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Posts posted by mtd20_2000

  1. from what I heard that had stacks of these at the booth at SDCC and they were free. you could just come up and take them.

    That would not surprise me. I am shocked more people have not tried to sell these on ebay. I guess not many people picked them up at SDCC. Too bad DST does not sell them from their web site and make it easier for those of us that cannot attend the conventions.

  2. Yeah I got one from “twojerksinlove” also. I do not think they are duplicates, but who ever knows. I have not seen too many being sold since SDCC. I think I had seen 3 people, along with two jerksinlove, sell these. The others only sold one, while I had seen twojerksinlove sell 4. I do think they are somewhat rare because I have not seen more than 7 listed on ebay since SDCC.

  3. Some great modifications guys!

    Sorry I have not posted in a while, graduate school has been taking up most of my time.

    However, I was toying with adding a wave 29 Moon Knight cape to a wave 13 Emma Frost.

    Unfortunately, the only hairpiece I could think of using that will fit is a wave 9 White Queen hairpiece, but since I think it looks too dated, I was wondering if anyone else knew of a better hairpiece to use? Any suggestions would be appreciated.

    (maybe a TRU wave 2 Captivity Six?)



  4. A month or so ago, I finally sent in around 75 of those business replies that are included in the boxes of marvel minimates. On the bottom of the form under the “additional comments” section I made three different requests:

    25X, I request a re-do of the Fantastic Four along with Moleman and subterranean men/ moloid army builders.

    25X, I request a re-do of Juggernaut and the Rhino (both with muscular bodies and duck feet).

    25X, I request Attuma and Tiger shark (both with muscular bodies and duck feet) along with Atlantian Warrior army builders.

    Then I just noticed at minimate headquarters, on Ask DST #83, one of the responses was, “Chance for more Fantastic Four, updated Rhino, updated Juggernaut.” So who knows, maybe they do listen to those business replies.

    (Yeah right) :tongue:

    I had previously posted this on the minimates updated wish list thread awhile back,

    I guess they really do listen to your requests!

  5. My local TRU re-stocked the TRU wave 7 series today, so I was finally able to get the Hulk Buster Iron Man/Gamma Hulk & Betsy Braddock/ Lockjaw 2-packs.

    Also the new TRU wave 8 Iron Man 2 minimates arrived today at my local TRU (so I was able to get the Mark VI Iron Man & LT. Colonel James Rhodes exclusives).

    Lucky haul day for me! :D

  6. The new TRU wave 8 Iron Man 2 minimates arrived today at my local TRU (so I was able to get the Mark VI Iron Man & LT. Colonel James Rhodes exclusives).

    So they are out for anyone who is looking!

    Luckily for me, they also re-stocked the TRU wave 7 series, so I was finally able to get the Hulk Buster Iron Man/Gamma Hulk & Betsy Braddock/ Lockjaw 2-packs.

  7. And elhonez, I was curious if you had a picture of your Power Man with yellow boots?

    I don't; have one yet -- I've been waiting to post one when I finish the rest of my H4H customs. If I have time on Friday maybe I can snap a quick pic of just Luke though.

    When I heard about your conversion for Power Man elhonez , I wanted to emulate your modification, but I did not have double's of the first appearance X-Men.

    However, the other day I found a clearance rack with a DC Direct Shazam! for $2.44. I picked it up so I could use the yellow boots for my Power Man.

    Unfortunately, the brown belt on my wave 3 Logan was too visible (and drove me nuts) so I am deliberating on just going with the yellow boots on my Power Man (though probably not because you can still slightly see some of the yellow paint from his original boots).

    I wondered if the legs from a wave 8 Susan Richards would work, and it did perfectly, without showing any of the black from her boots, however since it was wave 8, I couldn't use the legs because of the V torso system (the early waves had a O torso system).

    Meanwhile, I thought I'd post a picture of a few quick and dirty modifications I was working on.

    Winter Soldier:

    I used the mid section, legs, weaponry, and boots from a wave 25 Captain America and a wave 27 Nick Fury body and left arm, with a wave 7 Silver Surfer right arm, and TRU wave 6 stretch attack Mr. Fantastic right black hand, along with a DST Invaders box set Bucky head and a wave 30 Ultimate Spider-woman hairpiece.

    Nick Fury:

    If you have an extra TRU wave 6 stretch attack Mr. Fantastic the hairpiece is a definite upgrade for a wave 12 Nick Fury over his original hairpiece.

    (On a side note I feel the wave 12 Nick Fury is in need of a definite re-do).



  8. I know a lot of board member’s who prefer the DST Invader’s box set Captain America the best.

    However, since I am a sucker for slip on masks, I have always preferred the DST Heroes box set Captain America. Some board members were frustrated with this slip on mask, because it was difficult to slip the mask on Captain Americas head.

    Other board members were likewise frustrated with the TRU wave 6 Captain America slip on mask, because the eyeholes came too far down on the mates head. Thus preventing collector’s from seeing his eyes properly through the eye holes.

    What I did to rectify this matter was replace the head of a DST Heroes box set Captain America with a TRU wave 6 Captain America. Then I used the slip on mask from a DST Heroes box set Captain America. The slip on mask can now easily be put on and removed, as well as, cover the entire mate’s head, not to mention one can now see his eyes through the eye holes.


  9. I wanted to ask everyone’s opinions on these minor modifications.

    Do you prefer the DST Heroes box set Hulk with the AFX Defender’s box set Hulk hairpiece, or the TRU wave 6 World War Hulk hairpiece?

    Do you prefer the AFX Defender’s box set Namor with silver wings, from a wave 31 Black Bolt, or his normal appearance?



  10. I always keep an original, and modify an extra. Damn it sucks being a completist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :blink:

    I do the same as bilbofett.

    And elhonez, I was curious if you had a picture of your Power Man with yellow boots?

  11. I gave Spider-Woman both Black Bolt's wings and X-23's hair, which I think looks alot more comic accurate. I also gave Batwoman Black Queen Jean's cape, which looks pretty cool IMO.

    Thats a great idea pioad, you don't happen to have a picture of the modified Spider-Woman do you?

    I was also curious if anyone has tried to do the same thing with the Sub-Mariner? (I'd try to do it, but if I atempted to paint it gold, I bet I'd screw it up)

    I'll try but my Mac is sometimes testy with uploading photos

    Awesome! That Spider-Woman looks great pioad. I think I will have to do that with mine also. Thanks for the pictures.

  12. I gave Spider-Woman both Black Bolt's wings and X-23's hair, which I think looks alot more comic accurate. I also gave Batwoman Black Queen Jean's cape, which looks pretty cool IMO.

    Thats a great idea pioad, you don't happen to have a picture of the modified Spider-Woman do you?

    I was also curious if anyone has tried to do the same thing with the Sub-Mariner? (I'd try to do it, but if I atempted to paint it gold, I bet I'd screw it up)

  13. For anyone wanting to add an Ultimate Colossus or a New X-Men Storm (like the one in the Darktide DVD) to their collection, here is a quick fix.

    Ultimate Colossus:

    Use a wave 3 Cyclops legs, midsection, and body with a wave 7 Silver Surfer’s arms, and a wave 13 Colossus’s head.

    New X-Men Storm:

    Use a wave 6 Phoenix’s legs, midsection, body, arms, and jacket with a wave 3 Storm’s head.



  14. When Lady Loki was first announced, I was thinking, Lady Loki? What about an updated Loki?

    Anyways, once I acquired the minimate, I thought about combining it with a wave 16 Loki in hopes of upgrading the figure. At first, I figured I would not be able to do this successfully because of the differences in color, but one I modified the character it seemed to blend in quite nicely (or at least update it significantly).


    I used the legs, midsection, and arms from the lady Loki and simply attached them to the wave 16 Loki. I feel you barely see the color differential and it works quite well (IMO).



  15. Thanks for the kind words guys, I appreciate it.

    Nice rose NorthRaider, did you make that yourself?

    Good idea to use Deadpools katana’s with Ronin pawcanada, I think I will have to use that idea!

    Thanks for the praise Killek, though I hope they can improve on the Human Torch, maybe something around the lines of the AFX X-Factor box set Iceman, but obviously in red (I agree with bobafett that the AFX X-Factor box set Iceman is the best version).

    I debated moving him to my front line, but for now just kept him in line with my other X-Factor mates.

  16. If there is already a thread about this subject then I apologize in advance to the moderators and ask that it be moved to where it should go (I have seen threads about customizing and compatibility, but not modifying).

    I admit that I am not talented enough to customize minimates, but I have found ways around this, mainly by modifying certain figures that I feel are dated by using parts from other minimates. The other day I was thinking that there is not a thread for Marvel minimate collectors to bounce around ideas about how to improve our mates. I figured I would start the ball rolling on this. Since some members have already commented on the modifications I have done to my Fantastic Four minimates, I will begin with them.

    Invisible Woman:

    I mainly used a SCE Susan Richards, with the right arm from a wave 8 Invisible Woman variant, and an AFX Defenders box set Valkyrie head, with a SCE Dark Avengers box set Ms. Marvel hairpiece.

    Mr. Fantastic:

    I mainly used a SCE Mr. Fantastic without the lab coat (to get the black boots and belt), with a DST Dark Avengers box set Captain Marvel head, and a TRU exclusive stretch attack Mr. Fantastic hairpiece, with Mr. Fantastic wave 8 stretchy arms.

    Human Torch:

    The legs and midsection are from a SCE Johnny Storm (mainly to match my Invisible Woman), and the arms, body, neck flame, flame hairpiece, and fireball are from a DST Invaders box set Human Torch, with the head and fire blast from a wave 8 Torch.


    The legs and arms are from a SCE Thing, with a powerhouse Thing body and midsection, and a clobberin’ time Thing head (the oversized fists were taken from which ever Thing minimate had the best paint job).

    I will occasionally post other modifications that I have done to my collection and encourage others to post pictures and give ideas as to how we can improve our minimates. Hopefully, this will be a useful reference tool for all of us.


  17. wow mrjasontodd, that is a whole mess of sentinels there. any extra Rachel Summers variants you perhaps might wanna spare!

    and mtd20_2000, where di you get those cool display cases?

    hulk197 is correct. I got both the stair display cases and single display cases at the container store. They are relatively cheap ($9.99 and 4.99, I think). I also get my storage containers for extra minimates at the container store. When I get home, I will try to post some pictures of the storage containers in case anyone is interested in them.

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