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Bob Harris

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Posts posted by Bob Harris

  1. Since I'm not the hardcore collector I should be - it's hard to be a hardcore mate-collector in Germany, believe me! - I really love both waves, but see a few characters I don't really long for. I'm pleased to have one "perfect" version of a character instead of getting spidey³, so I don't need to get the new Cap - but have to, because of Red Skull -, Psylocke - but have to, because of Gambit, which hopefully will be perfect with a cool staff, a exchangeable card deck holding hand a well designed not-looking-like-the-Ultimate-Sabertooth-coat coat -, as well as the new Iron Men and the AIM Agents (I wanted Hydra goons and Hand ninjas!) I'm really looking forward to see those gamma-powered mates, since I think that both are cool designed characters, although I don't really know much about both of them. So I'll stick with BHM and start reading a little to "'brush up' on them".

    And for Deadpool beeing packed with another Wolvie, I listen to the godlike voice that whispered

    You'll just have to wait and see, but he looks gooooood. Best Wolverine ever.
    So, I'll be fine with that choice!
  2. To choose only one is really hard, so I went for Gambit. Not because I love him most of them, but I'm really looking forward to what kind of accessories and designs he will come with. There has to be a nice made staff and I want a cool exchangeable hand which holds a deck of cards. And I hope, that the coat is somewhat cooler than the Ultimate Sabertooth coat. I don't like that one.

    But I'm also looking forwad to see Red Hulk and Ska'ar. Although I am not really into them in the comics, I like the designs of those characters a lot and the mates will be cool as well, I hope.

    All in all both waves feature a lot of awesome characters, so it's easier to say, which ones I don't really long for. These might be Bolt Face Iron Man, the AIM Agent (I wanted a Hydra goon or a Hand ninja!), and, I must admit, Psylocke and the new Cap.

  3. The answer to most of your points lies in this thought announced in the AA blog:

    Astute observers may notice that these lineups do not match the clues as revealed earlier this week - and that is true. Each site was given half of each lineup to make sure EVERYONE would be surprised by the results - including the participants! Don’t worry if you sent in your guesses though, prizes and points will be awarded based on the lineups given to each site, not this list.

    So for the clues, The third pack of each wave belonged to the other wave; Sabertooth - Skrull to the 25, Ironman - Aim Agent to wave 26.

    Edit: Ah, I'm too late as well.

    But there are still some points not clear. I guess, Red Hulk is counted as a villain, Skaar as an undecided character. That was my guess as well. But I still don't really get the clue 2 on wave 26. Can anyone tell me which minority Gambit and Psylocke belong to? Or is it that each belongs to a seperate minority, e.g. Gambit is cajun, Psylocke from England?

  4. I just came back from sports, it's 9:30 in the evening around here and: Whoohoooo, I won!

    Thanks a lot to everyone who is involved in the contest!

    And sorry folks - especially Dinobot ;) -, that because I wasn't at home, I couldn't respond to you earlier, asking me to put up my line - since, Oh mein Gott!, I nailed the whole wave 25 line-up :D

    This whole contest was just awesome! Congrats to all the other winners!

    AND: we'll get a Deadpool! Yay! And Rulk and Skaar, I guess I'm really gonna love those waves!

    Edit: Oh, and is Halsqueek - the other "official best-guesser of the year" - one of us, or did the only kraut on the mmmv keeps the flag flying, if you will pardon my saying so? :P

    (I do hope that's the right colloquialism, BHM?!?)

    Edit²: Oh, and can anyone tell me which minority Gambit and Psylocke belong to?

  5. bubblebursting time. :(



    New Thor/Hydra

    Nick Fury (variant)

    I guess the variant is a variant of the mate in the third pack.

    Your guess should include seven Minimates (one is reused for the variant two-pack).

    But rien ne va plus, the solution will be here any hour.


    Hmm. I wonder if that means it's the same character, or just uses the same parts? IE: the standard minimate body. ;)

    Nice thought. Maybe if they're really tricky - which they are! - it might be meant like that. But I guess, if you check clue #1 as well

    Clue 1:

    4 Heroes

    1 Villain

    1 Mercenary

    you count six characters. But maybe even that just refers to three 2-packs and not the whole wave. Anyways, I still stick to the variant-of-one-of-the-wave's-mates-theory as long as I realize that I'm totally wrong. ;)

    I wish both of us good luck. (Besides that I don't have Thor in it, my final guess is exactly the same as yours.)

  6. bubblebursting time. :(



    New Thor/Hydra

    Nick Fury (variant)

    I guess the variant is a variant of the mate in the third pack.

    Your guess should include seven Minimates (one is reused for the variant two-pack).

    But rien ne va plus, the solution will be here any hour.


  7. Not true. No one ever said the "Three new costumed versions of previously released characters" were all DIFFERENT characters. Two of them could be the same character but in different outfits. Just sayin'.

    That really saves me from going insane, and don't have to re-do my hole guess. Even if it's "just saying"!

    Thanks Matt :D

  8. The Skrulls have their own series right now (Secret Invasion) and they are an army builder who tried to kill Wolverine in the Savage Land.

    If the Secret Invasion counts as own Series, that might be a pretty good idea. Since I have Sabertooth in the third Pack, a Skrull fits there as well as any other army builder. You migth have convinced me. ;)


    Oh, and I just realized, that - at least in wave 26 - the variant is not the variant of one of the character in the same wave, since the clues:

    - Four are new characters making their Minimates debut

    - Three are new costumed versions of previously released characters

    say, that there have to be 7 different mates in there.

    Darn! :ohmy:

  9. The Fwoosh clues:

    1 Hero

    4 Villains

    1 new character yet to pick a side


    Three star in their own comic series

    We have a hero (say it's Cap), a side-chooser (say it's Skaar), so we need a villain to star in his own comic series. I ownly know Thunderbolts as classic villains with their own series...

  10. The Fwoosh says:

    One is a new 616 character with a previously released Ultimate universe Minimate

    Minimate Database says:

    * Captain America

    * Cyclops

    * Hulk

    * Iron Man

    * Jean Grey

    * Logan

    * Sabretooth

    * Storm

    * Ultimate Green Goblin

    * Ultimate Spider-Man

    * Wolverine

  11. I was just thinking, that you could put up instead of an enormous and generous first price - including 5 2-packs, if I'm counting right! - more winners. Like first winner is allowed to choose two packs of those, second place is allowed to pick one of the remaining, third gets the one that's left behind. Just, you know, guessing and, well, um, hehe :blush:

    On a seperate note, who am I to suggest anything and the contestmaster is always right...

    (I guess, if it comes to shipping, everybody would help you out with a little money.)

  12. I don't think, that the variant will be a complete new mate - as in wave 24 - because, first it won't actually be a variant, second, in the rules they also used a variant of the pack 3 character

    Wolverine & Spider-Man

    Iron Man & Thing

    Ms Marvel & Captain America

    Classic Ms Marvel (variant)

    and third, because that would drive me completely nuts. I guess number three is the most important reason.

    And I don't think that there will be a Shield agent coming up with (maybe) Nick Fury, because it's said, that the wave 26 army builder wears a ridiculous custome. Must be a Hydra Soldier. So, that Hydra goon seems to be the villain, which means Sabertooth can't be included here. I think muderofcrows list is fine, at least I'm not sure about the to mutants...

    Oh, and TBT!, a Falcon would be awesome!

  13. There are:

    Iron Man

    The incredible Hulk

    Punisher War Zone

    That's it, right?

    So I stick with my first guess Nick Fury as the Silver Age hero and the Mr. Jackson Variant.

    But the Fwoosh clue bugs me:

    Clue 3:

    Variant: Costume variant from the summer of 1977...

  14. I love to join your contest! Thanks a lot for making this up!

    And thanks for keeping the time-zone problem in mind!

    And concerning the

    member who in my opinion (& only my opinion)* gets the most answers correct wins.
    idea, this works fine for me. (Rule number one at the Irsih Pub Quiz - yes, I visit such strange places even in Germany - is "the quizmaster is always right, even if he's wrong, he's right.")

    Go ahead, I'm pretty excited!

  15. Captain Marvel as a Silver Age Hero offering the possibility for a varaint is okay, but I stick with Luke, who mentioned that

    whoever is packed with the army builder needs to make sense.

    So which army builder makes sense being packed with Marvel? I don't think that it will be Marvel. But who am I anyway and who says, that Luke's premise is right.

    The thing with the Merc, what, if the Army Builder is the Merc? This would allow us to come up with another villain...

    I'm still with aaaaargh! :wacko:

    (cause of Bob and his ridiculous costume)
    I don't have such things!!!
  16. You can enter once for each day's clue, up to a maximum of four times total.

    I don't see, that this is clearly answered before: I'm allowed to enter once a day, four times as a maximum. If this is a contest during a whole week - which means 7 days - it'd be stupid to enter in the first three days, right? (Of course I entered yesterday!) Or does the whole contest last only 4 days?

    I am confused.

  17. 25.

    The Wrecking Crew would be perfect, but I don't think they will come up with them. I guess, they pick some folks that appear in some actual storylines. I don't think that it will be an Army builder wave neither, even if it's pretty cool. Maybe it's the guts. (Maybe the ycorrespond with karamazov's... Well, hope not...) Maybe the new Thunderbolts. I'm not really into them, but what's up with this Ex-Speedball Now-Penance guy. Is he to choose a side? I don't know. I think that Worldwar Hulk or the actual Thor might be coming up as well, but I haven't read anything from those stories, so I can't even put up a line. So I stick to the Death of Captain America and the aftermath of that event. Many villains.


    Since Spidey is up in Wave 23 (or 24?), I don't think, they come up with another series. I mean right now. They will come up with about onehunderd new spidey waves, but not right now. Which brings me up to the Wolverine movie. It would fit pretty well to the Hulk and Iron Man movies, BUT, maybe, since the Wolverine movie isn't one of those Marvel Studios productions, it might be worng.

    All in all: Aaargh! :confused:

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