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Posts posted by Chazwinski

  1. Went shopping around today. Saw the Venom/Daken 2 pack but no Cyclops/Phoenix (I hope I get mine in the mail soon).

    Bought the Wolverine vs. Hand Ninja. The first pic is of Wolvie, He's a little too tall like the other MU Wolvies (pic 2) but his head sculpt is the best so far IMO and he looks a LOT better than the Wolverine:Origins one as you can see in the third pic.

    I still like the Brown Wolverine from the Origins line best though(pic 4) as it's the right size. I'm also officially avoiding Wolverines from now on.



    I also got Iron Spidey. He's cool and they even explain why this figure has 4 tentacles instead of 3. Evidently the suits are being used by other "Scarlet Spiders" and now have the 4 arms. I am also officially avoiding Spider-mans now. I have enough.


    Also got a Darth Vader/Snowtrooper/BikerScout set on sale.

  2. For the low, low price of $30! :P

    Ouch. That's what I was afraid of. I need to keep money in my Paypal account in case another stolen Classic Storm shows up on e-bay (I missed the two that have shown up). I know...that's contributing to crime, but I'm mad at Hasbro after they specifically said that they would give info on the Giant-Sized X-Men set at SDCC, but didn't. It was like, "We're going to make everyone suffer for our secret getting spoiled!". I also resent buying 6 figures to get 1 that I want. :angry:

  3. Got a few of these guys over the past days. Got Wrecker from a member of another forum, and SDCC Cap, two AIM Soldiers, and Hulkbuster from Chicago Comic Con.

    I've only looked at Wrecker so far as he came loose, and he rocks!!! Now I have to go and find the rest of the Crew.

    I've seen reviews (check out the one on Chase Variant) of the SDCC Captain America and they're almost all positive. I'm jealous that you snagged one.

  4. :lol: I know these would be awfully controversial, but not only would Brad Pitt's Aldo Raine & Christopher Waltz's Hans Landa make cool looking minimates...the entire cast would make fantastic army builders.

    The Platoon minimates were excellent for capturing the Vietnam era. These would capture the WWII era. I'd love to pose my Captain America punching Landa. ;)

  5. I would love a 3.75" DC line of figures, but let's face it. They need to scrap this line and start from scratch. At least bring them up to the Marvel Universe level. MU has it's own issues with quality control but they are still superior IMO. I only own the new, more articulated Batman. He is dwarfed by my MU figures and doesn't look buff enough. The females in this line are atrocious-looking. If only they could take the phenomenal DC Universe Classics and shrink them LOL!

  6. I already have an X-Force Wolverine and this was the wrong line-up for me, personally.

    I would have gotten a set with Domino, Vanisher, Elixir, & Wolfsbane.

    I'm at the point that I'll refuse anything with Wolvie in it even if I like the other characters.

    Yes, I'm THAT sick of him.

  7. Don't feel bad. I grew up in the 70's collecting Megos and then selling them all in a garage sale because I had started collecting 3.75" figures. Mostly Star Wars, but also Flash Gordon, Buck Rogers, & anything else that scale. By the early 80's I was getting G.I. Joe and the occasional MOTU. In the early 90's Toy Biz had switched the scale to 5" and I sold all my 3.75" vintage figures so I could go to a rave in St. Louis. I continued to collect 5" figures and some of the 8" Famous Covers series until the Marvel Legends craze hit. I simply couldn't go through this again and missed out on the entire 6-7" line. Now MU came out and I was, I already collect minimates and I love them, that's enough. But I just couldn't resist having them in this scale. I don't know, maybe I'm crazy. I thought I had gotten past all this. :lol:

  8. By the way, I don't collect Star Wars, however; I recently snagged Boba Fett and all the bounty hunter characters because I always liked them. The I-G88 & Bossk figures come with a huge bag of extra weapons behind the cards. More than enough weapons that are in scale with your MU figures. It was kinda a neat surprise.

  9. A Hasbro rep. recently admitted that they had messed up on the distribution (Especially the Jean/Vision/Warpath Wave), but as it was the first year of the MU line they were still learning and that we should see an improvement in waves to come. However, some of the recent cases sent to Target have been more peg-warmers which is really ticking off fans.

    They need to realize that everybody has an Iron Man that wants one. It's the new characters that are selling out and we need to stay strong and refuse to give into expensive online prices (unless it's your absolute favorite character). I'm also very tired of them packing new characters with repaints that you don't want so they can charge extra. I'd honestly rather them all be single-carded because even though I can save money on a pack that has 2 characters that I want, usually I'm wasting money on someone I don't!

    Speaking of Jean, I keep hearing collectors call her ugly, which I think is mis-leading. The head was placed too forward as Nessex said, giving her a very unattractive hunchback...but they did give her a pretty heart-shaped face that was much nicer than anything else I've seen in their 3.75 inch females including the G.I. Joe line.

  10. The shoulder piece is trimmed from a Dawn Indiemate, and then glued on. It took a few attempts but now it's pretty sturdy and she still has good articulation in the arm. The BW hair luckily leaves enough space over the shoulder for her head to move pretty freely too. I'm happy with how she turned out, with a bit of luck she came together well!

    She's great. It just upsets me more that she won't be in the new box set coming out. I thought Magik would be a shoe-in. I find her very interesting visually. Magik, Magma, & Dani would all have been more interesting than Karma IMO.

    Although, speaking of Karma, you made a very good face-choice.

  11. I'm happy for all of the Fantastic Four's been a long time since they were shown some love (and these look great).

    I'm perfectly happy with my old FF minimates though, so I can sit this one out (Thank God! I hate searching for TRU exclusives!).

  12. So i have Stretch attack Mr Fantastic/WWH and Klaw Mohawk Storm and Iron man Mark IV armor/ Whiplash extras so i was going to put them on ebay or trade them, but do you know of any parts on these that i could use for something else...i was thinking of using storms mohawk, repainting it for another daken...IDK any suggestions?

    You could use Whiplash arms for a Constrictor custom or even a Blacklash custom. Storm's mohawk may be too bushy for a Gladiator custom but it could work. WWHulk's armor could be used to create medieval warriors.

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