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Posts posted by entertheninja!

  1. Thanks for the link! I certainly hope DST has or gets the license. I'm thirsting for a scarlett johansen/black widow minimate! Also looking forward to the movie of course. It'll be interesting what the come up as the final product. Want them to eventually get to mandarin as a villain in the series of movies.

    a scarlett johannsen minimate would be wicked...she was in the spirit minimate form as silken floss aka nazi librarian...what i want to know is my minimates dont have proper chests?

  2. Hate to double post but more news about 'Avatar Day' on August 21st (quote from

    Great news for folks trying to find out more about James Cameron's upcoming film Avatar. August 21 will bring about the debut of the film’s trailer all over the world.

    The trailer will be presented in all formats, including IMAX 3-D, IMAX, digital 3-D, digital, and 35mm film formats. Some select theaters will show extended footage prepared by James himself, and the trailer will appear online as well.

    There's even more exciting info after the jump....

    In addition to the film trailer on the 21st, Ubisoft will unveil the trailer for their videogame adaptation of Avatar, and Mattel will reveal the action figures for the film’s Avatar and alien Na’vi characters.

    Four years in the making, AVATAR will take folks to a spectacular new world beyond imagination, where a reluctant hero embarks on a journey of redemption, discovery and unexpected love, as he leads a heroic battle to save a civilization.

    After hearing about all of that, and seeing a picture of it, the movie definitely has my attention. I've been a fan of most of Cameron's work, so I'm sure this film won't disappoint!

  3. Stuff...does anyone else think this will be as epic as he says it will be?

    Epic like Waterworld! Not to Poo Poo this whole thing but I will wait till I see the movie to get super excited with the whole thing. I will say the 3D toy thing is amazing.

    Waterworld didn't have James Camerons direction and you know James Camerons the man...who just convinced Peter Jackson to turn his Lord Of The Rings trilogy into 3-D! He also talked about the possiblility of making Titanic "dimensionalized". He spoke about possible projects for him including Battle Angel and The Dive and even of an Avatar sequel stating that he'll only make a sequel if Avatar tanks...which in my opinion is a smart decision considering the fact that a great movie (generally not just avatar) shouldn't be followed by a mediocre sequel...just think of Predator or Alien or even Rocky and The Godfather

  4. the toys came which present augmented reality in which you can interact with the figure (or the figures with each other) via webcam and some sort RFID chip/barcode heres the video:

    that... is the craziest damn thing i've seen in my life.

    Awesome no?

    Looks like Cameron is out to blow our minds again. How is it a guys who makes movies once or twice a decade is always able to jump so far ahead of the curve? This word gets thrown around a lot but James Cameron may be a genius. Or Avatar could actually be dog shit.

    He spends the time absent honing his skills=) he's gonna do it at the end of Vatar with a climatic battle sequence at the en that's in'll blow us out of the water for sure

  5. What's different about this movie that sets it apart from everything else?

    The way it's shot is what sets it apart which is stereoscopic cameras that is kind of just like a normal camera upgrade except that it makes the whole panoramic angle appear in 3-D (most 3-D movies only have a certain area shot in 3-D). He created a whole alien language used by the NaVis which are the aliens in the movie. Also he's using motion capture with the stereoscopic cameras which make it appear 3-D and real not like most CG effects in movies which show a CG object with the appearance of 3-D not actually three dimensional computer generated effects. Holy Crap I just read what I wrote...Sweet

  6. Cameron had previously stated that he wants the toys at a normal price just like normal action figures so I guess to help the sales by making them more available. He's not making action figures obsolete I think just giving them a much needed upgrade...just like what he's doing to cinema. He's even doing a free 15 minute screening at most digital theatres around the world...just to give us a taste. This movie is going to change cinema for the better. Not a complete 360 but still what he's doing hasn't been seen before...does anyone else think this will be as epic as he says it will be?

  7. the toys came which present augmented reality in which you can interact with the figure (or the figures with each other) via webcam and some sort RFID chip/barcode heres the video:

    that... is the craziest damn thing i've seen in my life.

    Awesome no?

  8. did anyone see footage at comic con? Cuz it was a big deal...the AVATAR website is up:

    thats all the news so far oh and the toys came which present augmented reality in which you can interact with the figure (or the figures with each other) via webcam and some sort RFID chip/barcode heres the video:

  9. Just got back from san Diego and couldn't get tickets but it's gonna get wild out there for sure...and I know it's a very dumb question but how much would tickets be for next years con I'm 13 and I think I wouldn't get a free badge...if someone could fill me in it'd be much obliged

  10. I have a new artist to add to my favorites: His name is DragonBoy Suede and he's hilarious! He was on a podcast called "Comedy Death Ray" which is a hilarious indie radio talk show and his song "You Wont Sass Me Like That When I Can Summon Wolves". He's a cross polination between Weird Al and Mickey Avalon...He's pretty funny...worth listening to definatly...

  11. I've been following this movie since about '07 and not much has come out ever since but on Wikipedia today it looks as though an image from the film has been posted:

    Have you heard of this movie, cuz a lot of people have not...and its budget is like over $300 million dollars...its supposed to revolutionize 3D imagery...Considering the little existing information what do you think about the movie and do you think it will change 3D?

    note: James Cameron is going to be screening Avatar footage at Comic-Con and it looks like banners were posted around the convention center which show the first images of the Navi aliens in Avatar. Take a look:post-2101-1247693451_thumb.jpg

  12. I think if they put Guy Gardener into the movie he should be played by Anton Yelchin who played Chekov in Star Trek and Kyle Reese in Terminator Salvation...On a seperate note I think Ryan Reynolds is a good choice but not great...I much wouldve preferred Bradley Cooper... Doug Jones should play Abin Sur in my opinion...

  13. Heyheyhey cmon this a book thread not a dating(or not dating)thread! And while were on the subject I'm thirteen and have a problem with going out with girls I mean seriously I can't even drive yet! For real I mean if I go "out" with a girl I'll tell her that it'll just be an at school thing and we might hang out at the mall a couple of's more like friends with that title...whatever well I finished the Road and I cried a bit it's the saddest book I've ever read I can't believe the ending it delievered so much now I'm gonna buy the last Olympian

  14. I think they're taking the cannible characters from the book and overusing them to make it more of an action suspense kind of movie. I'm at the part in the book where the man and the boy have run out of food and camp out in a forrest where trees start falling on them...I might be a bit further but I'm not sure.=)

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