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Posts posted by jjwspider

  1. I think you're right on that, PL, and I think that's what Marvel has been doing with Marvel Unlimited. It's basically an all-you-can-eat buffet of back issues; I've recently been reading through X-men from issue 1. I think the yearly sub for unlimited issues is something comixology or DC themselves really need to look at.

    To take your TV show analogy further, perhaps these "reboots" would more accurately be considered as "seasons:" in much the same way as TV shows will end with a cliffhanger, then promote and begin the next season as "everything has changed," the marketing of these shifts in the status quo in retrospect turn out to be a lot of hype, but a fairly consistent flow of events in the actual comics.

    Per Bleeding Cool, it appears this may be happening with Amazon. Since Amazon bought Comixology, apparently the newer contracts require the ability to allow for read only options after X months after release. The article was pretty vague, but Comixology Submit comics will be impacted. Still yet to be determined how this would impact Marvel, DC, Valiant, Image, etc. If DC and Valiant were part of it, I would definitely be interested.

  2. I want a better look, but I'm really enjoying the new Spider-Man 2099 suit. Still not sure about the new Amazing Spider-Man look, but that could just be Alex Ross's design and some other artists may pull off the concept a bit smoother that what's been presented so far. I think I'm in the minority, but I'm looking forward to checking out quite a few of these new titles when they become available (through the Unlimited app that is).

    As for the other conversation, I have personally enjoyed a larger range of comics because of some of the changes that have been made. Superior Spider-Man turned out to be an absolute blast and I would happily pick up the ongoing adventures of Spidey-Ock. The Flash Thompson/Venom merger has been the best thing to come from both characters in a long, long time. The establishment of Miles Morales as Spider-Man in the Ultimate Universe was handled extremely well, I just wish we would have gotten some resolution to the return of Peter Parker and the spider-twins that popped up early in the MM:Ultimate Spidey run. The new Nova series was pretty well handled overall and I have enjoyed Mark Waid's take on DareDevil quite a bit. It's all personal choices, but I'm interested in seeing Peter Parker as a successful business man (not sure how the "body guard" angle works in a universe where Tony Stark has already outed himself as a body guard though). I'm interested to see what happens to Battleworld and how that plays into the new Marvel U. I don't expect everything to be a hit, or even good, but as long as I can enjoy some stories with characters I've either grown up with or grown to enjoy, I'll call it a win.

  3. I got the unlimited app when it was free last month and it's amazing. I can read pretty much anything I want for ten bucks a month. I've been filling in tons of blind spots. I can cherry pick new stuff if something sounds good while avoiding events like this. Works for me!

    I can honestly say that the yearly subscription to Unlimited has saved me a ton of money. I've stopped purchasing some titles, allowed some subscriptions to expire and almost completely stopped buying digital Marvel titles as a result of the available catalog. It's been a good way to stay semi up to date with the newer stuff I've enjoyed (Daredevil, Uncanny X-Men, etc) while not having to shell out $4-5 per book. Aside from Ultimate Spider-Man and Amazing, I've pretty much dropped all the other Marvel titles in favor of reading them later.

  4. if this line gets me beetle, kraven, scorpion,a shocker, and a jack o'lantern or any of his villians i dont have already for that matter i think i'd be set

    Definitely in for Beetle, if that ever happens! Would love to see the Ultimate suit in minimate form. Steel Spider would be high up on my list as well. Hopefully, I'll be able to find the Walgreen's exclusives, as Spidey 2099 and Agent Venom need to be part of my collection.

  5. We're almost to February and no sign of this wave yet. At this rate, 2015 isn't looking good. Of perhaps even greater concern, both of the TRU's closest to me are either out of stock on minimates or have limited/clearance quantities of Amazing Spider-Man 2 left. The TMNT waves appear to have moved very quickly and Marvel hasn't been re-stocked in quite some time.

  6. 3 army builders:

    - Spider-Minions

    - Spider-cops (Spider-Man 2211's organization that prevent time stream corruption)

    - Spider-Slayers

    (Removed The Brood, since they've been made)

  7. I really want to build an army of Spider Minions.


    Totally agree, I've wanted to see these as mates since they first appeared in the comic.

    I would also love to see some "concept" Spidey mates. For example, the spread from Ultimate Spider-Man #200 has some fantastic designs, especially the "Scarlet Spider" armor, the six armed Tarantula, the "older" Spidey... not to mention the Ultimate Beetle armor.

    I also wouldn't mind seeing a Blood-Spider mate. But the top two on my list would have to be Kaine Scarlet Spider and Spider-Man Unlimited. I've always loved that costume, it's a shame it was almost completely forgotten after the cartoon was pulled.

  8. 1 - Scarlet Spider


    2 - Ben Reilly Spider-Man


    3 - Superior Spider-Man


    4 - Miles Morales Ultimate Spider-Man


    5 - Big Time Spider-Man


    It should be noted that some of these could change on any given day, as I feel that Future Foundation, Insulated, Web Armor and Iron Spider all could have made this list. Additionally, if we ever get a Kaine Scarlet Spider, Ends of the Earth Spider-Man or Hydra Spider-Man 2099, this list could be updated again.

    - Hail Ivan

  9. Love the Maximum Carnage and Clone Saga suggestions and would add the following:

    Marvel vs Ultraverse:

    - Wolverine vs Nightman

    - Iron Man vs Prototype

    - Captain America vs Hardcase

    - Spider-Man vs Prime

    - Spider-Man vs Spider-Prime (variant)

    ^ I'm fully aware that I may be the only person that would actually want to buy this set

    Goblin Nation:

    - Green King/Battle Damaged Superior Spider-Man

    - Goblin Knight/Cardiac

    - Spider-Man 2099/Hobgoblin

    - Spider-Minion/Spider-Slayer

    - Battle Damaged Spider-Minion/Spider-Slayer

    I also wouldn't mind seeing Ends of the Earth and Mutant X (Havok) waves, but haven't worked out who would be included with either of those.

  10. Alexi is one per case? Really hope that's a misprint, as it would make this figure even more difficult to obtain. Even though I'm not interested in this mate, it could set a bad precedent going forward. Will most certainly be picking up the Spider-Man and Peter Parker mates, and might have to buy doubles to get a non-battle damaged firefighter Spidey.

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