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Posts posted by BannersID

  1. Now lets all go pester Zach to make *Insert obscure property here* Minimates

    Golden Girls. We're still waiting for Golden Girls.

    MMMV is more interesting when there's at least one fight going on. I like being able to use this GIF as much as possible:


    Golden girls, you nailed it. I would love a Betty White mate.

  2. I'm not looking to lay out any kind of judgement here, just an observation to think about.

    This place is a safe haven for a lot of people, myself included. I know from experience that the mods and staff of boards that are really run well don't just haul of and do things in an arbitrary manner, they take the time to review with each other the situation and what appropriate action may or may not be. This is a really well maintained board. The eight some odd years of messages and sharing from dozens of long standing members I've witnessed is evidence of that. A place like this where lots of different folks come for entertainment or even comfort sometimes it demands some moderation to keep it from tearing itself up, it happens. The times in life when we really need a reality check are most often the very moments when we have the hardest time giving ourselves one.

    "Do as you will, Be aware the affect you have on others."

    Now lets all go pester Zach to make *Insert obscure property here* Minimates

  3. Oh, is that it? Okay, never mind.

    Zach rules.

    First day back to work this week and I go straight to this thread for infotainment and Zach gives this awesome line! Made my day.

    Yeah he's great, a real nice representative for his company to personally attack someone, in a speculation thread no less.

    I sure don't see any attack happening here. he did offer up some defense to the slightly disparaging statements you made but beyond that it hardly looks like some kind of unprovoked personal attack. I guess I've come to learn when you put YOUR opinion out there for the world to review, you should steel yourself for some response to it and keep in mind everyone out there may not be on the same page as you.

  4. would the Batman tv show/movie from the 60's count as a new License since WB acquired all the merchandise rights this year? (except for home video boo!)

    box 1


    Batman, Robin, Batgirl, Alfred

    box 2


    Joker, Riddler, Penguin, Catwoman


    Batmobile w/ Bruce ? Gordon ?

    All these characters featured in the movie and yes it is a classic and would sell like wild fire I reckon. although I am sure I've heard people asking about the tv batmobile it may have been before Zach took the reigns.

  5. ok, in an effort to push away from disney princess movies, I feel like I need to point out the new Mad Max IS a WB release, also, He never said that wasn't it and has dispelled quite a few other notions. I don't want to spoil Zachs fun but, I for one am looking forward to a police interceptor.he did say it was older than these dates but Im still going to run with this

    when this does pan out to be some kind of classic disney set I am going to have to go underground on my minimates addiction.

  6. Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension box sets with Jet Car?

    this would make me squeal with unbridled glee, however only 2 box sets would leave me pinning for more

    Mad Max box sets with Interceptor vehicle?

    holds a lot of promise given a re boot in the works, and the interceptor works with the car theme already favored

    I guess pleas for Firefly minis got glossed over by me, fandom spends a lot of time begging for a return of that series in some form so I always figure thats what ever article or posting must be about when I see it mentioned so I tend to ignore it these days, my bad.

  7. Marvel held the star wars license when I was a kid, there was also a newspaper strip I remember being in print for awhile. both dealt with time in between the movies. now that the same company is in control of the whole shabang it wouldn't surprise me to see a title carry on in that manner. I do not recall a single cross over with the MU back in the day it was a stand alone similar to the John Carter series they used to run.

  8. With the sad news about "less than 50% chance" of more Universal Monsters in the most recent Q & A, I'm wondering:

    Would anybody else want to get together an "Ask DST" letter writing campaign, asking that we get one, final 4-pack of monsters with a Chaney, Sr. Phantom of the Opera, Metaluna Mutant, Mole Man and Invisible Man? Anybody at all? I don't know if it could be a con exclusive or TRU or even Luke's Toy Store (if he could do it)... just something to help those of us who love this line get a proper send off? Anybody?

    count me in, most of this line up was what I was really looking forward to in the monsters line (I was harboring serious plans to army build the Metaluna Mutant in a big way). Although I would push for a substitute of the Pipe Organ or Ygor in favor of the Mole Men, they were cool with the freaky hands and pulling you into the ground and all but I don't see that pick as having even the smallest fraction of recognition or impact that Ygor or an instrument for the Phantom might have (it is a damn, dirty shame The Fly wasn't a Universal item, a wave for that movie and Hello Vincent Price mini:)) although a boxset for this forgoten gem would also bring me a much wanted VP mate

  9. just having a poor day and sat down to re-watch the first trek film to take myself out of the moment a bit. The first thing I notice is in the opening when young kirk is blazing down the road in the corvette, when he passes the kid on the side of the road I will be damned if he doesn't wave and cry out "HEY JOHNNY!!" Maybe I'm just desperate to know whats going on in the new movie (spoilers never phased me much) but it could just be there is unseen or un-filmed story that gives history between the john harrison character and kirk. that said I think we will be seeing an all new character that would seem for now to carry traits from all three front runners of speculation, if j.j. manages to tie things into the first movie to give things that air of continuity like a small detail such as driving past a future antagonist like what I'm speculating and brings an feeling of familiarity by bringing reworked characters/concepts in, like tos spock or an amalgam character like we might see in harrison, I would be real sad this is only set as a trilogy for now. if this is the path being carved I am desperate for this to make its way into a weekly tv show of some kind, I would tolerate a certain level of outright retreads and all for something like that.

    TOS was a HUGE part of my childhood it was and has been kind of gut wrenching to watch the stars of that show age and fade off and know there would be no more new adventures from that cast. The J.J. project actually gave me a lot of hope in seeing new adventures from familiar characters. Please do better than Uncle George here J.J., please.

    Trek fans being compared to a "herd of cats" makes me smile in a big way, herd of cats, lol.

  10. DC still seems like a stretch at this point. Star Wars though, thats starting to seem inevitable. Gods help us all. *heavy sigh* while I contemplate the need to pursue 138 different Luke Skywalker mates, ohh and the playsets and vehicles that are sure to follow, although I thought I read uncle george retained some portion of the license merchandising rights.

  11. Just re reading this thread and it occurred to me a great old school character that could play into this "new" universe would be Trelaine and his race. It ties to the original series in a way much like Spock (Nimoy) and its wide open for new possibilities or something as simple as the original character seeking revenge on his old playmates. I really don't mind new takes on old things but movies that wind up being nearly shot for shot remakes, well you know.. Also I have to agree some kind of good ole fashioned slugfest with the Klingons would be the bees knees.

  12. Honestly a retread of the space seed/TWOK episodes/movie would seriously disappoint me. That scenario got played out very well the first time around IMHO, doing a retread of that set up would be too much like another remake of Psycho. I much fonder of the idea of a revamp of a old character in a new way, some one like Mitchell or Garth seem like winners. I guess I just can't picture how a decent set up for Khans revenge would get set up in a single movie, lets face it ST2:TWOK was inspired screen writing.

    I think Mitchell works well in what we have seen, as for weapons and starships for a demi-god, if it starts out in the same way as the episode those powers are new to Mitchell they could be easily played out as taking a longer time to develop than they did in the episode giving the special effects crews a chance to strut their stuff with some fancy space battles instead of Gary just blinking things out of his way with the wave of a hand.

  13. I feel the need to share this for anyone curious.


    I have used Hobby Link Japan, many,many times in the past, and agree with what has been written about their service here. Well run store with 0 troubles on my end in the past. Dozens of orders, really.

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