with different colored flame hair?

    If you have the wave 25 AIM agent, do you have the TRU wave version with the blue blaster?

    These are just some of the figures in the Marvel minimates universe that have slight variations and versions. IMO if you collect all of the variations and versions then you are a thorough completist, if not you are a partial completist.

  17. I have every variation and version produced except for these 8:

    (1) Target Wave D Blue Professor X

    (2) Target Wave D Classic Colossus (I have the Giant-size box set version, this one has C3 feet)

    (3) Ultimate Avengers K-Mart DVD Hulk

    (4) Ultimate Avengers Target DVD Iron Man

    (5) SCE Spider–Man Gold

    (6) SCE Spider–Man Silver

    (7) TRU Exclusive Mr. Fantastic

    (8) TRU Exclusive Ghost Rider

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