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Posts posted by Shanester

  1. In the early days, Manny & Adam were frequent visitors. Manny left AA, but Adam was a rare but still visible visitor. News was never forthcoming on any level.

    Matt and Chuck are both good guys. I think they would be willing to give us little tidbits of news if asked nicely. Hopefully, we can harass them at SDCC.

  2. Again, I always got the impression that AA was a little aprehensive about having the forums. They always seemed afraid that someone (parents of consumers, other companies they partnered with, etc.) was going to get upset by things said in the threads. Even seemingly mild-mannered comments. I think they considered the forums more of a headache, than fun and lost interest long ago.

    The forums gave birth to the AACC. The AACC was a good intention that was abandoned by the one company it supported. This lead to a lot of upset people (some got ripped off) and was always a thorn in the side of the forums. AA has dropped the forums, dropped the overhead expenses, dropped the need for dedicated forum attention, and dropped any liability the forum may have created. Another good intention that was abandoned by the company it supported.

    I am not upset with AA. I think that this new forum (MMMV) gives all parties more freedom and very little (if any) liability. I can't say much about MOST of the guys at AA, but I know there is at least one employee (ADAM) who cares about the consumers, and therefore keeps my support.

    My only regret about the drop of the AA forums is that we haven't gotten any visits from AA or DST (well that are not anonymous) here at MMMV. Hopefully, this will change.

  3. I'm just being nosey and letting my curiosity rule. I must say that I am not much for going to cons or genre shows. I have been to a few small local shows and attended Wizard World Texas last year (probably the biggest con for me). This year the International GI Joe con is in my backyard, so I am going to that and San Diego CC 2006 is a stop I am making next month for the first time.

    I think I am going to do Wizard Texas again this year, but no solid plans yet. What shows/cons are you planning for 2006?

  4. I haven't even seen the movie yet. One of my sons got a car from a box of Fruit Loops a few days ago. Its a police car and its a pullback. If you want it, I am sure they would give it up.

    I have seen the merch at Wal-Mart, but I am usually so disappointed at not finding a ML variant Sentry, that I walk past them without a second look.

  5. Movies on DVD that are worth seeing, in case you missed them

    - A History of Violence {good story, good performances, good movie, you probably missed it at theatres}

    - Suspect Zero {same as above}

    Saw both of these. A History of Violence on DVD, Suspect Zero in theater. Both are good, but I was much more impressed with AHOV. Suspect Zero requires your attention or you could get lost, IMO.

    Also, The Hills Have Eyes (REMAKE). This is a rare occassion where the remake is a bit better than the original. However, I think its better because the budget was MUCH larger and the story is expanded upon in more detail. I think folks understand it better than the original, plus the gore is there in buckets!

  6. Venture Brothers Season 1

    Finally, I have been waiting for this for a long time.

    The show: I love this series and it just gets better now that season 2 kicked off last night. The show is getting darker and more adult targeted(language & adult situations), which is just fine by me. Go team Venture! The show is a play on the old Johnny Quest series (only us old-timers will remember), which I loved. Race Bannon even makes a cameo in Episode 7: Ice Station - Impossible! Venture Brothers has been growing in popularity since it first aired in February 2003 and I see a long future ahead for this classic.


    The DVD: Venture Brothers Season 1 plays in the same format it was broadcast in. As with many animated DVDs, it suffers from some very slight bleeding problems, yet the colors are pretty solid and the thick black lines (which is a VB trademark) look really good. Overall, a standard video transfer for television animation. The sound is good and the soundtrack plays well on a surround system.


    The Extras: Venture Brothers: Season 1 comes in a very cool fold-out cardboard casing with the chapter-listings printed on them. It features retro, James Bond-esque animation on the inner case. Special features include: Select episode commentaries by show creators Doc Hammer and Jackson Publick, VB Pilot with optional Commentary, A Very Venture Christmas Bonus Episode, Some Deleted Scenes, Behind the Scenes of the Venture Bros. live action movie, & Animating Hank and Dean. The pilot is a bit rough, but this is how this show started out. The commentaries are a good listen, as well.


    Overall: I give it :):):):mellow:


  7. I like Candy Arter better.

    This is probably the fastest growing forum I have ever belonged to as a member, but it also has an unusual birth. This place was developed by Ady as a home for the wayward mini figure fan (after AA dropped us). Its not hard to see why it has become popular so quickly. Also, most of us know each other so its easy to get along.

  8. Any chance you could get 4 Shane?

    Bit cheeky I know, I only just found out they'd be on sale at SDCC.

    No worries if they're restricting sales though. Cheers.

    It doesn't hurt to ask. I will see what they allow me.

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